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After waiting for five years, the second season of "Celebration of the Year" is finally here!

What was the first season of "Celebration of the Year" about?

At the beginning of the story, the young Fan Xian lives a peaceful life in the seaside town of Tanzhou, and his life story is mysterious and full of unknowns. Under the guidance of the mysterious teacher and the blindfolded guardian, Fan Xian gradually became familiar with pharmacology, cultivated overbearing true qi and refined martial arts, successfully resolving many crises. As his curiosity about the mystery of his life story deepened, Fan Xian left Tanzhou and embarked on a journey to Kyoto.

In Kyoto, Fan Xian faced more complex family, rivers and lakes and temple disputes. With his resourcefulness and bravery, he succeeded in standing out among the younger generation. Not only did he win the title of poetry in Kyoto, but he also showed outstanding talents in sending to neighboring countries, rescuing hostages, integrating spy networks and investigating smuggling cases. In the process, Fan Xian always adhered to the belief of justice and goodness, and wrote a glorious life legend with practical actions.

However, the story does not end here. The first season of "Celebration of More Than Years" also left a lot of suspense while telling the story of Fan Xian’s growth and legend. First, what kind of powerful weapons are hidden in the mysterious box left by Fan Xian’s mother, Ye Qingmei, has become a big mystery in the hearts of the audience. Secondly, Ye Qingmei once told Fan Xian that there are secrets hidden under the lake bottom of Taiping Courtyard for many years, and warned him not to explore them easily. However, what secrets are hidden at the bottom of the lake, and why only the Fan family can find them, have left endless reverie for the audience.

In addition, Ye Qingmei, a female character with superpowers, played a pivotal role in the play. She made great contributions to the power of Qing Guo, but was suddenly killed by Emperor Qing. The reason and the truth behind this are also very curious. Wuzhu, as a character with an eternal face and eternal youth, has become the focus of the audience’s attention.

What is even more interesting is that at the end of the first season, the male protagonist Fan Xian seems to be facing a life-and-death crisis. What is his fate and whether he can successfully resolve the crisis have also become the most concerned questions of the audience. These suspense not only laid the groundwork for the follow-up plot, but also made the audience look forward to the second season of "Celebration of More Than a Year".

"Celebrating More Than Years" Season 2 Premiere

Judging from the content of the premiere, the opening of the second season of "Qingyu Nian" quickly revealed the mystery of Fan Xian’s life and death left at the end of the last season, quickly bringing the audience into the new situation and new changes that Fan Xian faced after returning to Beijing after suspended animation. The familiar light comedy style and vivid characterization are still the only magic weapons for the series to attract audiences.

In the library, Professor Ye (Yuan Quan, played) was constantly being asked, "Is Fan Xian dead?" Just as she was bored, Zhang Qing (Zhang Ruoyun, played), who had been out for a long time, finally appeared. Professor Ye also asked the same question: "Is Fan Xian alive or dead?"


9 billion is the magic car circled? "Water turns to oil" 35 years of reincarnation

  There are no shortcuts on the road to technological innovation, but how many people are still seriously investing in research and development? How many people are making money with PPT?

  Article | Financial Gossip Female Author: Lin sir

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  No refueling, no charging, only water, the battery life is more than 500 kilometers…

  This is not an international joke!

  The Nanyang Daily report "Hydrogen engines are offline in Nanyang, and the party secretary likes it!" said:

  The so-called water hydrogen engine allows "the vehicle to run only by adding water".

  Seeing it, the NIOs are estimated to be very confused: I advertise everywhere, saying that the battery life is more than 300 as 500, you are good, you don’t need electricity directly.

  This has to be reminiscent of a past event from the 1990s.

  Two historical photographs: a group of people concentrating on a man who’s conducting an experiment.

  This experiment sounds ridiculous now, but it was a sensation in the early 1990s, that is, turning water into oil.

  The protagonist of the experiment was named Wang Hongcheng. At that time, his reputation was no less than that of any small fresh meat now. There were similar promotions all over the country to promote his water-to-oil technology.

  As a result, Wang Hong caused the country to lose 400 million yuan and was sentenced to 10 years, which was the 400 million of the 1990s.

  At that time, water-to-oil was touted as "China’s fifth greatest invention", and many academicians such as He Zuoxiu repeatedly went to battle to refute it with little success.

  Chinese Journal of Science, 2nd Edition, May 12, 1995

  However, from the current point of view, after a day and night of public attention and doubts, the experiment of the Nanyang water hydrogen engine seems to have made new "progress".

  The current official response is that the reporter misstated.

  However, a single "misstatement" is not enough to explain the wonderful story behind it.


  /"Li Shufu is second" or "Wang Hongcheng is second"/

  Imagine a world where you can drive with water. Imagine that it is all ten Nobel Prize-level inventions, and the Middle East oil bosses are estimated to be crying.

  The protagonist of all this story is not Ma Yun Ma, but the creator of the so-called water hydrogen engine is Pang Qingnian, chairperson of Jinhua Youth Automobile.

  Pang Qingnian seemed unconvinced, saying, "The facts are here, not made up."

  Is the truth he said the following?

  On August 21, 2017, Pang Youth announced the production of the world’s first water hydrogen fuel vehicle in a high-profile manner.

  ▲ Picture source: Bus Information Network

  This car did indeed appear, a white truck that looked just like an ordinary truck.

  ▲ Picture source: Bus Information Network

  The true face of the water hydrogen engine shows that it is unlike an ordinary truck.

  ▲ Panorama of water hydrogen fuel vehicle system, picture source: Bus Information Network

  ▲ The miniature water pump on board, picture source: Bus Information Network

  ▲ Water filter, picture source: Bus Information Network

  The gas filter on the roof, image source: Bus Information Network

  "As long as you have a bottle of water in your hand, the car can run." Pang Qingnian said very excitedly that day.

  I really envy the audience that day, witnessing an important moment in human history.

  At that time, his subordinates connected the water pipe to the faucet and filled the two cylindrical boxes on the roof with water. After the water was filled, the driver started the car.

  The following is the most crucial, the truck has a special conversion device that generates a special catalyst that converts water into hydrogen gas, thus driving the car.

  Pang Qingnian did not disclose the so-called conversion device or the so-called catalyst, but it sounded very mysterious.

  Even now, he is quite confident in his technology, saying: "The technology of water hydrogen fuel vehicles is mature and will not delay the progress of the Nanyang project."

  However, in stark contrast: almost two years ago, not a single existing car has been delivered.

  And he has leveraged Everbright Financial Holdings is said to have reached the 5 billion fund support, Nanyang Municipal Government 4 billion capital investment, a total of 9 billion capital.

  Tianyancha shows that Everbright Financial Holdings is wholly-owned by Everbright Group. The latest news is that Everbright Financial Holdings responded to an interview with Securities Times e-company and said:

  Everbright Group will reply uniformly. Securities Times e Company

  Coincidentally, Li Shaoping, the statutory chairperson of Everbright Holdings, is also a director of Youth Automobile, and Everbright Financial Holdings (Tianjin) Venture Capital Co., Ltd. is the second largest shareholder of Youth Automobile, which has a deep relationship.

  (As an aside, the background of Everbright Financial Holdings (Tianjin) Venture Capital Co., Ltd. is also very good, among which there is a steel tycoon Du Shuanghua after the equity penetration.)

  I wonder if Jia Yueting will be filled with emotion when he sees this scene. With this level, he still runs abroad?


  /Wonderful family:

  9-Year-old 30 million "entrepreneurship",

  15-Year-old new third board buying shell…/

  Have you heard of post-00s entrepreneurs?

  The following mentioned Dongan Hydraulic of the New Third Board Company has the actual controller of the post-00 generation, Pang Boyin, a girl born in 2001.

  Dongfang Hydraulic was listed in 2014. In February 2016, a company named Jinhua Lotus acquired the company for 13.57 million yuan, holding a 61% stake.

  Jinhua Lotus’s controlling party, Jinhua Youth, registered in 2010 with a registered capital of 100 million, of which Pang Caiping, Pang Haoliang and Pang Boyin invested 32 million yuan, 31.50 million yuan and 31.50 million yuan respectively.

  At that time, Pang Boyin was only 9 years old, and when he acquired a listed company at the age of 15, the experience of this post-00s generation was simply cooler than Wang Sicong.

  Pang Caiping, Pang Haoliang and Pang Boyin are also his three children.

  Apparently, Pang Qingnian wants to leave his children a career where money makes money.

  However, among the three people, the eldest sister Pang Caiping, who invested 500,000 higher than the younger siblings, was included in the list of dishonest people to be executed because of 260 million debts. A typical pit woman.

  ▲ Picture source: Pang Caiping Weibo

  But what’s even more bizarre is that as of the end of 2017, the company’s book balance of fixed assets was 0.

  According to the company’s response, because the company has disposed of all fixed assets, the new business model does not require large-scale investment in fixed assets.

  The truth is not so simple, in October 2016 to December, Jinhua Lotus accumulated Dongan hydraulic capital of 21 million yuan, accounting for 90.26% of the net assets of Dongan hydraulic at the end of 2015.

  In fact, the young man at that time was already on the verge of bankruptcy.

  In 2008, Pang Youth made a fortune, but suffered a major defeat in the field of automobiles. Its brand Youth Lotus basically disappeared, and it went overseas to acquire Saab Automobile, a subsidiary of General Motors, but ultimately failed.

  In 2017, Zhejiang Youth Lotus, with 2.30 billion assets and 3 billion liabilities, and Youth Automobile Group Co., Ltd. were both bankrupted and liquidated.

  The so-called water hydrogen fuel vehicle is obviously his life-saving straw.


  /Subsidies for Pang Youth/

  It is worth noting that Pang Youth, who is suspected of trading 9 billion capital, seems to be short of money.

  On May 12, 2018, the new energy subsidy announcement showed that the number of applications for Jinhua Youth Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in 2017 was 343 vehicles, and the application for subsidy funds was 74.17 million yuan.

  Behind the bankruptcy and liquidation of the two companies is such a large subsidy, which seems to have explained the situation of Pang Youth: living by subsidies!

  In February 2017, in MIIT’s new energy vehicle fraud list, Jinhua Automobile was on the list, and the battery capacity of 245 new energy vehicles sold in 2014 was smaller than the announced capacity.

  It is worth noting that today’s subsidies for new energy vehicles are decreasing, and hydrogen energy is gaining more and more attention. On March 26, 2019, the subsidy policy changed:

  In the future, subsidies will no longer be given to new energy vehicles (except for new energy buses and fuel cell vehicles), and will be used to support the construction of "short boards" of charging (hydrogen refueling) infrastructure and supporting operation services.

  The report "Hydrogen engine rolled off the assembly line in Nanyang, and the party secretary praised it!" The timing of this report is intriguing…



  In addition to getting 4 billion from the Nanyang government, Pang Qingnian also reportedly used the unsuccessful "acquisition of Saab Automobile" project to 1.30 billion tons of coal resources from the "empty glove white wolf" in the city of Ordos (600295), and realized 3.10 billion yuan.

  In October 2010, with a grand blueprint of a total investment of 26.709 billion yuan, Pang Youth came to Shizuishan City, Ningxia, which was trying to transform from a resource city at that time. With a small investment, he exchanged a large amount of land and many coal mine resources, swept away at least 800 million funds, and left a sighing chicken feather. Interested readers can search and view by themselves.

  The absurdity behind repeated successes lies in the fact that the flaws in Pang Qingnian are too obvious.

  Except for the so-called first hydrogen fuel vehicle, there is no other evidence to support all this in the past two years. On the other hand, from the perspective of grandiose propaganda and capital chain, Pang Youth’s dream of building a car is unreliable.

  Is all this ignored?

  A paradoxical fact is that Wang Hongcheng was imprisoned for ten years for the crime of producing and selling counterfeit goods, which ended this farce that lasted for 12 years and involved a large number of participants. Why can’t even the academicians go through the flaws in these 12 years?

  Ordos, Shizuishan, Nanyang… The same third- and fourth-tier cities, the familiar taste of Ponzi, and everything seems to follow. According to a report from Surging News:

  The Nanyang municipal government in Henan Province purchased 72 hydrogen buses from Nanyang Lotus New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. in March this year for a total price of 80 million yuan.

  Nanyang Lotus Company is a bus manufacturer jointly invested 8 billion yuan by the Nanyang Municipal Government and Zhejiang Jinhua Youth Automobile Group. The company’s legal representative, He Yaqi, is the daughter-in-law of Pang Qingnian, the chairperson of the Youth Automobile Group, which developed the "water hydrogen engine".

  Surging News – "Nanyang spends 80 million yuan to purchase 72 hydrogen energy buses, the person in charge of the company is Pang’s young daughter-in-law"

  After understanding this, it seems that it is not difficult to understand all this: no one cares whether the emperor has new clothes, as long as he can make money.

  But Ren Zhengfei’s 521 interview still rings in my ears.

  Chip research and development depends on spending money alone, but also on mathematicians, physicists, etc. But how many people are still studying seriously? Ren Zhengfei answered a reporter’s question on May 21

  There are no shortcuts on the road to technological innovation, but how many people are still seriously investing in research and development? How many people are making money with PPT?

  Today’s interactive topic: What do you think of water hydrogen fuel vehicles?

  We will give cash rewards to the top three for the message, 30 yuan for the first place, 20 yuan for the second place, and 10 yuan for the third place.

  Deadline: May 25, 2019 18:00

This article was first published on WeChat official account: Financial Gossip Girl Channel. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of Hexun.com. Investors operate accordingly, please bear the risk.

(Editor in charge: HN666)

500 million investment in heavy upgrades, the essence of the new world M7 is still safe and reliable

On July 13, the new Q & A M7 was officially announced at MIIT. All-round upgrades, lidar on-board, new five-seat versions, etc., have attracted much attention from the market and consumers. At the same time, at the internal briefing, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, CEO of end point BG, and CEO of smart car solutions, emphasized: "The new Q & A M7 has increased more than 500 million investment in the overall improvement of vehicles, just to bring stronger product power!" "Of these 500 million, only a small part of the surface effort has been spent, and most of it has been spent on parts that users cannot see or touch." Behind the large-scale comprehensive upgrade, the essence and focus of the new Q & A M7 convey a great emphasis on safety and reliability.

A lot of information about the new Q & A M7 has been interpreted by the media, focusing on the lidar car, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-end intelligent driving landing, new appearance design, large five-seat version and other product points that attract attention. But the quality and safety behind the product are the most influential word-of-mouth foundations for the brand in the market. In the automotive industry, few car brands will make a big deal on the annual new model and carry out such a large-scale upgrade. There is a saying inside Huawei that quality is life infra. This is evidenced by AITO’s winning the top ranking of new energy brand new car quality in the "2022 Passenger Car New Car Quality Report". According to data from third-party media, the quality level of AITO Q & A far exceeds the industry average and surpasses many luxury brands such as BBA.

Yu Chengdong stressed: "This time on the new Wenjie M7 model, we have made a very big determination, not only developed new technologies, re-opened the mold of the body structure parts, but even rebuilt the welding production line for this purpose. Some of the body structures use the industry’s strongest submarine-grade high-strength steel, which can withstand 17 tons per square centimeter, which is equivalent to the weight of a heavy truck! At the same time, more CBS (Composite Body Solutions) composite body materials are used to effectively improve the fatigue durability of the car, body stiffness and collision safety performance."

AITO Q & A is far ahead in terms of quality. Thanks to Huawei’s ICT technology empowered manufacturing, it has built a solid quality system for products. The outstanding quality assurance system is a major guarantee for the reliability of AITO Q & A products. AITO Q & A has perfect R & D management, which has consolidated the quality control and quality foundation of products. Advanced intelligent manufacturing has constructed quality assurance, factory devil testing, and strengthened quality assurance quality control; Huawei has innovatively introduced beta testing, which intercepts quality control problems in advance, and closes the loop without "factory" problems, further ensuring the reliability of products. From R & D to production, and then to quality control, AITO Q & A has shown a very high level in the industry.

Judging from the public diagram exposed by MIIT, the new Q & A M7 is equipped with an overhead lidar, which proves that the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-level intelligent driving system is bound to get on the bus. With the blessing of this high-level intelligent driving system that is far ahead of friends, the new Q & A M7 has achieved the same level of leading active safety. In this briefing, it also confirmed Yu Chengdong’s view that active and passive safety is the real safety: "The greatest safety is not to make amends, but to prevent problems before they happen. With the support of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 and passive safety, the new Q & A M7 does not cause trouble and will avoid trouble, but it is not afraid of trouble! With the active and passive safety capabilities of the first echelon in the industry, both active and passive are safe, which is the real safety!"

Five hundred million yuan investment is fully upgraded, and safety and reliability are further advanced. With the publicity of the new Q & A M7, in the fiercely competitive new energy vehicle market, in addition to winning the trust of consumers with its excellent large space and intelligent experience, reliable quality and safety quality will be the "ballast stone" of the new Q & A M7. With the further development of the new energy vehicle market, the new Q & A M7 will play its advantages of safety, reliability and quality in the future market competition, bringing long-lasting and strong high-quality car experience to more consumers.


399 yuan! Xiaomi TV speaker released: fully compatible/comparable to 1,000 yuan

Original title: 399 yuan! Xiaomi TV speaker released: fully compatible/comparable to 1,000 yuan

Recently, Xiaomi TV has brought two new products, namely the 55-inch Xiaomi TV 4S (2999 yuan) and the 50-inch Xiaomi TV 4C (2199 yuan). Both have artificial intelligent voice, 4K HDR and other selling points.

On April 2, today, the official also brought a new Xiaomi TV audio product – Xiaomi TV speaker, which adopts a long white design and has 8 built-in sound units. The sound is clear and natural, and the interface is rich, which is compatible with all kinds of TVs.

399 yuan! Xiaomi TV speaker released: fully compatible/comparable to 1,000 yuan

Xiaomi TV audio continues Xiaomi’s minimalist style, with a long white fuselage design and a front cloth covering, making it more literary and artistic. It can not only be versatile with various TVs, but also perfectly integrate with the home.
Compared with the design of two speakers for most TV products, Xiaomi TV audio has 8 built-in sound units, including 2 20-core dome tweeters, 2 2.5-inch subwoofers, 4 passive radiators, and the sound frequency response range is 50Hz-25000Hz. After being carefully adjusted by the Xiaomi TV team under the leadership of the former head of Philips home audio acoustic architecture, Mr. Wang Fufu, the entire audio is soft in treble, accurate in mid-tone, deep in bass, and the sound is clear and transparent. It is true and natural, claiming to be comparable to a thousand-yuan audio.

In terms of operation, Xiaomi TV Audio strives to be streamlined and practical. There are 7 physical buttons set above the fuselage, from left to right, which are "Volume Reduction, Bluetooth, Aux in, Line in, SPDIF, Optical, Volume Plus". The buttons are clearly marked, which is multi-functional with one button for many audio products. The first use requires reading the manual. The 7 buttons of Xiaomi TV Audio are designed with a single function, and the corresponding TV interface can be easily switched. Users can use it almost without reading the manual.

In order to meet the connection needs of users’ various devices, Xiaomi TV is equipped with Optical (fiber), SPDIF (SONY, PHILIPS digital audio interface), Line in (AV audio), Aux in (3.5mm audio) interface on the back, and has Bluetooth function, so whether it is an old TV or the latest smart TV, it can be perfectly compatible, of course, it can also be connected to mobile phones, computers, projectors and many other devices.

This Xiaomi TV stereo is priced at 399 yuan and will be officially launched on April 3 in Xiaomi Mall, Xiaomi Home, and Youpin.

399 yuan! Xiaomi TV speaker released: fully compatible/comparable to 1,000 yuan

399 yuan! Xiaomi TV speaker released: fully compatible/comparable to 1,000 yuan

399 yuan! Xiaomi TV speaker released: fully compatible/comparable to 1,000 yuan

399 yuan! Xiaomi TV speaker released: fully compatible/comparable to 1,000 yuan


2023OTT industry research report: two-wheel drive heating large screen, all-in-one industrial chain forming


QuestMobile data shows that as of January 2023, the domestic smart TV end point activity broke 300 million; by June 2023, the domestic TV Internet access rate reached 26.8%, an increase of 0.9 percentage points compared with December 2022; behind this, the continuous popularity of 4K ultra-high definition and super-large-screen smart TVs, as well as the continuous supply of TV dramas and variety shows, constitute a two-wheel drive, making "large screen" more and more a new growth point outside the small screen, occupying the leisure prime time from 18:00 to 21:00.

Specifically, in terms of geographical distribution, as of August 2023, Guangdong, Shandong, Henan, Guangxi, Jiangsu and other provinces of smart TV end point active accounted for 10.4%, 7.8%, 7.5%, 5.3%, 5%; end point brand active "top five" pattern is basically stable, millet, Hisense, Skyworth, TCL, Haier ranked in the top five, monthly active equipment were 51.61 million, 45.99 million, 43.78 million, 34.49 million, 25.46 million.

The resulting OTT industry chain is continuing to improve. The traditional TV station + online video platform has entered the smart TV end point based on the "license party", forming an OTT application to reach users. For example, Xiaomi’s end point, the MIUI TV version of Xiaomi’s smart TV based on the Android system, can interact with Xiaomi mobile phones and other smart devices, building an "active moat". In August 2023, Xiaomi’s mobile end (APP + Mini Program) deduplicate active user scale reached 7.20 billion.

In terms of OTT applications, as of August 2023, the average daily activity is 42.92 million, and the average daily activity in the past year is stable at more than 40 million units. Behind this, the increase in OTT application types has contributed greatly to the development of long videos, medium and long videos, short videos, music and games, video aggregation and other diversified forms.

However, from the perspective of user acceptance, the four leading video platforms rely on dramas and variety shows to still be the first echelon of "Blood Sea Fight", with Cloud Audiovisual Aurora (Tencent Video), Galaxy Kiwi (iQIYI), CIBN Cool Meow Film and Television (Youku Video), and Mango TV (Mango TV) active devices being 1.60 billion, 1.10 billion, 9.20 billion, and 900 million respectively.

Changes are also taking place, Bilibili, Douyin, Kuaishou and other medium and long and short videos are in the stage of rapid development, cloud audio-visual small TV (Bilibili), know-how fresh time (Douyin), cloud audio-visual fast TV (Kuaishou) active equipment volume 50.13 million, 35.90 million, 7.22 million… This also led to the continuous "quantitative change" of advertising and marketing…

How to play it? Let’s read the report.

First, the development status of smart TV end point: users return to the living room large screen, smart TV active volume of 900 million units, brand pattern is more scattered

1. The growth of mobile Internet user traffic has begun to slow down, and it is urgent to find new channels to seize users’ minds

2, thanks to the continuous iteration of products, more and more families in the form of 4K ultra-high definition, super large screen smart TV, and then promote the TV network penetration rate increased by 0.9 percentage points in the past six months; Internet users return to the living room, large screen usage scene worthy of attention

3. 18:00-21:00 is the prime time for users to relax at night, and it is also the prime time for large-screen usage scenarios at night. During this period, there is still a significant gap between users watching videos through mobile video APPs and pan-applications on the whole network, providing opportunities for large-screen smart TVs and OTT applications to seize the prime time

4. The continuous supply of ultra-high definition content such as TV dramas and variety shows stimulates users to update and iterate TV equipment; in August 2023, the number of TV end point devices actively used through intelligent networking reached 900 million units nationwide

According to QuestMobile data, the active volume of smart TV end points in January 2023 exceeded 300 million, mainly due to the home scene formed during the Spring Festival holiday, and the demand for smart TVs increased.

5. OTT market development ecology: traditional TV stations and online video platforms produce broadcast content, and the licensee links the content and end points, using OTT applications as the carrier to realize the reach of content to large-screen users

6, from the geographical distribution point of view, Guangdong smart TV end point active proportion is higher than other regions; different from other regions, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hebei, Sichuan, Zhejiang and other places of mobile Internet users accounted for higher than the smart TV end point

7, the current smart TV stock market concentration is still relatively scattered, TOP3 brand share of less than 50%, Xiaomi TV with more than 5, 0 active devices in the first place, followed by traditional domestic brands Hisense and Skyworth TV

8. Xiaomi has built a huge traffic pool on the mobile end, which has the basic advantage of user interaction; the MIUI TV version of Xiaomi smart TV based on the Android system can realize the interaction between smart TV and other smart devices including Xiaomi mobile phone (MIUI operating system)

9. The number of active devices at the end point of Xiaomi TV has remained above 5 for a long time; in terms of TGI, users in Beijing and Shanghai have obvious preferences for Xiaomi TV

10, Hisense emphasizes the diversified brand matrix operation, and constantly seeks to increase the high-end market and overseas market. At the same time, Hisense further enhances the brand volume by sponsoring world-class football events such as the European Cup and the World Cup

11. In the past three months, the number of active equipment at the end point of Hisense TV has increased to a certain extent; as an enterprise founded in Shandong, Hisense TV has a first-mover advantage in Shandong

OTT app store analysis: long video applications occupy the main traffic; other types of applications still have room for improvement

1. The daily average activity of OTT applications remains stable at 4, and the scale of more than 0 units

2, the top video platform episodes and variety shows and other content continue to attract user attention, drama synthesis and other content continue to produce, to ensure the delivery of TV end point content, rich content and TV end point large screen advantages, become an important advantage to occupy the user’s mind

3. OTT application types are showing a diverse development trend, covering long videos, medium and long videos, short videos, music, games, and other aspects

4. On the TV side, platforms that can provide long-term video content such as film and television dramas and variety shows are more popular; Aiyou Tengmang and other leading long-term video platforms occupy the first echelon of the OTT application track, and medium-length and short video platforms represented by Bilibili, Douyin and Kuaishou begin to lay out large-screen platforms

5. The continued output of film and television, variety shows, and other content has driven the growth of leading video platforms in APP and OTT dual-terminal traffic; on the TV side, Tencent’s cloud audio-visual Aurora active devices have gradually exceeded iQIYI’s Galaxy Kiwi

6, OTT large screen can broaden the viewing scene of medium and long, short video, optimize the viewing experience; small screen for the large screen to provide new products and create new demand; compared to the mobile terminal hundreds of millions of users, medium and long, short video OTT application The number of active devices is generally 6, 0 or less, with greater room for improvement

III. OTT marketing market: The unique marketing attributes of large screens are increasingly popular with advertisers, mostly from foreign brands in the FMCG category

1. OTT application marketing has the characteristics of "one-to-many", "large-screen exposure" and "cross-screen communication"

2. The rapid growth of OTT and intelligent hardware advertising further increases advertising touchpoints, expands traffic ecological boundaries, and strengthens the diversification trend of intelligent application interaction scenarios

3. Compared with mobile Internet platforms, advertisers on OTT platforms are mostly brands from the FMCG industry. In addition, advertisers on OTT platforms are mostly foreign brands

4. Compared with the Internet APP medium, OTT advertising is divided into system-level advertising and content-level advertising, of which advertising forms are mostly concentrated in boot ads and video roll ads

5. Long video OTT has become a more popular platform for advertisers. Popular episodes on long video platforms can increase exposure for the platform on the one hand, and attract advertisers’ attention on the other hand


Dana Education’s Blockbuster Inventory at the Beginning of 2024: A Comprehensive Summary of Events and Curriculum Upgrades

Dane’s January 2024 event

01 AI C++/IoT Full Link Engineer Course Released

On January 1, 2024, Dane IT College released the AI C++/Internet of Things full-link engineer course, which is based on the original C++ course and embedded course and merged into the C++/Internet of Things unified course.

And closely fit the AI large model technology, a large number of AI automatic speech recognition, AI hardcoding assistance, AI project architecture design, AI hardware selection and other technologies.

With the strong blessing of the AI model, students can become C++/IoT full-link engineers in line with the needs of the times.

Note: CSD (C++) and ESD (Embedded) are officially merged into C++/IoT (Course Code: ESD), and the CSD course code has been cancelled.

At present, the ESD courses include a full set of C++ courses and a full set of embedded courses.

02 Released Cloud Computing + Automated Testing Full Stack Engineering Course

In January 2024, Dane Institute of IT launched a new industry course benchmark: Cloud Computing Full Stack Engineer.

The course is based on the original cloud computing infrastructure, keeping up with the new trend of AI and operation and maintenance development integration, and adding AI automation tools and automated testing technologies to enable students to systematically cloud computing, software testing, and Python automated testing from zero to one. With the strong support of AI, students can become competent for cross-disciplinary comprehensive IT skills positions in the future, achieving career breakthroughs and promotions.


03 Released "Intelligent Workplace Office" – data analytics course

January 11, "Smart Workplace Office" – data analytics course at Dane IT College.

The course covers 6 major industries, including 8 methods of data analytics, 10 classic business cases, and 2 must-have popular software, allowing students to learn data analytics courses systematically from zero to one. The data analytics skills and tools in the course are currently needed and commonly used by enterprises, helping students better adapt to the needs of the workplace and achieve career breakthroughs and promotions.




Dane’s February 2024 event

01 Released Pure Blood Hongmeng Native Development Famous Enterprise Customized Course

After Huawei released the HarmonyOS NEXT version on January 18, the IT industry ushered in a long-awaited job recruitment outbreak.

After the Spring Festival, Zhaopin.com statistics show that the Hongmeng application/recruitment market ushered in a year-on-year growth of 2.6 times/4.5 times, and Hongmeng programmers were "robbed";

Dana’s important partners plan to recruit 2,000 Hongmeng native development engineers in 2024.

As a strategic partner of Huawei, Danai immediately obtained the latest version of Hongmeng System developer rights and engineering equipment, and redesigned the existing Hongmeng course to fully integrate the latest features of "Hongmeng NEXT Edition" – immediately launched the "Hongmeng Native Application Development Famous Customized Class" course.

02 Released AGI Business Design Monetization Course

On February 27th, Dane School of Design released the AGI Business Design Realization Course. The course is based on the original UID full-link design, follows the new trend of AI design, and adds a large number of AIGC Text-to-Image and Graphic technologies, allowing students to systematically learn MJ and SD technologies from zero to one.

With the strong support of AI, students can complete unimaginable business design solutions in future design positions, achieving career breakthroughs and promotions.


Dane’s March 2024 event

01 Released AI Big Model Full Stack Engineer Course

What is a big model? A big model usually refers to neural networks models with hundreds of trillions to trillions of parameters. These models are commonly used in natural language processing, image recognition and intelligent driving, processing large-scale data, etc. For example, chatgpt, Tencent’s PCAM.

At present, it is difficult to find talents for large-scale model-related positions, and salaries continue to rise. The average salary of AI operations is about 18,457 yuan, the average salary of AI engineers is about 37,336 yuan, and the average salary of large-scale model algorithms is about 39,607 yuan.

And according to Zhaopin.com, the total demand for jobs related to big models rose by 169% this month. Many people exclaimed: "The future belongs to AI". AI big models – become a must-have skill for Internet practitioners.

In March 2024, Danai Education IT College released the AI Big Model Full Stack Engineer Course in light of the current market talent needs. The course is based on the development of AI applications based on big models and enterprise data, and realizes the theory of big models, mastering GPU computing power, hardware, LangChain development framework and projects and other practical skills.

Danai cooperates with Tencent, and the excellent teaching methods are combined with Tencent’s first-line industrial experience, which not only allows him to master solid skills, but also to gain the latest practices of the first-line manufacturers in the industry.

Courses tailor learning content and solutions for different groups of people, enabling them to solve practical business problems.

Give away a Python basic course worth 10,000 yuan, you can learn it with zero basics, and provide a free value of 298 yuan to use the graphics card of the standard A100 and the experimental platform of Tencent Cloud.

02 ACP World Series Dana Division Auditions

On March 4th, the audition for the ACP World Series "Danai Division" officially ended. 24 students from the graphic group of this audition were shortlisted for the finals of the Chinese region. They will compete on behalf of the outstanding designers from Danai and the whole country. 30 students from the video group were shortlisted for the finals, and the winners will be directly selected.

The ACP World Competition started in 2013 and is known as the "heavyweight world skills competition in the global digital media field". In 2020, Yan Zi of Danai Education won the runner-up in the China Finals.



My wife gave 210,000 stars to cross L and drive 3,564 kilometers to share six advantages and disadvantages.

What is the experience of having a "local tyrant" wife? Let me tell you something. You can buy a car at will in buy buy, provided that you can satisfy your wife. You see, I raised the L in full, without blinking an eye. Not much nonsense. Now the new car has driven 3564 kilometers. Let me share the three advantages and three disadvantages of Xingyue L.

My wife pays, I contribute, and I buy a car to match the top. Anyway, it doesn’t cost me money. What are you afraid of if the meat doesn’t hurt? The version I bought is a 2021 2.0TD high-power automatic four-wheel drive flagship (top-equipped model), which is a top-equipped version with all configurations.

The new car guide price is 185,200 yuan, the purchase tax is 16,000 yuan, the commercial insurance plus compulsory insurance is 7,200 yuan, the licensing fee is charged to 800 yuan, and the new car decoration is charged to 3,000 yuan, which is 212,200 yuan.

At that time, the reason for considering the purchase of Star Yue L was very simple, that is, at first glance, it was very attractive, and my eyes were fascinated, just like seeing a beautiful woman, and my eyes were sucked away. Not only did men like it, but actually my wife thought it looked good when she saw the Star Yue L, and then she looked at the interior workmanship, and the configuration was all satisfactory to her, and finally she decided to choose the Star Yue L.

For example, the electric seat is made of two-color leather, which is very luxurious and fashionable, and the touch of the car is very comfortable; There is also the A-pillar with a fur-turning design, which has a high-grade sense ratio and is not bad. The most important thing is the 12.3-inch LCD instrument and the double 12.3-inch central control display screen. The whole central control looks very scientific and classy. You can’t find one of the 200,000 joint venture cars, can you?

My wife likes the function configuration mentioned above very much, and thinks it is almost the same as a tablet, and it is simple and easy for young people to get started. And the visual perception is very good, concise and atmospheric.

In terms of power, let’s say that the car I bought is equipped with a 2.0T high-power engine with a maximum power of 175kW(238 HP). The peak torque is 350N·m, and the gearbox is matched with an 8-speed automatic manual transmission.

What level is this motivation? To tell you the truth, I haven’t actually tried extreme driving. I mostly use it to commute to work in cities, and I rarely run at high speed. Therefore, the 2.0T+8 automatic manual transmission powertrain equipped by Xingyue L is very strong in daily use, and the power burst is strong, so you will hardly touch its limit.

Let’s talk briefly about the space of Xingyue L. Its wheelbase is 2845mm, which is actually not lost compared with Highlander. Officially, Xingyue L is positioned as a compact SUV. I think it is a medium-sized SUV with five seats. Its rear row space is not as good as that, but it is also very spacious for daily use, which is much larger than the ordinary five-seat SUV.

I’ve talked with you so much. Now my new car has driven 3564 kilometers. I’d like to share some advantages and disadvantages with you. I hope it will be helpful for you to buy a car. Let’s talk about the disadvantages first and then talk about the advantages.

Disadvantage 1: At present, the fuel consumption is 11L, and the fuel consumption feels high.

Now the new car has run more than 3,500 kilometers, and it should be past the running-in period, but I feel that the fuel consumption has not been reduced, and now the fuel consumption is about 11L. Personally, I feel that the fuel consumption is still slightly high, and I hope that the fuel consumption can be reduced in the later period. If it can be reduced to 8-9L, so much the better.

Disadvantage 2: the central control display screen is easy to leave fingerprints and is not resistant to dirt.

The central control panel is also a point that can’t be ignored. After half a year of use, the central control panel is not resistant to dirt, and it is easy to leave fingerprints, and it feels dirty after light reflection. I suggest you pay attention to it during use and wipe your hands as clean as possible.

Disadvantage 3: the engine is not easy to start and stop, and there is obvious vibration when starting.

The engine start-stop function of Xingyue L is not easy to use, and sometimes it vibrates at the moment of starting. In fact, the 3 Angkor Serra I used to drive also has this kind of vibration feeling. It may not be the problem of the car, but the function itself. I suggest that you can turn off the startup function, and your daily experience will be better.

Advantage 1: the interior is luxurious, and the central control big screen is very scientific and technological.

What I am most satisfied with is that the interior is luxurious, and there are dual 12.3-inch displays in the central control. I feel that the luxurious atmosphere in the car is very good. Although this car has landed more than 210,000 yuan, this kind of workmanship and configuration feel no worse than that of a 500,000-class joint venture car.

Advantage 2: The power is particularly strong.

The 2.0T power of Xingyue L is very powerful. Officially, the acceleration is 7.7 seconds. In fact, it is particularly powerful to drive. You don’t have to be afraid of lack of power. As long as you are willing to step on the accelerator, the power will come out, giving you a good sense of pushing back.

Advantages 3: Small steering virtual position and high steering accuracy.

The question that makes me feel incredible is that although the Xingyue L is an SUV, it is very easy to drive, the steering accuracy of the steering wheel is very high, and the steering position is very small. When the star flies over L, you can hit it wherever you point and drive it with ease.

At the end of the writing, someone may ask me, do you regret spending more than 210 thousand to buy Star Yue L? I want to say, no regrets. Xingyue L is the best workmanship and materials of 200,000 class in all aspects. You can’t find one in the joint venture car. You can go and have a look at the cars such as,, etc. Which one has the sincerity to surpass L?


iFLYTEK brings Spark cognitive model and industry application to the 2023 world artificial intelligence conference

  From July 6th to 8th, the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference was held in Shanghai. The theme of this conference was "Intelligent Connection World Generates the Future", focusing on the development of general artificial intelligence and creating a good innovation ecosystem. iFLYTEK brought the Spark Cognition Big Model and Industry Applications to this conference, showcasing the core capabilities of the big model and the latest application results in education, medical care, office, industry and other fields, and discussing the opportunities and challenges of general artificial intelligence.

  During the event, the digital human press officer created by iFLYTEK for the conference made a wonderful appearance at the service desk of the Shanghai World Expo Center and the World Expo Exhibition and Exhibition Hall. With the blessing of the Spark Model, the audience can interact with it more naturally in real time to understand the dynamics and hot topics of the artificial intelligence conference. iFLYTEK provided technical support for the opening ceremony and main forum of the conference, helping the participants from home and abroad to achieve barrier-free communication. iFLYTEK provided technical support for the opening ceremony and main forum of the conference, helping the participants from home and abroad to achieve barrier-free communication.

  In addition, the Spark model based on domestic software and hardware was also exhibited simultaneously in the AI model technology area and Huawei’s ecological exhibition area, demonstrating that the Spark cognitive model empowers the diverse ecology of all walks of life, allowing more attendees to experience the charm of domestic models.

  Wu Xiaoru, President of iFLYTEK, Hu Guoping, Senior Vice President of iFLYTEK, Liu Cong, Dean of iFLYTEK Research Institute, and other leaders attended the conference to share the cutting-edge technology of artificial intelligence, industrial ecology, finance, medical care and other fields, and promote the construction of large-scale model related standards and large-scale model applications.

  AI "Smart Emergence" iFLYTEK Spark Cognitive Big Model Triggers Interaction Craze

  "What are the highlights of the 2023 world artificial intelligence conference worth paying attention to?"

  "Please write a poem to describe the future world of artificial intelligence?"

  "Can cooking in an iron pan supplement iron?"

  At the iFLYTEK booth, the iFLYTEK Spark Cognitive Model attracted many attendees to stop. Everyone gathered around the big model to ask it questions, and the big model quickly and accurately gave the answer, becoming the hottest "clock in the exhibition".

  On May 6 this year, iFLYTEK released the Spark Cognition Big Model, demonstrating seven core capabilities such as text generation, language understanding, knowledge answering, logical reasoning, and mathematical knowledge. Since the release, the core capabilities have continued to iterate. On June 9, it upgraded again and released the Spark Cognition Big Model V1.5. Not only did various capabilities continue to improve, but also three major upgrades were achieved in general capabilities: a breakthrough in open knowledge answering, multiple rounds of dialogue, and further upgrades in logic and mathematics.

  iFLYTEK has also launched the Spark APP, Mini Program and H5, which users can use through different entrances. Recently, the iFLYTEK Spark APP has been successfully listed in AppStore, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo, Tencent App Treasure and other app stores, and has become the first domestic large model to fully cover the Android and iOS mainstream app stores.

  The Spark Assistant Center, which covers 1000 + intelligent assistants, triggered an interactive experience boom at the iFLYTEK booth. Click to enter the assistant center to quickly issue instructions, and the big model immediately transforms into a portable intelligent assistant to meet the needs of users including workplace, marketing, creation, life, comments, recruitment, learning, customer service, fun, travel, official documents, emotions, brain storms and other scenarios.

  AI deeply empowers the latest application achievements in the industry

  During the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, a variety of latest industry application achievements equipped with the Spark Cognitive Model entered the audience’s field of vision at the iFLYTEK booth. In addition to experiencing the core capabilities of the Spark Model, users can also learn about the application results of the Spark Model in education, medical care, office, digital employees, automobiles, finance, industry and other scenarios. In front of iFLYTEK AI learning machine, hearing smart screen, smart office book and other products, the audience scrambled to queue up to experience, and the applause on the spot continued.

  Previously, among the excellent application cases of the large model released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the three application cases of iFLYTEK AI learning machine, intelligent office book and intelligent RPA were rated as excellent application cases of the large model.

  In the field of education, the iFLYTEK AI learning machine under the blessing of the Spark model allows AI to correct compositions like a teacher and have real-life conversations like a speaking teacher. At the conference, the audience can also experience the newly released Spark Language Partner APP, which can conduct open dialogue and situational communication, practice like a speaking teacher, and perform real-time speaking error correction.

  In the office scene, the intelligent end point of the conference room equipped with a large model – iFLYTEK Hear Smart Screen Enjoy Edition was exhibited for the first time. It can automatically organize and output dynamic meeting records and meeting content, generate various types of meeting copywriting with one click, and help users work efficiently. In addition, the audience can also experience iFLYTEK Hear Writing, which can automatically convert audio & video files into text while performing in-depth analysis of the content to achieve fast output of text such as product promotion copywriting and meeting notes.

  In the medical scenario, based on the iterative optimization of the large model technology, iFLYTEK Medical has comprehensively upgraded the medical post-consultation rehabilitation management platform, extending professional post-consultation management and rehabilitation guidance to outside the hospital. It generates personalized rehabilitation plans for patients, and uses intelligent voice and Mini Program to urge patients to execute and collect patient conditions in a timely manner, and automatically adjusts the patient’s rehabilitation plan. At the same time, it provides consulting services combined with patient medical record data to improve the efficiency of doctors in managing patients and serve more patients under the premise of ensuring patient safety.

  In the field of financial technology, a new generation of intelligent customer service product iFLYTEK Spark Intelligent Customer Service was unveiled, and its application on the financial service APP was displayed at the meeting. Taking commercial insurance recommendation as an example, in the face of users’ voice questions, iFLYTEK Spark Intelligent Customer Service quickly understood the customer’s purchase appeal, and simultaneously displayed relevant business pages, directly recommending a variety of insurance products for customers to choose from. iFLYTEK Spark Intelligent Customer Service products have achieved comprehensive improvement in four levels: intention understanding ability, professional knowledge application ability, dialogue design and interaction ability, and personalized expression ability. On the basis of ensuring the security and control of service information, it helps Financial Institution Group improve the efficiency and quality of Client Server and improve user experience.

  In the industrial scene, the Antelope Industrial Internet Platform is based on the cognitive understanding ability of the large model and combines the professional knowledge of the industrial field with massive resources to create a one-stop industrial Enterprise Services assistant – "Antelope Machine Move", which clarifies the needs of enterprises through multiple rounds of dialogue, provides answers and professional suggestions for various questions raised by enterprises, and can also achieve accurate matching of massive resources to help enterprises find solutions and industry experts that match their needs.

  In the car scene, iFLYTEK demonstrated the interactive experience of the intelligent cockpit based on the Spark Cognitive Big Model. The intervention of the big model makes the conversation between people and cars more free, and multi-modal integration helps vehicles better perceive and express. In addition, in addition to the general knowledge base, iFLYTEK also customized the automotive professional knowledge base to help users solve problems related to car use.

  In addition, the audience can also experience the virtual human intelligent interaction machine up close, which is aimed at government, enterprises, finance, cultural tourism and other fields, providing AI virtual people to conduct "face-to-face" interactive communication with users, business consultation, intelligent Q & A and service guidance and other interactive services, improving the efficiency of Client Server, innovating service experience, and reducing the comprehensive cost of service.

  At present, the cognitive big model has become the dawn of general artificial intelligence. As one of the artificial intelligence national teams, iFLYTEK relies on its long-term solid accumulation in the field of cognitive intelligence, scientific evaluation system and innovation system to promote the continuous evolution of the Spark big model, empower the big model to do everything and lead the industrial transformation.


The concept video of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" was first exposed

  Authorized by Gu Long, the first concept video of the NetEase 3D action martial arts mobile game "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" was exposed today, and the news that the game will be sealed and tested in mid-January was released simultaneously. Judging from the exposed promotional video, the game inherits the essence of the many mysteries of Gu Long’s novels, which are interconnected and look at flowers in the fog. The high gamble caused by the peak confrontation between the two Kendo masters led to a bizarre murder case in the rivers and lakes, and the clues were connected one by one, and the players logged in to solve the mystery.

  The first decisive battle of all time – the sword god Ximen Chuixue and the lord of Baiyun City, Ye Gucheng, fought on the top of the Forbidden City. The powerful and capable people have gambled heavily on who will win and who will lose. Li Yanbei, who bet on Ximen Chuixue, died tragically in Xicheng Gate, which became the beginning of the suspense of the story. "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" perfectly inherits the essence of the original book from the macro settings and details such as character dialogues, scenes, and plot development. A thread seems to weave a net of heaven and earth in front of you. Players seem to be caught in the situation and have clear eyes and ears, fully enjoying the extraordinary taste of ancient dragon-style martial arts.

  The game is open, there must be life and death. Ximen Chuixue disappeared, and Ye Gucheng’s life in the Tang Sect was not long ago. The rivers and lakes are changing, and the swords and swords are evil. Point persons died one after another, and the black hands behind the scenes came and went without a trace, and the events became more and more confusing. "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" reproduces the appearance of all beings in the rivers and lakes. The plot is interlocking and full of tension, leading you to experience all kinds of rivers and lakes on the way to breaking the game.

  Ximen Chuixue said: "Those who are not sincere are not enough to discuss swords at all." Ye Gucheng said: "People who learn swords are only sincere in swords, not necessarily sincere in others." The strange warriors in Gu Long’s writing are tall and distant, and their martial arts attainments are unique and mysterious. "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" restores the unrestrained posture of the ancient dragon’s long and upright body, and creates a "double" martial arts system, inheriting the high martial arts attainments of the martial arts warriors who are like entering a no-man’s land. In the dashing skirt, dozens of people lie across, and the players guide and control the room, becoming the legendary ruler of the rivers and lakes.

  "Full moon night, the top of the Forbidden City, one sword breaks the flying fairy." "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" uses top-level 3D modeling and real-life motion capture technology to perfectly realize the peerless posture of the two kendo masters and the unparalleled battle of the top of the Forbidden City. On the top of the Forbidden City, the sword god’s clothes pass before your eyes, and the cold sword qi hits you head-on. In the cool bamboo forest, the green snake driven by the midi leaps in front of you, making you feel terrified that you can’t get along with it. The game’s next-generation high definition image quality and full-truth collection of character movements bring players a top-level action audio-visual experience.

  NetEase 3D action martial arts mobile game "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" is about to open in mid-January. Qixia Jianghu, waiting for you to explore!

  Regarding "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng":

  One sword comes west, and the sky is flying immortal! Genuine authorization of Gu Long: NetEase 3D action martial arts mobile game "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" will open the closed beta in mid-January. The original taste of the game reproduces the essence of Gu Long, the fast sword cuts off the enmity, one finger knows the consonance, and takes you into a real unrestrained knight Jianghu.

  Massive benefits, please pay attention to the official WeChat: lxfcq163


Interior texture improvement 2021 BYD Tang officially unveiled.

  [car home New Car Launch] On July 21st, BYD officially released the 2021 model (|), which is also the mid-term redesigned model of this generation of Tang. The appearance of the new car has been mainly adjusted in details, and the interior has adopted a brand-new design, which not only has a strong Chinese style, but also has a more prominent sense of luxury. It is reported that the 2021 Tang (fuel version and DM) will be pre-sold at Chengdu Auto Show on July 24, and the EV model will be later.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The 2021 Tang continues the family-style design language of the current model Dragon Face. In other appearance details, the blackened C-pillar and double waistline make the side visual movement three-dimensional, and at the same time, the new car has also added a new rim style. The official said that the double five-spoke rim, such as the "dragon claw" hole, is powerful and the impression of Longteng goes deep into the overall design.

Home of the car

  The interior of the new car was designed by Michele Paganetti, the former interior design director of Mercedes-Benz and now the global interior design director of BYD. It is similar to BYD’s Han style and inherits the design style of BYD’s new generation dynasty series. The new car uses black and brown color matching and exquisite interior materials to enhance the inner luxury. It is reported that the instrument panel and door panel of the driver’s seat of the car are made of microfiber high-grade suede fabric and leather 12-way electric adjustable seats. The seats are made of digital punching and line pressing technology, 2mm stitching and gold edging to create a pattern similar to dragon scales.

Home of the car

  The new car adopts a two-color multi-function steering wheel, and the LOGO of "DiPilot" (Intelligent Driver Assistance System) is added at the bottom. The dragon claw mark digital panel combined with the 31-color interactive intelligent cockpit atmosphere lamp with the dragon beard light belt below provides a rich driving environment for the car. The atmosphere lamp can automatically adjust its color with the change of driving mode, air conditioning temperature and PM2.5 air quality, creating a new human-computer interactive experience.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The central control screen of the new car is a 15.6-inch rotatable screen, and the screen border becomes narrower and more exquisite. The built-in DiLink 3.0 intelligent network connection system adopts a new UI design. The gear shifting mechanism is changed to a smaller gear handle -BYD Heart Dragon Engine Heart, and the gear shifting mechanism is surrounded by touch buttons such as driving mode and kinetic energy recovery adjustment.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The Tang DM plug-in hybrid model will add the optional trailer with the word "4.3S", which indicates that the Tang DM model will add a new power version model and its acceleration performance will be improved. However, the official did not announce the power of the new Tang DM, only revealed that it would be optimized for the motor, and we will continue to pay attention.

● Model history

BYD BYD S6 2014 2.0L manual luxury 5-seat


  Speaking of Tang’s past, we should first mention BYD S6, the first SUV that BYD put on the market in September 2010. As many people know, this car draws on the appearance of Lexus RX in terms of design, and with a minimum price of less than 90,000, this car has won the favor of many consumers and has become the best-selling SUV in China for some time.

BYD BYD S7 2017 2.0T Automatic Flagship

"BYD S7" 

  With the continuous development of the domestic SUV market, more and more China brands put heavy models in the SUV market. In contrast, S6 products with strong "RX flavor" will be weaker. In 2014, on the basis of S6, BYD launched the BYD S7 by updating the design, increasing the configuration, increasing the body and changing the power of 2.0T, further enhancing its competitiveness in the SUV market.

BYD Tang New Energy 2015 2.0T four-wheel drive distinguished model

"the first generation of Tang" 

  In June 2015, BYD brought its hybrid model, Tang, for the first time. You can think that this car is a product developed on the basis of BYD S7. This car is the first China brand electric four-wheel drive model to be listed. It is also from this car that BYD’s concept of "542" has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, that is, the acceleration time of the vehicle at 0-100km/h is less than 5s, equipped with a four-wheel drive system, and the fuel consumption per 100 km is less than 2L, which can be said to be a leading concept at that time.

BYD Tang New Energy 2019 DM 2.0T Full-time Four-wheel Drive Zhilian Creative 6-seat Country VI

"the second generation of Tang dynasty"

  Time came to June 2018, BYD Tang began to change. It can be said that the second generation of Tang started its explosion road. It has a personalized design, in-place configuration and excellent acceleration performance, and its performance is quite comprehensive, which soon attracted everyone’s attention. The market performance has always been very good.

  Along the way, this car’s update action is very fast, and it can bring enough surprises every time, which is also a microcosm of the rapid development of China brand in the past ten years.

● Competing models

"Tiguan L plug-in hybrid version; Li ONE』 "

  From the perspective of Tang DM alone, there are more and more plug-in hybrid medium-sized SUVs with the same price, and most of them are overseas brands, such as the Tiguan L plug-in hybrid version of SAIC Volkswagen and the commander PHEV of GAC Fick Jeep. From the perspective of configuration and performance, Tang DM actually has obvious advantages in competitiveness compared with its competitors, and the slight disadvantage should be in brand power. In addition, Li ONE, which is positioned as a medium and large SUV, can be bought at the same price. It also uses plug-in hybrid power, and its recent market performance is also good. For Tang DM, the threat posed by Li ONE cannot be ignored.

● Full text summary

Home of the car

  Recently, BYD has released many new products. BYD Han and the brand-new SUV Song PLUS let everyone see that BYD is playing better and better in design. Of course, as the flagship of BYD dynasty series, it is also the main scorer of market sales. The manufacturer did not forget Tang and immediately put on new clothes. Although the 2021 Tang with little change in face is not as eye-catching as the two brand-new products mentioned above, the brand-new interior design style still makes everyone feel full of sincerity. The pre-sale price of 2021 Tang will be announced at the Chengdu Auto Show, which opens on July 24th. Let’s look forward to whether this new car will bring you more surprises. (Text/car home Wang Ziping)