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Hot search! Netizen: No wonder I am so sleepy.

Nehe city Rong media center

"I’m so sleepy recently.

I want to sleep when I have a little time. "

"Am I the only one who can’t sleep these two days?"

"Not only drowsiness but also eating, is this normal?"


these two days

Netizens frequently discuss their abnormal state.

Sleepiness, insomnia

Oversleeping at work and not wanting to go to school.

Everyone found out that it was always like this!

This is all because of geomagnetic storms?

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Aurora appeared in Qiqihar, like "blush". "Does the magnetic storm have an impact on the human body?"

"Will magnetic storms affect sleep?"

It has become a topic of concern to many people.

The topic # geomagnetic storm sleepiness # was once boarded.

Weibo ranks first in the hot search list.

According to the China Meteorological Bureau

Bulletin of National Space Weather Monitoring and Early Warning Center

09: 16 Beijing time on March 23rd.

Solar flare activity

X-ray flux reached its maximum at 09: 33.

The peak intensity of flare is X1.1

According to analysis

It is expected that the earth will usher in a medium-to-earth magnetic storm.


Solar monitoring picture of flare explosion SDO satellite

According to the news of China Meteorological Bureau, there will be geomagnetic activity on March 24th, 25th and 26th, among which a moderate geomagnetic storm or even a geomagnetic storm may occur on March 25th, and it is expected that geomagnetic activity will last until March 26th.

Under this influence, the orbital height of the space station may decrease due to atmospheric drag, and the positioning error of satellite navigation equipment will increase, and aviation flight will face the dual risks of poor communication environment and trans-polar radiation. For the public, especially homing pigeon players and aurora lovers, we should always pay attention to space weather information in the next few days.

Source/CCTV News

Geomagnetic monitoring data show that from 23: 00 Beijing time on March 24th to 23: 00 on March 25th, there were 3-hour extra-large geomagnetic storms, 6-hour moderate geomagnetic storms and 3-hour small geomagnetic storms.

This is the same as that released on March 24.

The early warning results of geomagnetic storms are basically the same.

Under the strong bombardment of this energy from the sun, the earth’s magnetic field has undergone drastic short-term changes, accompanied by numerous collisions between the earth’s atmosphere and the high-energy particles of the sun, and the result is the formation of aurora.

Wu Rui, chief service officer of Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, told reporters that high-energy particles interfere with geomagnetic storms generated by the earth’s magnetic field, which has little impact on human health, but will have an impact on mobile phone signals, navigation, satellite TV and aviation. Huang Yu, a researcher at the Purple Mountain Observatory’s solar high-energy and related physical processes research group, also said that magnetic storms have little impact on human health.

What is geomagnetic storm?

What impact will it have on our lives?

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it is reported (that)

Geomagnetic storms are not harmful to human health.

exert an influence

Nor will it affect human life.

Have too much influence

At present, there is no scientific research to show that

Geomagnetic storms can cause

Symptoms such as drowsiness and insomnia.

Original title: "Hot Search! Netizen: No wonder I’m so sleepy.

Read the original text


Report on "Red Section" of Jiangmen Branch of China Mobile Guangdong Company


Lin, General Manager of Jiangmen Branch of China Mobile Guangdong Company? double

Zhang Guoxiong, Minister and Professor of Propaganda Department of Wuyi University Party Committee

    From left to right: Zhang Xin, Network Information Security Department of Telecommunications Administration of Ministry of Information Industry; Wang Lijian, Press Office of General Office of Ministry of Information Industry; Zhu Lu, Propaganda Department of Network Bureau of the State Council Press Office.

    The three activities are introduced respectively:

    1. "Cheer for Jiangmen-10,000 reasons why I love Wuyi" SMS solicitation activity.

    On October 8, 2006, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee was successfully held, and "studying and building a harmonious socialist society" was the main topic of the meeting. Social harmony will become the common aspiration of hundreds of millions of people. We believe that we should also do our best to build a harmonious society, and the best way is to give full play to the advantages of mobile communication at any time, anywhere and with us, carry forward the spirit of "great love" and preach excellent folk customs. So, in a short week, we planned to launch the "Cheer for Jiangmen-10,000 reasons why I love Wuyi" SMS MMS collection activity.

    The solicitation activity lasted for half a year and was divided into three stages:

    The first stage is the short message collection stage. Through active publicity, the company mobilized more than 2.5 million local customers of China Mobile to create healthy and uplifting short messages, without limiting the number of messages sent by each customer, and regularly arranged excellent short messages to be displayed in local mainstream media.

    The second stage is the short message audition stage. The company adopts the popular PK method, and the excellent SMS is selected by the public through SMS voting. The weekly award, monthly award, championship and other awards are all selected by the public. It can be said that our excellent short messages are "from the masses, to the masses".

    The third stage is the short message dissemination stage. The company will review and display the excellent short messages selected by the public, invite relevant experts to comment and summarize, and mobilize readers to disseminate excellent short messages. At the same time, the company also displays and publicizes short messages at bus stops in major streets of the city. By the end of the activity in March 2007, more than 80,000 customers had participated and 100,000 short messages had been collected. The activity received a warm social response. Under the extensive publicity of major media, "Cheering for Jiangmen" has become a beautiful cultural landscape, and "red jokes" have spread all over the hometown of overseas Chinese.

   Featured red paragraph works:

    "Ode to Jiangmen" shows Baishui Guifeng, and Yamen scolds Shi Xiong. China said that Jasper is more exquisite. The red joke "139 * * * 8777" was personally sent by Li Wei, our vice mayor in charge of science, education and culture in Jiangmen, which gave us great encouragement and support! Unfortunately, due to work reasons, Vice Mayor Li can’t be present today to share his creative experience with you.

    "Here are beautiful scenery, outstanding people and harmonious society. Ten years after I came here, I have fallen in love with this hot land! 134 * * * 2277 "is the first short message we collected. Its creator, Mr. Tan, came to Jiangmen from Guangxi more than ten years ago to start a business, and has regarded the hometown of overseas Chinese as his hometown. Our activities gave him a platform to express his thoughts, so he responded quickly.

    "Cheer for the New Eight Scenes in the Hometown of Overseas Chinese" East Lake is rippling with clear water, and birds of paradise attracts visitors. Goose Guifeng is nostalgic, and when Chuan Dao likes to fish. Diaolou beautiful scenery and garden paintings, fairyland hot springs looking for elegant poems. I can’t help loving my hometown, so don’t hesitate to applaud. (Note: the names of the new eight scenic spots are embedded in the poem) 135****1726 "The creator of this red paragraph is Mr. Lin Liang, an old friend of our company. Why do you say he is our old friend? Because from the very beginning of the activity, he paid close attention to us and gave us suggestions, suggestions and suggestions in various ways. What moved me in particular was that after sending the red paragraph, he was worried that we would not receive it in time, so he made a special trip to the company from Xinhui and personally delivered the red paragraph. The sincerity of the elderly not only moved us, but also made us realize that we should not only hold this activity, but also do it well!

    2. Seminar on "Jiangmen Contemporary Spirit"

    100,000 short messages triggered a heated discussion in the whole city. We quickly communicated with the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and found that these 100,000 short messages reflected all aspects of Jiangmen people’s contemporary humanistic spirit and folk customs from different angles, which should be systematically discussed and summarized. So, on April 20, 2007, we held a grand seminar on "Jiangmen Contemporary Spirit". This is the first time to discuss Jiangmen spirit through such specific activities as "Cheering for Jiangmen" after Jiangmen’s reform and opening up.

    The seminar invited experts and scholars in history, sociology and mass communication to discuss the contemporary Jiangmen spirit displayed by people living in Wuyi area in the new fashion of contemporary harmonious society. The Jiangmen spirit, which is "inclusive, pragmatic, enterprising, sentimental and innovative", has once again inspired the spirit of unity and struggle of all the people in the hometown of overseas Chinese. Major local media have widely reported the activities in major time periods and major pages, and the social response has been very enthusiastic.

    3. Book publishing and new book release conference of "Wuyi Nine Chapters"

    The successful holding of the seminar "Jiangmen Contemporary Spirit" made the people in the hometown of overseas Chinese understand the deep meaning behind the short message "10,000 reasons why I love Wuyi". Inspired by the provincial company’s compilation of "Red Pieces" into a book, with the support of the municipal party committee and municipal government, we decided to select the excellent short messages of "Cheering for Jiangmen" into a book and named it "Wuyi Nine Chapters". "Nine Chapters of Wuyi" is divided into nine chapters, which include celebrities’ elegant traces, beautiful scenery, feelings of overseas Chinese in their hometown, and the new look of ancient cities. At the same time, it shows the folk customs such as dragon dance, three rivers, floating stones and singing songs in water towns.

    The book is prefaced by Mayor Wang Nanjian himself. In the editing process, we specially invited the Propaganda Minister and Vice Minister of the Municipal Party Committee and the Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles as general consultants, and invited professors from the Chinese Department, Philosophy Department and History Department of local universities and experts from the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles as consultants, which integrated expert wisdom. As a tangible contribution to building a "famous cultural city" in cooperation with the municipal government, Wuyi Nine Chapters was praised by the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government as "a banner for building a" famous cultural city ",a business card for Jiangmen’s external publicity, and a picture showing folk customs", which was well received by the leaders of the National People’s Congress, the provincial party committee and the government at all levels in Jiangmen, and was recognized by international counterparts such as NTT DOCOMO in Japan.

    In addition, in the process of publishing the book, it coincides with the sprint stage of Kaiping Diaolou and villages applying for world cultural heritage. The Five Cities and Nine Chapters not only vividly shows Jiangmen’s historical background, folk customs and contemporary spirit with the handwriting of 100,000 people, but also guides healthy social public opinion by means of information technology, making contributions to the success of applying for the world heritage.

       4. Experience of "Cheer for Jiangmen" theme series of "Red Duanzi"

    The great success of the theme series of "Cheer for Jiangmen" can not be separated from the strong guidance and support of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, from the momentum promotion and spiritual inspiration of the "Red Piece" activities of provincial companies, and from the support and cooperation of the people in the hometown of overseas Chinese. In addition, Jiangmen Branch also summed up several experiences and insights:

    First, give full play to the advantages of mobility and fulfill corporate citizenship responsibilities.

    Jiangmen Branch of China Mobile Guangdong Company, as a leading communication enterprise in Jiangmen, has been actively exerting the advantages of "anytime, anywhere and with you", not only ensuring urban construction and optimizing investment environment with high-quality network and services, but also promoting the construction of "a famous cultural city" by means of informationization. The theme series of activities of "Cheer for Jiangmen" aims to achieve "zero distance" communication between citizens and the government by building an information platform for the public to communicate anytime and anywhere. We believe that excellent corporate citizens should bear such social responsibilities and make contributions to urban development and progress.

    The second is to carry forward the spirit of the times and help build a harmonious society.

    Building a harmonious society is the main theme of today’s times. On the one hand, the theme series of "Cheer for Jiangmen" mobilized the public to "talk about harmony" and "praise harmony", on the other hand, it "spread harmony" and "praise harmony" by downloading and forwarding short messages, which closely conforms to the spirit of the times and the will of the people.

    At the same time, young people are the future of the motherland. The "Cheer for Jiangmen" activity attracts young people to create and spread red jokes by themselves in the form of SMS and MMS, which are popular among young people. In the "Discover the Beauty of Diaolou" activity, more than 20,000 primary and secondary school students sang about Diaolou and praised their hometown, which promoted the innovation of youth education and helped to promote young people to establish a healthy and upward outlook on life and values.

    Third, combine the culture of the hometown of overseas Chinese and innovate the means of cultural propaganda.

    Wuyi, the hometown of overseas Chinese, has outstanding people and profound cultural heritage. The activity closely revolves around the spiritual culture and folk customs of the hometown of overseas Chinese, and at the same time, it grasps the characteristics of "rapid dissemination and real-time sharing" of online culture, innovates cultural propaganda means, occupies online culture with excellent cultural products, spreads the characteristic folk customs and humanistic feelings of the hometown of overseas Chinese, and dispels the discordant voices, which is warmly welcomed and positively responded by the public.

    Through this activity, Jiangmen Branch of China Mobile Guangdong Company deeply realized that network culture is an important part of socialist culture, and the innovation of network culture content and mechanism represented by "Red Duanzi" is a useful attempt and exploration to implement the spirit of promoting the great development and prosperity of socialist culture in the 17th National Congress. In the future work, Jiangmen Branch will continue to carry forward the good experience and good practices of this activity, cheering for urban homes, cheering for a better life and cheering for a harmonious society!

Editor: Chen Xixia


The 2024 New York International Auto Show kicked off, and multi-brand new models attracted attention.

China news agency, new york, March 27th (Reporter dorri) The 2024 New York International Auto Show kicked off at the Javits Convention and Exhibition Center in new york, USA on the 27th. Various new cars from dozens of car companies around the world were unveiled, among which brand-new models of Janice, British finidi and other brands attracted much attention.

On the day of media and industry day activities, Hyundai Motor’s luxury car brand Jennisseth unveiled its full-size electric SUV model "NEOLUN" concept car for the first time, attracting a large number of onlookers. The car’s body lines are smooth, and the design of door-to-door without center pillar highlights the luxury of the car, and it is convenient for passengers to get in and out from the practicality. The 180-degree rotation function of the front seat can maximize the utilization of the interior space and create an interior living room mode.

Another popular new car belongs to finidi QX80, a luxury car brand owned by Nissan Motor Co., and there are many people waiting in line to experience it. The car is also positioned as a full-size SUV, and its appearance design makes the visual width of the front of the car wider. The car is equipped with the latest technology products such as Jieshi Audio, and the performance and fuel economy are improved by changing the supercharged engine system.

In addition, the brand-new 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser, Lexus Hybrid TX Series, GMC Pure Electric Hummer, and Janice Pure Electric GV60 are also popular.

According to reports, this year’s New York International Auto Show exhibited nearly 1,000 car models, covering automakers such as GM, Ford, Volkswagen, Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan, Dodge, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini and Remark. At the auto show, there are also electric vehicle test tracks, racing games, the 60th anniversary tribute of Ford Mustang, and the exhibition of famous cars in the Automobile Hall of Fame.

It is worth mentioning that KIA EV9 won the annual World Automobile Award at the World Automobile Awards Ceremony held on the opening day of this auto show. The other two nominated models for this award are BYD Seal and Volvo EX30.

The New York International Auto Show, which started in 1900, is the oldest and largest auto show in North America. This year’s New York International Auto Show will be open to the public from March 29th to April 7th after two days of media and industry days.


From "Hidden" to "Kite", the romantic scenes of spy war dramas are exciting.


"Kite" Li Xiaoran stills

Liu Yunlong directed and performed Kite, which took five years from shooting to broadcasting. Douban scored 8.6 points, higher than the most popular spy war drama "The Pretender" in recent three years. In addition to the suspense and tension of the spy war drama, the emotional drama in Kite is also very beautiful. In particular, the six devils and the "shadow" loved each other and killed each other all their lives, and many clips made netizens relish.

The highest ratings of Kite once broke 2.

In fact, from "Hidden" to "Kite" and high-scoring spy drama, there will always be one or two romantic and touching love scenes, which will make the audience feel infinite sorrow and even tears.



"Kite" is probably the one with the lowest "face value" among all high-scoring spy war dramas. Zheng Yaoxian, the hero played by Liu Yunlong, was somewhat cool and arrogant in his early military career, but he either fled or reformed through labor in the later period, with rags and a beard.

Luo Haiqiong plays the heroine Han Bing in Kite.


As a female communist party, Han Bing, the heroine played by Luo Haiqiong, is devoted to the revolution, and she is plain and plain all the time. There are few handsome and beautiful supporting roles, which attract thousands of audiences to chase the drama, all by "acting value"


As the ace agent of Juntong, Zheng Yaoxian, the sixth son of Dai Li’s "Eight donkey kong", is ruthless, but his real identity is a senior agent of our party lurking in Juntong, code-named kite.

Liu Yunlong plays Zheng Yaoxian.


After the online sacrifice of single-line contact with him, he was like a kite off the line. Not only was he hunted down by the military, but communist party also punished everyone for him. After liberation, he did not dare to restore his identity. He assumed the pseudonym of Zhou Zhigan, a retained employee of the Kuomintang, and continued to provide information for the organization in a unique way. At the same time, because of his public identity, he has been receiving various reeducation through labor.

Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing were transformed in Kite.


Han Bing, who was slandered for being captured, also accepted the reform-through-labour program. They sweep the streets together every day. Before that, one was Juntong, and the other was communist party, who fought several times and fought like hell.

The picture shows Zheng Yaoxian’s stills in his later years.


Now, being reduced to sweeping the streets together, Zheng Yaoxian is happy and seems to accept everything calmly. When Han Bing is down and out, sit on the steps and chat with her; The most beautiful scene is that Han Bing is swinging on a swing, and he is sweeping the fallen leaves. This is probably one of the most touching romantic scenes in this play.


Two people over 50 years old and in rags, because of this mutual affection, gave birth to a kind of romance of "growing old with you"

In Kite, Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing live together.


Of course, there is also a sense of bosom friend in this mutual affection. In Zheng Yaoxian’s mind, Han Bing is one of our own — — Communist party; In Han Bing’s mind, Zheng Yaoxian is a military leader and one of our own. It was not until many years later that both sides learned that the other party was the "undercover" they were looking for, and they all collapsed.


Han Bing prepared a table of dishes, waited for Zheng Yaoxian to come to the appointment, and then drank poisoned wine to kill himself. Zheng Yaoxian fulfilled him with tears. Love is no match for faith after all. But in any case, at the moment of swinging, we were happy and sincere.


 Stills of "The Pretender"

"The Pretender" is also a high-scoring spy war drama, with 8.3 points for Douban. What fans of this drama relish most is the brotherhood of the three brothers in the Ming family, but the love drama is also very touching.


The love line in spy war dramas often plays an important role. For example, the man changes his position and joins our party’s arms, often because of the influence of love. For example, Yu Zecheng and his first girlfriend Zuo Lan in Latent, and Xu Congliang and Guan Haidan in Razor.

The fire of The Pretender failed to win the heroine Wang Lejun.


Hugh’s Mingtai in The Pretender is no exception. He used to be a military agent, because he met Cheng Jinyun, a member of the underground party of the Communist Party of China. They met and fell in love and killed each other in the execution of the task, and finally they were successfully rebelled by the beautiful and kind Cheng Jinyun.


However, he had previously had an affair with Yu Manli, a "scorpion beauty" who was also a military agent. They pretended to be husband and wife and cooperated with each other for many times to perform their tasks, and their friendship was deep.

Yi Song plays Yu Manli in The Pretender.


So the love triangle began. During a mission, the military task forces such as Mingtai and Yu Manli met Cheng Jinyun, an underground party disguised as a doctor and nurse, in a small town. The scene was suddenly very embarrassing, and Mingtai was well-advised to slip away, leaving two "heroines".


When rivals meet, they are particularly jealous. So there was a classic dialogue that was widely circulated on the Internet.

 Classic dialogue

Cheng Jinyun: Do you want to talk to me?

Yu Manli: What’s there to talk about with you?

Cheng Jinyun: It seems that you don’t want to talk about it.

Yu Manli: I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a long time.

Cheng Jinyun: Then what do you want to talk about?

Yu Manli: Don’t you know what I want to talk about?

Cheng Jinyun: How do I know what you want to talk about?

Yu Manli: Didn’t you talk to me first?

Cheng Jinyun: OK, let’s talk.

Yu Manli: Talk about it.


One is a white rose and the other is a red rose. Probably because Yu Manli came out first, and lived and died with Mingtai many times, so that their CP voice drowned out the official match between Mingtai and Cheng Jinyun.

 Dialogue between Yu Manli and Mingtai

When Yu Manli was on her last mission with Mingtai, she made a sad confession to Mingtai who was engaged: "I’m not afraid of death. I’m afraid I’ll never see you again after I die." As a result, the two men were ambushed. In order not to drag down Mingtai, Yu Manli cut the rope and died in a trap.


There is a question on Douban. What is the most tearful scene in The Pretender? This clip was elected with a high vote. The love of life and death, don’t have a cruel romance.



 Stills of Latent

Eight years ago, the explosive spy war drama "Hidden" helped Sun Honglei and Yao Chen to reach the top of the list of first-line stars. The emotional drama of the two in the play is also touching.


Cui Ping was sent by the organization to pretend to be a husband and wife with Yu Zecheng, but because of her lack of experience in spy war, she almost made a big mistake several times. It was Yu Zecheng’s nightmare at first. But as time went by, the two gradually understood each other and cooperated more and more tacitly, and they became affectionate for a long time.

In Latent, Yao Chen plays Cui Ping, the female guerrilla captain.


Finally, Yu Zecheng bought a red candle and proposed to Cuiping: "I asked for a sign today, and it’s a great success." Cui Ping: "What the hell do you want?" "I want to marry you." "How?" "Don’t ask, do you want to marry me?" "Nonsense, who wants me to live with you for so long? It’s already yours. " "Me, too. I can’t marry anyone else if I want to."

 Sun Honglei picked up Yao Chen.

Putting melons and fruits and lighting red candles, the two of them worshipped heaven and earth, and there was a happy dialogue in the bridal chamber: "Sleep without reporting, do you think this is a mistake?" "I don’t think so. We have a ceremony." "But the leader didn’t participate, will people believe it?" "After liberation, make up a ceremony and call the leaders."

"Latent" Yu Zecheng and Cuiping get married


There is a line in the play: "Revolutionary love is particularly romantic." It is probably the portrayal of this moment.


The war is ruthless and the love is successful. But happiness is always so short. Finally, Yu Zecheng was temporarily asked by the military to evacuate to Taiwan Province at random, and he hid important information in his henhouse. Anxious, I unexpectedly met Cuiping at the airport. The two people were pleasantly surprised, and their eyes were opposite. Under the eyes of the public, there were thousands of words in their hearts, but they couldn’t say it.

 Yao Chen and Sun Honglei look at each other.

The furthest distance in the world is when I stand in front of you, but I can’t tell you where I’m going. The minute of parting seems to be as long as a century. When Cuiping had to leave by car, Yu Zecheng suddenly "goo goo" dressed up as a chicken flying, suggesting that Cuiping’s information was in the henhouse.


This scene depends on how many viewers are crying.


Cuiping finally understood what he meant. But when we left the airport, we were already in Qian Shan, and we never met again.


 "Red" stills

In the hearts of veteran drama fans, The Red starring Edward Zhang, Zhou Yiwei and Tao Hong is a classic among the classics, and Douban’s score of 9.2 is simply a fate.

 Red score

"Red" is not a typical spy drama. It describes that ordinary little people flirt in Shanghai alleys and live at home with rice, oil and salt, which is far more than the scenes in which the Communist Party struggles with the Japanese army and the military system.

"Red" stars Edward Zhang, Tao Hong and Zhou Yiwei.


This is a spy war drama with high IQ, and it is also a rare spy war drama that gives out sugar all the time. Edward Zhang, a Beijing actor, turned into a Shanghai boy with cowardice and responsibility. Tao Hong, who is over 40 years old, interprets the sense of girlhood just right.


The story is set in November 1937, after the Battle of Songhu ended. Xu Tian, the hero, is skilled, but he is willing to live in seclusion in the downtown area and be a market accountant.

In Red, Edward Zhang plays the leading actor Xu Tian.


On that day, Shanghai fell, and the citizens outside the concession evacuated crazily. Xu Tian was carrying a vegetable basket in his left hand and a fish in his right, so he had to meet his friends. At this time, the heroine Tian Dan, who was rushing to meet her fiance and fled Shanghai by plane, walked gracefully in the turbulent fleeing crowd in high heels, hat and red scarf, and was accidentally squeezed into wrestling. Xu Tian happened to pass by and put her arms around her to prevent her from falling.

 "Red" clip

In her panic, her red scarf fell to the ground. Four eyes relative, Xu Tian hurriedly away eyes. At that moment, he knew that he would never escape in this life. The two men talked briefly and went their separate ways.


Since then, Tian Dan suffered a life change, was abandoned by her fiance, and her parents were killed by the Japanese army. She finally turned into a black-bellied white rabbit and designed to kill the Japanese again and again, but always left clues. Every time Xu Tian silently helped her wipe her ass. She rented a small attic in Xu’s house, and Xu Tian took her to listen to Pingtan and put a hanging basket to buy wonton for her. Get along with each other day and night, and finally feel dark. She doesn’t know, at the beginning, Xu Tian had a look at the moment of passing by in the street for ten thousand years.

The picture shows "Red" stills, and Tao Hong plays Tian Dan.


At that time, the scarf that Tian Dan fell to the ground has been preserved to this day. Xu Tian is actually color blind. This big red scarf is smoky gray in his eyes. However, Tian Dan is the most vivid red in his life.

The picture shows the stills of Red.


Finally, Tian Dan joined communist party and went to Yan ‘an. A year later, Xu Tian also came to Yan ‘an, where they finally got together. The love for the rest of my life is both beautiful and firm.



The five departments jointly deployed the standardized management of the network car aggregation platform, and established the first inquiry responsibility system for handling complaints about network

  □ Our reporter Liu Xin

  In recent years, relying on Internet technology, cooperating with online car-hailing platform companies, facing passengers and matching supply and demand information, the platform (commonly known as online car-hailing aggregation platform) that jointly provides online car-hailing services has developed rapidly, providing new choices for travel services. However, there are also problems such as inadequate implementation of corporate responsibilities of online car-hailing aggregation platforms and online car-hailing platform companies, and inadequate protection of the legitimate rights and interests of employees and passengers.

  Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Transport, the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security, the General Office of the State Administration of Market Supervision, and the Secretariat Bureau of the State Internet Information Office jointly issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Standardized Management of the Network Car Aggregation Platform (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), in order to compact corporate responsibilities and protect the legitimate rights and interests of passengers and drivers; Standardize business practices and maintain fair competition market order; Strengthen coordination and cooperation, improve supervision ability and level, and make arrangements to promote the standardized, healthy and sustainable development of the network car industry.

  It is imperative to standardize management

  Nowadays, the network car aggregation platform is favored by more and more people. According to the statistics of the network car supervision information interaction system, in March this year, the network car supervision information interaction system received a total of 716 million orders, up 9.7% from the previous month. Among them, the aggregation platform completed 197 million orders, up 16.9% from the previous month.

  "The network car aggregation platform is connected to dozens of network car platforms, and a large number of drivers are online, and the order is efficient. At the same time, consumers can compare prices online and select cheap orders, which is fast and economical." According to Liu Ruzhong, a member of the expert group of the Legal Work Committee of China Communications and Transportation Association and a senior partner of Taihetai (Beijing) Law Firm, the network car aggregation platform has many advantages.

  Chen Yinjiang, Deputy Secretary-General of china law society Consumer Rights Protection Law Research Association, told the reporter that on the one hand, online car aggregation platform can better protect consumers’ right to know and choose, on the other hand, it can also promote the fair competition of online car platform companies by formulating fair and reasonable price rules.

  However, it should be noted that the risks of the network car aggregation platform cannot be ignored. Chen Yinjiang said that because aggregation platforms usually charge lower information service fees, there may be problems such as lax qualification review, inadequate daily management, and unsmooth after-sales service, and online car service is directly related to the life, health and safety of consumers. Once an infringement incident occurs, it may have serious consequences and must be highly valued.

  "Moreover, in some places, the responsibility boundary between the aggregation platform and the network car platform has not been clarified, and there is an unequal phenomenon of responsibilities and obligations. It is necessary to standardize the management of the network car aggregation platform." Liu Yuzhong said.

  Liu Junhai, a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, said that the network car aggregation platform is an important channel to solve the "travel difficulties" of the majority of passengers. As a new thing, it is not easy to develop from scratch and from small to large, but there are indeed irregularities in management in practice. The promulgation of the "Notice" will help to better standardize the business behavior of platforms and drivers, better protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and purify the ecological environment of the online car market.

  According to the Notice, local transportation, telecommunications, public security, market supervision, network information and other departments should give full play to the role of multi-sectoral collaborative supervision mechanism of new transportation formats at the local level, and study and explore regulations and policies to regulate the management of network car aggregation platforms in light of local conditions. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and guidance on the operation behavior of the network car aggregation platform, and urge the network car aggregation platform to implement the verification responsibility for the relevant network car platform companies, and not to access the network car platform companies that have not obtained the network car business license locally. Drivers and vehicles providing services should apply for the corresponding network car license. Guide the network car aggregation platform and the cooperative network car platform company to operate in compliance with laws and regulations in accordance with the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Management Services and other relevant requirements.

  Properly handle consultation complaints

  "It is easy to take a taxi, but it is difficult to defend rights." Some consumers spit, and after a traffic accident on the network car, the aggregation platform and the network car platform buck-passing each other, which increased the difficulty of consumer rights protection.

  It is worth noting that this Notice makes it clear that if passengers are damaged due to safety accidents and require the network car aggregation platform to bear the first compensation liability, relevant local departments should urge the network car aggregation platform to fulfill the relevant provisions of the Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests and bear relevant responsibilities.

  "If consumers purchase the online car service through the online car aggregation platform and their legitimate rights and interests are damaged, they can directly ask the online car service provider for compensation, or they can ask the online car aggregation platform or the cooperative network car platform for assistance in safeguarding rights." Chen Yinjiang said that if the network car aggregation platform or the cooperative network car platform cannot provide the real name, address and effective contact information of the network car service provider, consumers can claim compensation from the network car aggregation platform or the cooperative network car platform. If the network car aggregation platform or the cooperative network car platform makes a promise that is more beneficial to consumers, it should fulfill the promise, and after compensation, it can claim compensation from the relevant platform or network car service provider according to law.

  In addition, the "Notice" requires that the network car aggregation platform and the cooperative network car platform companies should establish and improve the first-inquiry responsibility system for consulting services and complaint handling according to law in combination with their respective service contents, and properly handle the consultation complaints of passengers and drivers in a timely manner.

  Chen Yinjiang believes that the implementation of the first inquiry responsibility system aims to urge operators to earnestly fulfill the responsibility of the first person responsible for consumer rights protection, and accept and handle consumer complaints in a timely manner according to the principle of "whoever sells goods is responsible and whoever provides services is responsible".

  Chen Yinjiang further explained that the establishment of the first inquiry and responsibility system for complaint handling between the network car aggregation platform and the cooperative network car platform company means that no matter whether it is the network car aggregation platform or the cooperative network car platform company, as long as it receives complaints from passengers or drivers, it is not allowed to shirk, let alone deliberately delay or unreasonably refuse, and should properly handle the consultation complaints of passengers and drivers in a timely manner.

  "These regulations can effectively avoid problems such as buck passing and procrastination between the network car aggregation platform and the network car platform company, which will significantly enhance the experience of the company." Liu Yuzhong said.

  Improve the level of regulatory capacity

  Recently, the issue of "the driver of the network car has failed to increase the price and refused to load" has caused heated discussion. On May 1, the Transportation Bureau of Jinghong City, Yunnan Province issued a report on the investigation and handling, and imposed a fine of 30,000 yuan on the driver Zhao Moumou, a fine of 30,000 yuan on Hua Moumou, a company on the polymerization platform, and the vehicle and the driver were banned indefinitely.

  In fact, in recent years, relevant departments around the country have been working hard to standardize the business behavior of platforms and drivers and maintain fair competition market order. The "Notice" also stressed that relevant local departments should maintain a high-pressure situation of cracking down on illegal operations in accordance with their statutory duties, and publicly expose the network car aggregation platform and cooperative network car platform companies that violate laws and regulations.

  In addition, the "Notice" requires that local transportation, market supervision and other departments should urge the network car aggregation platform and the cooperative network car platform company to implement the requirements of clear price tag, and must not disrupt the market order with unfair price behavior; Supervise the network car aggregation platform not to interfere with the price behavior of the network car platform company, not to directly participate in vehicle dispatching and driver management, and to maintain fair competition market order.

  Liu Junhai believes that these contents of the Notice are helpful to reverse the phenomenon that "bad money drives out good money", which is of great significance and is also conducive to protecting consumers’ right to fair trade and security.

  "The market will fail, and regulators should not fail." Liu Junhai said that when the market is out of order and enterprises can’t exercise self-discipline, regulators should make good use of the rights given by the law, such as market access, administrative guidance, administrative supervision and administrative punishment, so as to stir up chaos, punish evil and promote good, enthusiastically protect consumers’ legitimate rights and interests, take a clear-cut stand to crack down on and punish illegal business practices, and do a good job of supervision in all aspects before and after the event.

  Regarding how to further standardize the management of the network car aggregation platform, Liu Ruzhong suggested further studying and exploring the laws, regulations, policies and measures to standardize the management of the network car aggregation platform, increasing the definition of related modes, responsibilities and obligations, service management, illegal punishment and other contents of the aggregation platform, and truly bringing the aggregation platform into the adjustment scope of transportation management to ensure its standardized and healthy development.

  Chen Yinjiang suggested that in order to innovate the supervision mode, relevant departments should establish and improve the joint supervision mechanism, and comprehensively use digital supervision, credit supervision, administrative law enforcement, social supervision and other means to improve the supervision ability and level. Supervise the network car aggregation platform and the cooperative network car platform company to transmit real-time information and data about network car operation to the network car supervision information interaction system in accordance with relevant regulations, and ensure that the relevant regulatory authorities share the data in real time.

  It is also necessary to unblock the channels for complaints and rights protection. On the one hand, it is convenient for consumers to protect their rights according to law when they encounter problems and resolve consumer disputes in a timely manner; On the other hand, it is to encourage consumers to complain and report the illegal problems found in the network car, provide effective law enforcement clues for the regulatory authorities, and give full play to the power of social co-governance.


The new energy license plate "one license is hard to find" is quietly coming, and the special license plate will be promoted in three batches.

  According to the official Weibo news of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security recently held a meeting in Wuhan, Hubei Province, and deployed to promote the special number plates for new energy vehicles in three batches nationwide from November 20, 2017.

  The industry believes that with the introduction of a series of new energy vehicle policies, the new energy vehicle market will continue to grow, leading to the situation that new energy license plates are "hard to find" in some cities. At the same time, the rapid development of China market has also prompted China enterprises to actively go out and cooperate with international high-end technologies in the field of new energy vehicles.

  New energy license plate "one card is hard to find"

  According to the relevant regulations, vehicles with new energy vehicle number plates will not be restricted by the restrictions, and enjoy the policy of free parking for the first two hours in a large number of parking lots. In addition, pure electric vehicles do not detect exhaust emissions, and fuel cell vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles (including extended-range vehicles) are not included in the exhaust emission detection range for the time being.

  These "benefits" are undoubtedly attractive to consumers who live and work in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities with strict motor vehicle management and high parking costs.

  According to the data released by China Automobile Industry Association, in October, the production and sales of new energy vehicles all exceeded 90,000, up by 86% and 106.7% year-on-year. In the first 10 months of this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 517,000 and 490,000 respectively, and the year-on-year growth also exceeded 45%.

  The popularity of the market has led to the situation that new energy vehicle license plates are "hard to find" in some first-tier cities. The Beijing Municipal Office for the Regulation and Control of Passenger Car Indicators recently announced that the indicators of new energy vehicles have already been used up this year, and more than 80,000 people are waiting in line for next year’s indicators. In other words, according to the original plan, Beijing’s new energy passenger car index has been "booked" in advance in 2018. If you apply now, you can only wait until 2019 to get the new energy vehicle index.

  He Daixin, an associate researcher at China Academy of Social Sciences, said that this shows that with the promotion of policies and the continuous expansion of the market, consumers have become more and more accepting of new energy vehicles. But at the same time, the development of new energy vehicles still faces many technical and service problems. In the future, on the one hand, with the encouragement of national policies and the promotion of the capital market, the production capacity will be rapidly formed, and the sales layout of related car companies will also be rapidly launched; On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the quality and quality of after-sales service to ensure the healthy and sustainable operation of the industry.

  Upgrading technical services and accelerating industrial development

  So far, the development of new energy vehicles largely depends on the promotion of policies, and in the context of the gradual decline of subsidies for new energy vehicles, improving the technical and overall service level has become the key to consolidate and develop the market for new energy vehicles.

  Short cruising range, difficult charging, high battery consumption and low vehicle residual value are important factors that currently plague the growth of new energy vehicles. Because of this, these aspects are becoming the focus of social investment.

  Recently, Shanghai Shiwei Technology Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Buckingham University in the UK, and released a new product using artificial intelligence and cloud technology — — Energy management system of GAZELE3 electric vehicle.

  According to reports, Shiwei Technology currently has an energy management technology platform with completely independent intellectual property rights, which can be applied to the energy management of passenger cars, capacitive buses and electric forklifts, and can effectively improve the technical performance of electric vehicles. At the same time, the system can give full play to the maximum efficiency of each battery, further prolong the service life of the battery pack and reduce the user’s use cost.

  GAZELE3 system can also support the mixed use of capacitor package and battery package, which solves the bottleneck problem that has plagued the industry for many years. It is reported that the GAZELE3 system can adjust the system management module according to the needs of the vehicle manufacturer to adjust the battery pack energy, so that the BMS can quickly match the vehicle battery management, and the vehicle manufacturer does not need to redesign the battery management system, thus saving the new car design time, reducing the cost and reducing the product risk.

  Not only Shiwei Technology, but also many vehicle companies and technology companies are striving to promote the upgrading of new energy vehicle technology and services. BAIC New Energy Company recently released Optimus Prime Plan to promote a new mode of rapid power exchange for new energy vehicles.

  In this regard, industry experts said that these innovations have improved the quality of batteries, reduced costs, alleviated the problems of high battery cost and difficult recycling of new energy vehicles, and opened up the industrial chain of new energy vehicles, forming a virtuous circle.

  New energy vehicles become the focus of international cooperation

  The National Development and Reform Commission recently issued the "Three-year Action Plan to Enhance the Core Competitiveness of Manufacturing Industry (2018-2020)", and new energy smart cars have become one of the key points. The document calls for promoting the establishment of an international dialogue and exchange platform, strengthening technical cooperation, and promoting various forms of joint ventures and cooperation between leading global enterprises and domestic enterprises.

  At this point, the new energy automobile industry is particularly prominent. Daimler Group and BAIC Group, Volkswagen Group and Jianghuai Automobile, Ford Motor and Zotye have successively carried out in-depth cooperation in the field of new energy vehicles.

  As the largest automobile aftermarket exhibition in Asia, more than 6,000 enterprises from 40 countries and regions participated in the 13th Shanghai International Automobile Parts, Maintenance, Testing and Diagnostic Equipment and Service Supplies Exhibition held not long ago, and the achievements of Chinese and foreign automobile parts enterprises in the field of new energy vehicles became a highlight.

  It is understood that the scale of the new energy vehicles and technology area in this year’s exhibition has increased significantly. In addition to the richer exhibits, the technical core in the past was mainly motor electronic control, but now it is constantly extending to batteries, battery management, charging piles and related core components. Many multinational companies are seeking deeper cooperation with China enterprises, among which German pavilions with many famous brands such as Osram, Fabi and Proffit have expanded by more than 44% compared with the previous period.

  According to Zhou Shaolan, deputy general manager of Frankfurt Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., the electrification, automation, intelligence and networking of automobiles and the communication of the "Belt and Road" automobile industry have become the focus of attention of Chinese and foreign manufacturers.

  Cao Jiansheng, assistant managing director of Frankfurt Exhibition Asia Holdings Co., Ltd. also said that high-end technologies such as new energy, intelligence and lightweight have increasingly become the focus of the exhibition. At present, Messe Frankfurt has become a platform to help China enterprises participate in international cooperation.

  Cao Jiansheng said that in the future, it will further enrich and improve the platform function of the exhibition, better serve China enterprises to go global, and help domestic enterprises to achieve a higher level of international cooperation.

  In this regard, industry experts said that with the efforts of many multinational automobile companies in the field of new energy, the international competition of new energy vehicles will come soon. For domestic enterprises, facing the internationalization of the new energy vehicle market, there are both pressures and opportunities, which can encourage domestic enterprises to continuously promote technological progress and service improvement to meet the ever-increasing market demand. (Reporter Li Zhiyong)


The closing of the 8th Beijing International Film Festival highlights the new era.

The 8th Beijing International Film Festival closes. 

Directed by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee (National Film Bureau), sponsored by Beijing Municipal People’s Government and Central Radio and Television Station, and hosted by Beijing Press, Publication, Radio and Television Bureau, Beijing Huairou District People’s Government, Beijing TV Station and Beijing Beikong Real Estate Co., Ltd., the 8th Beijing International Film Festival, bathed in the mighty spring breeze of the new era and bearing the beautiful dream of the new century, came to a successful conclusion on April 22nd after eight days of grand exhibition and gorgeous blooming.








2. Opening the closing ceremony: showing the cultural charm of China.

The charm of China’s story is rooted in the unique China culture, and the uniqueness of China culture is the calling card for China’s story to go global. The opening and closing ceremonies of the 8th Beijing International Film Festival show cultural self-confidence with Chinese style, Beijing sentiment, main melody, positive energy and international norms, and build a spiritual bridge of "sharing resources and winning the future together" on the night of China where filmmakers from all over the world gather. The back-pattern elements in the beautiful dance design of the opening and closing ceremonies express the beautiful meaning of a long history, endless life, and unity of 99 and 99 with "one of the eight auspicious patterns" in China. The opening song and dance "Gathering in Beijing" and the closing song "The Covenant of the Temple of Heaven" expressed their gratitude to the guests in the form of a ceremonial stage, extended invitations to filmmakers around the world, and interpreted the core values of the Tiantan Award "Harmony between Heaven and Man, Beauty and Beauty". Traditional elements such as martial arts, Peking Opera, calligraphy and Quyi are everywhere in the content of the program. The song Heroes on Earth pays tribute to China movies with a refreshing cross-border performance of Peking Opera and Rap. The large-scale action show True Hero leads the audience to relive the unique charm of China Kung Fu in the screen art. The ink, light and shadow instrumental ensemble Harmony between Heaven and Man is presented through the innovative use of visual technologies such as ice screen, turntable, floor screen and sky eye. The splendid presentation of these oriental aesthetics and China cultural elements not only emphasizes the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, but also has the spirit of the times of compatibility and integration;It not only advocates equal exchanges and complementary brilliance between countries and nations, but also conforms to the development trend of world ideology and culture and the common value orientation of all mankind, so that more people of different ages and with different film preferences can participate in the film festival and feel the endless charm of film art together.

3. Beijing Exhibition: Pursuing China’s Aesthetic Style

Beijing International Film Festival has been pursuing the aesthetic style of China’s films. Two films, Yellow Land and horse thief, are regarded as the important representative works of China’s fifth generation directors and occupy a unique position in the history of China films. After a lapse of more than 30 years, the 8th Beijing International Film Festival specially held the premiere of these two "4K" restored classic films independently completed by China Film Archive, which created powerful conditions for these classic films to return to public view and realize their re-release. Huang Shuqin, a famous fourth-generation director, created People, Ghosts and Feelings, which is one of the most outstanding feminist films in China. Dasheng Zheng, a literati director, recently filmed the latest masterpiece Village Drama, both of which used traditional opera elements, but expressed modern concept consciousness from a completely different perspective. In addition to the theme of the works, the two directors are still in a mother-child relationship. This film festival specially arranged for the two films to be shown in series, and invited director Dasheng Zheng to participate in the exchange. The multiple echoes inside and outside the play made the activities more interesting and more academic. The two domestic films shortlisted for the "Tiantan Award" this year are also excellent films with a strong sense of reality, times and distinctive national development imprint. Operation Red Sea has aroused the sense of identity and pride of countless people in the country, and the film has also won the best visual effect award of this "Tiantan Award"; "Eighteen-hole Village" is directly based on the reality, putting China’s poverty alleviation action on the screen.Let the world know a real China and understand the feelings of a responsible country. In addition, at the closing ceremony of this film festival, the appearance of the performing artist Li Xuejian became the only touching moment when the audience stood up and applauded, which showed the unchanging initial intentions of several generations of China filmmakers and carried forward the past.

Second, the new style: to convey the voice of Beijing in the new era

Beijing is the birthplace of China movies. Today’s Beijing is home to the largest number of film production, distribution, educational institutions and professionals in China, with the widest audience and the most dynamic film market. Therefore, since its birth, Beijing International Film Festival has been carrying the mission of promoting the right to speak in China’s film industry and leading the new development of global films, striving to convey the international, national and Beijing-flavored Beijing voice in the new era.

1. Profession is king, highlighting the top international standards.

After several years of exploration and growth, the influence of the main competition unit "Tiantan Award" has been rapidly improved, and this year it has even more demonstrated the master temperament and "international norm". First, the judges have a strong lineup. This year’s "Tiantan Award" is composed of seven famous international filmmakers. The chairman of the international jury is Wang Jiawei, an internationally renowned film director who enjoys a good reputation in the world. The six judges are: Duan Long, a famous actor in China, Jan A.P. Kaczmarek, a famous Polish composer and producer, jonathan mostow, an American film director, screenwriter and producer, Karin Peter noetzel, a Romanian film director, a Swedish film director, screenwriter Ruben Ostlund and China actress Shu Qi. Second, a collection of excellent films. This year’s "Tiantan Award" collected excellent films from all over the world, and received a total of 659 films from six continents and 71 countries and regions, with rich themes, diverse types and different styles. Third, the awards are eye-catching. After five rounds of screening, 15 films from 19 countries and regions were shortlisted for this "Tiantan Award", including 13 overseas films and 2 domestic films. The quality of the films was greatly improved again compared with the previous ones, which was well received by the expert selection committee. The jury made a strict and careful selection of the above 15 films.Ten Tiantan Awards were finally selected: best film Panic Mom (Georgia/Estonia), best director Marianne Kaqiwani’s Mom (Georgia/Qatar/Ireland/Netherlands/Croatia), best actor joe cole’s Visual Juliet (Canada) and best actress Nata Mo Wen Naiz’s Panic Mom (Georgia/Croatia). Best Supporting Actor paul bettany’s End of the Journey (UK), Best Supporting Actress Mina Sadati’s Hot Summer (Iran), Best Screenplay Amichai Greenberg’s Testimony (Israel/Austria), Best Photography Konstantin Isadze’s Mom (Georgia/Qatar/Ireland/Netherlands/Croatia), Best Visual Effect Operation Red Sea ().

2. Each has its own beauty, realizing multicultural blending.

Beijing International Film Festival highlights the multi-country, multi-theme, multi-style film culture on the same stage, accepts filmmakers and film works from all countries and regions in the world with tolerance, and shows the openness of globalization in cross-cultural communication. The main competition unit "Tiantan Award" actively expands the channels for inviting films, and extensively collects outstanding new films from all over the world, regardless of the size of the country, regardless of the region and race, and is measured in full accordance with the value standard of "each has its own beauty, and the United States and the United States share it". 659 films from six continents and 71 countries and regions signed up for the evaluation, an increase of 235 films compared with the seventh film registration. Among them, there are 532 overseas films (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) and 127 domestic films, with rich themes, diverse types and different styles. "Beijing Exhibition" has also become an important platform for exchanges and cooperation between China and the global film industry. It not only brings together many excellent works that have won awards and received high praise in various international film festivals in the past year, but also focuses on setting up national units such as Czech Republic, Canada, Japan and Poland, which not only makes Beijing audiences feast their eyes, but also promotes cultural exchanges and industrial cooperation among various countries. The diversity of exhibitors at this year’s Beijing International Film Festival has also been further enhanced, with 220 enterprises registered online, and international exhibitors from Britain, Australia, Japan, Ukraine, Israel, Mongolia and other countries. Adhering to "Sharing resources and winning the future ",Beijing International Film Festival has built an important platform for cultural exchange between China films and international films, and also demonstrated the vitality and charm of Beijing as a national cultural center to the world.

3. Culture benefits the people and creates a shared atmosphere of Beijing flavor.

"Spring, come to Beijing to see the best movies in the world", Beijing International Film Festival always adheres to the service concept of public participation and culture benefiting the people, strives to create a unique atmosphere of sharing among the whole people in Beijing, and introduces the best and best movies in the world to the fans and audiences in Beijing. This year’s "Beijing Exhibition" has nearly 80 pre-screening and post-screening exchanges and salon lectures, of which more than 40 domestic films have been exchanged, with an unprecedented scale. This year, a "Science and Technology Unit" has been added, so that citizens can walk into the Science and Technology Museum and watch special effects movies such as ball screen movies, image maximum movies and 4D movies. In addition to public welfare activities such as special effects film selection and popular science movies entering the campus, film carnivals, film concerts, red carpet fan recruitment and other activities also let ordinary people enter the film world. At the same time, this year’s film festival has also made many improvements in services, and the ticketing experience of the official ticketing platform has been further optimized to carry more user traffic; More offline cinemas and cinemas participated in this film festival, which brought more real convenience. The organizing committee’s continuous efforts and improvement in benefiting the people have promoted the participation of the whole people in the event, and the participation group of the Beijing International Film Festival has gradually expanded from a small number of "shadow circle" audiences to ordinary audiences, which is finally reflected in the box office level. According to statistics, this year’s film festival broke through 2 million box office within 1 minute and 9 million in 12 minutes.Popular films such as The Grand Budapest Hotel, Titanic and Chongqing Forest were sold out in just a few tens of seconds, which not only stunned the public, but also once again showed the world the potential of China film market and the cultural prosperity behind the film market.

Third, new hope: bloom the dream of a new era movie

Beijing International Film Festival should be born with the times and go hand in hand with the times. With the improvement of China’s national strength, people’s growing demand for a better cultural life and the rapid development of China’s film market, the spread and influence of film festivals are increasing day by day. Over the past seven years, more than 1,600 film and television companies and more than 7,000 people in the industry have shown, exchanged, promoted and traded here, which has not only become the most important exchange and cooperation platform for China film market, but also become a landmark event to lead the industry trend and promote industrial development. In 2017, the total box office of China film market entered the "50 billion era", and China has become the second largest film market in the world. In this context, the 8th Beijing International Film Festival continued to promote the work of the film market, with 38 key projects of 79 companies signing cooperation, with a total amount of 26.0825 billion yuan, up by about 49% compared with the previous year. The accumulated signing amount exceeded 100 billion yuan, totaling 101.036 billion yuan, which effectively promoted the resource integration and collaborative innovation of the whole industry chain in various activities, provided a good opportunity for the vigorous development of China films, and opened the door for China films to go global.

1. Push new people, new works and new projects.

The Beijing International Film Festival has always been committed to promoting the rapid development of the film industry in China and the world, striving to play the role of an industrial incubator and boosting new people, new works and new projects. This year’s film festival organized the main creative media meeting, new film release conference and premiere to build a publicity and promotion platform for newcomers’ new works; Discover, promote and support outstanding young people with market potential; Set up a "focus on the future" unit to capture the film trend and encourage film originality; Established "China New Filmmaker Fund Award" and "MPA Award" in cooperation with Cannes Film Festival and other institutions to support newcomers to participate in international exchanges; The "Special Award for Project Venture Capital" and "Most Commercial Potential Award" were established, which attracted representatives from hundreds of film production organizations around the world to discuss and exchange, and helped young filmmakers take the first step to the market. During this year’s film festival, a forum was held with the theme of "How to improve the support system for new directors and build a high-standard industrialized film road in China film market", where the directors from domestic film public welfare organizations and commercial film and television platforms exchanged their experiences and achievements in excavating and supporting young directors.

2. Cultivate a new mode of project incubation.

Project venture capital has always been an important platform for Beijing International Film Festival to incubate the film market and support talents. It is committed to selecting excellent film projects and fully docking the elements of the film industry chain to help incubate excellent film works with artistic value and market potential. This project venture capital has received 722 projects, and the number of declared projects has reached a new high. It is particularly worth mentioning that with the good reputation of supporting excellent Chinese films for many years, Beijing International Film Festival project venture capital has gradually become the most eye-catching film incubation and support platform in the global Chinese language. Judging from the film projects collected this year, the influence of Beijing International Film Festival project venture capital in pan-Chinese-speaking areas has become increasingly prominent, especially the number of works in Hong Kong and Taiwan Province has increased significantly compared with previous years, which has attracted the active participation of outstanding Chinese filmmakers from Malaysia, Singapore, the United States, France and other countries, and the international influence of the film market venture capital platform has become increasingly prominent.

3. Focus on the new trend of film technology

This year’s Beijing International Film Festival included "Science and Technology Unit" in related activities for the first time. With the theme of "Movies Make Science More Wonderful", the event focused on the promotion and promotion of special effects movies to science communication based on the exhibition of ball screen movies, image maximum, 4D movies and action movies, and set up five activity sections, including special effects movie exhibition, popular science activities, masterpiece selection, exhibition exchange and academic forum, which brought wonderful technology movie experience to the public, and at the same time created an industry exchange platform for special effects movies, showing the achievements of global special effects movies. In particular, in the special effects film screening section, about 30 latest special effects films at home and abroad were screened, among which 19 films landed in Chinese mainland for the first time, including 3 world premieres, 9 Asian premieres and 7 domestic premieres, and BBC image maximum’s Ocean appeared as the opening film. These multi-national and high-quality works provide a broad artistic and technical vision for China’s sci-tech film creation, which will certainly promote the improvement of production level.

4. Explore new paths for industrial development.

As the most forward-looking communication platform in the film market, the industry dialogue section combines the latest development trends of the industry every year, pays attention to hot topics and discusses cutting-edge trends, providing a platform for people in the industry to collide with each other and share new knowledge, and has become the "wind vane" of the film industry. This year’s film festival invited world-renowned directors, producers, company operating officers and experts and professors as keynote speakers. Starting from the problems at all levels that need to be solved urgently in the Chinese and foreign film industries, and grasping the development laws and trends of the world film industry, four theme forums were held: the Chinese-foreign film cooperation forum mainly analyzed the successful cases of international co-productions, and studied and discussed topics such as market positioning and co-production of co-productions of films; The International Film Group Summit Forum mainly focuses on the hot topics in the current film distribution market in China and deeply analyzes the development status of the global film industry; The International Forum on Film Science and Technology discusses the deep integration and development of technology and film; The summit forum of "Exploring the Beauty of Film" deeply explores the creation law, aesthetic character, aesthetic value and social function of film art, and the aesthetic relationship between audience and film art, etc. These activities have cutting-edge topics and diverse perspectives, including policy interpretation, case analysis, cooperation strategies and resource sharing mechanisms, which have opened up new opportunities and new ways for all-round cooperation between Chinese and foreign films.

After the 8th Beijing International Film Festival was held as the victory of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, the first major international cultural exchange activity held in Beijing was far-reaching, fruitful and influential, far exceeding the general international cultural exchange activities. What she shows people is not only the wonderful movies, but also the beautiful and vibrant Beijing, and more importantly, the charm of China in the new era and the elegant demeanor of the people of China.

As the theme of this year’s film festival poster "Climb the Peak Again" implies, under the call of Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s cultural mission in the new era, the Beijing International Film Festival will adhere to the style and characteristics of "master, mass, big market", not forgetting the initial value of "harmony between man and nature, beauty and beauty", and forge ahead step by step, looking forward to climbing new heights with China films next year.


The Secret of the Selection Procedure of Benxi Youth League Cadres: No one wants to accompany the Prince to study.

    Originally, no one wanted to "study with the prince", and some young cadres were forced to sign up.

    Three of the four cadres of the Communist Youth League Committee to be promoted in Benxi, Liaoning Province are children of city leaders, and the incident attracted attention after being disclosed by this newspaper. A cadre who participated in the selection revealed the loopholes in the selection process of "double push and double examination" in Benxi: the number of candidates is not enough, so find someone to make up; When the children of the Standing Committee are leaders, they should be decided early.

    Xu Yun (a pseudonym) is a "denominator", which is one of the "denominator" of the secretary and deputy secretary of the municipal party committee of Benxi City. He knew that he didn’t have a chance to become a "molecule" and didn’t want to participate. However, because of the serious shortage of applicants and he met the registration conditions, he was forced to play the role of "accompanying the prince to study".

    How did the children of three city leaders get into leadership positions through double push and double examination? Yesterday (2nd), Xu Yun told the Southern Reporter about his own experience.

    On the same day, Xinhua also issued a manuscript, which finally confirmed the news that the selection was illegal and the result was invalid. According to sources, before the local decision was made, several young cadres had been in the Benxi Communist Youth League Committee for a week.

    Xu Yun, who had signed up for the "Double Push and Double Exam" selection of leading cadres in Benxi, was interviewed by our reporter on May 2. He said that he didn’t want to "study with the prince" at first, but he couldn’t help it. "At the beginning, many people knew that they couldn’t compete with them and didn’t want to sign up, but those who met the organizational requirements had to sign up and didn’t report. These people’s resumes are all there, so they don’t need to use anyone. Because the number of people who signed up was not enough, they came to us. " Xu Yun said.

    The "double push and double examination" is an advanced experience of innovation in the field of selecting cadres in Benxi. It was successfully carried out in 2005 and 2006, and was fully affirmed by the superiors and widely reported by the news media. And why are there four elected cadres and three children of city leaders in this double-push and double-test? What is the gap between the strict procedures stipulated in the double push and double examination and the actual operation?

    Registration: There are not enough people, so hurry up.

    According to the procedure published in the Announcement of Selecting Leading Cadres by "Double Push and Double Exam" (No.1), first, the announcement was made through the local news media, and then "double push"-

    "Recommend registration": register by combining personal recommendation, mass recommendation and organizational recommendation; "Recommend nomination": hold a public recommendation meeting attended by a certain range of people and make democratic recommendation among the applicants. According to the votes, from high to low, five candidates for evaluation and inspection were determined and announced in the media. The time is from March 6 to 10.

    Announcement No.1 was issued on March 5th. According to the data of Benxi Talent Network, the official website of Benxi Organization Department, by 16: 00 on March 7, the number of applicants for the Communist Youth League Committee Secretary was only one, and there were nine deputy secretaries.

    By the final number of applicants announced on March 11, the number of applicants for the Communist Youth League Committee Secretary reached 13 and the number of deputy secretaries reached 26.

    Xu Yun said, "A lot of people don’t know what’s going on, so they just fill in the form. It may even be that some people don’t fill out their own forms. " He filled out a form, a piece of paper, with his resume clearly written on it, and handed in four photos. Then he will have nothing to do, and the organization department of the unit will do it. "Everything that can be hung up has been reported, and some of them are far-fetched, but at least there are enough people."

    Interview: Someone was not informed at all.

    The next step is the interview evaluation. It mainly includes interview defense and qualification evaluation. Followed by the organization inspection. The organization department of the Municipal Party Committee will appoint a special person to form an investigation team to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the moral, ability, diligence, performance, honesty and other related aspects of the candidates in a quantitative way. On the basis of interview evaluation and organization inspection, the interview defense, qualification evaluation and organization inspection are scored quantitatively.

    If this procedure is followed, it seems that all applicants should have an interview. But Xu Yun was not informed to attend the interview. Xu Yun said that before the interview, there is actually a primary selection procedure, and only the candidates determined by the primary selection can participate in the interview. The primary criteria are not announced, and he has no way of knowing.

    Voting: The Standing Committee voted to elect the children of the Standing Committee.

    The last step is to determine the candidate for the post. According to the interview evaluation, organization inspection and quantitative scoring, the Ministry of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee will vote by secret ballot on five candidates for evaluation and inspection, and put forward two candidates for post recommendation, which will be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee for discussion. By secret ballot, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee voted on the difference between the two proposed candidates and determined one candidate.

    Xu Yun said, in fact, the candidate is basically decided at the ministerial meeting of the organization department. The vote of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee actually exists in name only: "Who can say no when the Standing Committee discusses the children of the Standing Committee? Even if you disagree, you can’t say it at the meeting. " For the whole selection, he concluded: "On the surface, it is very democratic, but in fact, it is selling dog meat with a sheep’s head."

    Why does leading children into politics raise questions? There are too many hard injuries on the road to promotion

    No one will think that leading children can’t go into politics. The key lies in whether the road of leading children’s promotion can stand the test of procedures and public judgment. I look forward to the involvement of relevant parties in investigating this cadre selection storm and giving the public an explanation.

    Benxi city announced that the results of four league cadres selected by "double push and double examination" were invalid.

    Xinhuanet Shenyang, May 2 (Reporter Xu Yang) The Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee confirmed to Xinhua News Agency on the 2 nd: Not long ago, four league cadres selected by Benxi City through "double promotion and double examination" were decided by the Benxi Municipal Committee because some links did not meet the relevant regulations.

    The result of selecting cadres in Benxi City was declared invalid.

    On April 25th, it was learned from the Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee that one Communist Youth League Secretary and three Deputy Secretaries of the Communist Youth League Committee were publicly selected and produced in Benxi City through "double promotion and double examination". According to the research of Benxi Municipal Committee, some of the four league cadres selected this time do not have the required qualifications, and there are also problems in the discussion and decision-making process that violate the withdrawal system of cadre selection and appointment. To this end, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee discussed and decided that the results of the secretary and deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the "double push and double examination" selection group were invalid.

    Leading children into alternative cadres was exposed, arguing that cadres’ children also became talents.

    Recently, a notice of selecting cadres in Benxi City, Liaoning Province caught the attention of netizens. A post on the Internet reprinted this announcement, saying that the four people mentioned in the announcement who were proposed to be the secretary and deputy secretary of the Benxi Youth League Committee were selected, and the parents of three people were leaders in Benxi City. Most related posts have been deleted. There is news on the official news network that the results of the selection of cadres are invalid, but the news has also been deleted, and it is still impossible to verify the authenticity of its report.

    People get promoted abroad and at home?

    According to insiders, the son of the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission is still studying abroad at public expense.

    It is rumored that Gao Ting’s father is Gao Chengzhu, deputy secretary of Benxi Municipal Committee and secretary of the Disciplinary Committee. Wang Zuopeng, a Benxi native who had many contacts with Gao Chengzhu because of reporting a demolition case involving corruption, previously confirmed to this reporter that Gao Ting was indeed the son of Gao Chengzhu. Yesterday, he revealed to our reporter that he learned that the experience mentioned in Gao Ting’s resume may be untrue. According to the resume, Gao Ting is currently the director of Mingshan Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, the deputy director of China Merchants Bureau and the director of Gaotaizi Town Industrial Office. Wang Zuopeng alleged that as far as he knew, there was no Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau or China Merchants Bureau in Mingshan District, and Gaoting’s salary was paid by Mingshan District Development Plan and Economic and Trade Bureau. He said that he sent a text message to Gao Chengzhu and asked, "Gao Ting doesn’t go to work. Why can he get a salary at the Mingshan District Development Planning and Economic and Trade Bureau with the official treatment?"

    However, although the reporter did not see the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and China Merchants Bureau in the sequence of government agencies published on the website of Mingshan District Government, he also learned that China Merchants Bureau does exist and there are actual investment projects. The reporter also saw some documents issued by China Merchants Bureau in Mingshan District. However, the foreign trade bureau of Mingshan District did not find out the specific situation. However, Benxi Foreign Trade Bureau is responsible for investment promotion, so Mingshan Investment Promotion Bureau and Foreign Trade Bureau may be the same institution, but they do not exist. The reporter called several leaders in Mingshan District to verify this situation, and the other party either turned off the phone or did not answer the phone.

    Wang Zuopeng said that Gao Ting did not work in the district, and now he is studying abroad, not at home, and he did not work in Benxi.

    And Xu Yun also revealed to reporters that Gao Ting is indeed abroad, and she is participating in a public study abroad program. It seems that she went out last year and probably won’t come back until June this year. He doesn’t know if he went back to China for an interview during the double push and double test.

    According to the official resume, Gao Ting, born in 1981, studied at Manitoba University in Canada and joined the work in 2004.

    I have been in office for one week before declaring the selection invalid.

    The identities of the three children of Benxi leaders posted on the net posts have all been confirmed.

    Xu Yun, a cadre who participated in the "Double Push and Double Exam" selection in Benxi, revealed to our reporter yesterday that several league cadres had already reported to the Communist Youth League Committee and took office for a week. After Benxi suddenly announced that the selection result was invalid, they were returned to their original units.

    Xinhua news agency issued a confirmation message

    According to the press release issued by Northeast News Network on April 25th, the Standing Committee of Benxi Municipal Committee discussed and decided that the results of the "Double Push and Double Exam" selection group were invalid. Then the news was deleted. After this newspaper reported the incident of Benxi selection group cadres, the network released this news again.

    Because this news was sent and deleted, deleted and sent again, and because our reporter could not get in touch with the organization department of Benxi Municipal Committee and other relevant departments during May Day, the news that this selection was invalid could not be finalized.

    Yesterday, the Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee finally confirmed to Xinhua News Agency that the selection result was invalid.

    According to Xinhua News Agency, Benxi City has publicly selected one Communist Youth League Secretary and three Communist Youth League Deputy Secretaries by means of "double promotion and double examination". Because one Communist Youth League Secretary and two deputy secretaries are children of relevant leaders, this announcement has caused controversy in society. After research, the Benxi Municipal Committee believes that the four cadres selected this time do not have the required qualifications, and there are also problems in the discussion and decision-making process that violate the system of avoiding the selection and appointment of cadres. To this end, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee has discussed and decided on April 25 that the results of the "double push and double examination" selection group’s party secretary and deputy secretary are invalid.

    Son of the United front minister

    Xu Yun, who participated in the selection of leading cadres in Benxi’s "Double Push and Double Exam", revealed to our reporter that on April 27th, the province sent people to Benxi to declare the selection invalid. At that time, several new Communist Youth League officials had reported to work for a week, and the work was all started. At first, the staff of the Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee replied to our reporter that these three people were not appointed.

    "How can you report without appointment and go to work? How can the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee be appointed if it fails? The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee discussed and approved the appointment, but then why did it "discuss and decide" that the selection was invalid? Hit yourself in the mouth. " Xu Yun questioned.

    In addition, Xu Yun revealed to reporters that Li Haoran, the third person involved in the rumor, is indeed the son of Li Ming, vice chairman of the CPPCC and director of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee. This is no secret in Benxi, and many people know it. After graduation, Li Haoran worked in the talent exchange center. He worked in the Communist Youth League Committee for a short time. When he left the Communist Youth League Committee, he was treated as a place class. It is said that he was a section chief in the Communist Youth League Committee. Not long after working in the Communist Youth League Committee, I went to a town for temporary training and served as mayor. After coming back, he was transferred from the Communist Youth League Committee to the Party Working Committee of Jinshan Street in Mingshan District as deputy secretary and director of the office. So far, the three people involved in the rumor: Sun Mingyong (the mother is the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions), Gao Ting (the father is the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection), and Li Haoran are all confirmed to be the children of the current municipal leaders.

    Political Steps in Benxi

    Xu Yun also explained that he said earlier that the division level in Li Haoran was different from that in the whole country. In Liaoning, Shenyang, Dalian, Fushun, Benxi and Anshan have a division level between the bureau level (equivalent to the national division level) and the division level. That is to say, this level setting is one level higher than the national level, which is the product of a special period after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Therefore, in theory, the speed of promotion should be slower.

    In Benxi, according to the ordinary speed, the promotion should be as follows: clerk 3-5 years, deputy section chief 3 years, section chief 3 years, deputy director 3 years, director 3 years, deputy director 3 years, director, Sun Mingyong joined the work in March 2005 (the proposed bureau level is equivalent to the department level), Gao Ting joined the work in August 2004 and Li Haoran joined the work in August 1999.

    However, when promoting and appointing young cadres, especially those of the Communist Youth League Committee, they are generally younger and supported by relevant policies. (Source: Southern Metropolis Daily reporter Tan Renwei)

    Why does leading children into politics raise questions? There are too many hard injuries on the road to promotion

    No one will think that leading children can’t go into politics. The key lies in whether the road of leading children’s promotion can stand the test of procedures and public judgment. I look forward to the involvement of relevant parties in investigating this cadre selection storm and giving the public an explanation.

    Benxi city announced that the results of four league cadres selected by "double push and double examination" were invalid.

    Xinhuanet Shenyang, May 2 (Reporter Xu Yang) The Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee confirmed to Xinhua News Agency on the 2 nd: Not long ago, four league cadres selected by Benxi City through "double promotion and double examination" were decided by the Benxi Municipal Committee because some links did not meet the relevant regulations.

    The result of selecting cadres in Benxi City was declared invalid.

    On April 25th, it was learned from the Organization Department of Benxi Municipal Committee that one Communist Youth League Secretary and three Deputy Secretaries of the Communist Youth League Committee were publicly selected and produced in Benxi City through "double promotion and double examination". According to the research of Benxi Municipal Committee, some of the four league cadres selected this time do not have the required qualifications, and there are also problems in the discussion and decision-making process that violate the withdrawal system of cadre selection and appointment. To this end, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee discussed and decided that the results of the secretary and deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the "double push and double examination" selection group were invalid.

    Leading children into alternative cadres was exposed, arguing that cadres’ children also became talents.

    Recently, a notice of selecting cadres in Benxi City, Liaoning Province caught the attention of netizens. A post on the Internet reprinted this announcement, saying that the four people mentioned in the announcement who were proposed to be the secretary and deputy secretary of the Benxi Youth League Committee were selected, and the parents of three people were leaders in Benxi City. Most related posts have been deleted. There is news on the official news network that the results of the selection of cadres are invalid, but the news has also been deleted, and it is still impossible to verify the authenticity of its report.

Editor: Li Erqing


"the glory of the king" or "King Pesticide": Healthy games are more than addiction prevention.

  Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, July 7th Title: "the glory of the king" or "King Pesticide": Healthy games are more than anti-addiction.

  Xinhua News Agency "China Net" reporter Ye Qian Yan Zhihong

  The explosive game the glory of the king once again ignited the controversy of mobile games, and even was criticized as "pesticide of the king" and "poison of the dead" due to some extreme cases. In fact, not only this game, but also the whole mobile game market is very popular in recent years, which has almost become a new way of entertainment for all. How does mobile games affect minors? Can the anti-addiction system work? Can healthy games be realized?

  How many minors are playing?

  Random street question, what is the glory of the king? Most people know that it is a multiplayer online tactical competitive game (MOBA). In the game, the heroes of No.5, No.3 or No.1 display their skills, upgrade their levels and kill each other on the map, with the ultimate goal of taking the lead in destroying the crystal tower of the enemy base.

  It is often seen that in front of restaurants and cinemas, three or five young people get together and fiddle with their mobile phones with their heads down. Nine times out of ten, it is a "black-out" (starting a game in teams), and from time to time, you can hear game lines such as "I have one skill and one thousand blood".

  According to the data released at the annual conference of Tencent Interactive Entertainment in April 2017, the glory of the king has accumulated more than 200 million registered users, making it the MOBA mobile game with the largest number of users in the world. According to Tencent’s data, its daily active users reach 50 million.

  Xie Meilan, the sixth-grade head teacher of Haicang Yankui Primary School in Xiamen, made a small survey in the class and found that half of the 41 students in the class were playing this game. Some parents questioned that a large number of primary and secondary school students are addicted to this game, and even some media reported that more than half of the users of this game are primary and secondary school students.

  Tencent denied the question that "more than half of users are primary and secondary school students". The the glory of the king Research Report released by Aurora Big Data, a market research organization, shows that users under the age of 14 account for 3.5%; 15-19 years old accounted for 22.2%.

  Tencent did not reply to the user data information of the game under the age of 18 when interviewed by reporters, and said that such official data has never been released.

  Can the anti-addiction three-axe work

  A teacher in Hangzhou, Ms. Lan, said that the children’s class organized a doctor to talk about eye knowledge. The doctor said that it was best not to look at the computer and mobile phone for more than 15 minutes at a time. As a result, a child said that "15 minutes is not enough to play a game of the glory of the king". It is precisely because of the addiction of underage players that this explosive mobile game has caused great social controversy.

  On July 4th, Tencent launched the "the glory of the king" health system, which is known as the "anti-addiction" measure. It is clearly stipulated that minors under the age of 12 (including 12 years old) are limited to play for one hour a day, and minors over the age of 12 are limited to play for two hours a day.

  According to the background data provided by Tencent, as of July 6, in the two days after the system was launched, its "growth guardian platform" added more than 700,000 new bound accounts. That is to say, according to the setting, once the time limit is reached, these accounts will be offline.

  Despite this, industry insiders and parents report that anti-addiction measures have limited effect.

  A parent in Guangzhou reported that this game has not been certified by real-name registration system, and it can be played without submitting information. Tencent also said that the background is based on the information submitted by users and comprehensive credit information to judge whether it is 12 years old.

  More importantly, most users log in to the game through WeChat or QQ account. In this case, the information used to judge in the background is the information of WeChat or QQ users. Many parents reported that children can play games through their parents’ mobile phone WeChat. Even if they are given mobile phones, their accounts are often opened in the real name of their parents.

  Wan Liyong, deputy director of public relations of Duoyi Network Company, who developed the mobile game "SHEN WOO 2", told reporters that the users of mobile games are mainly 16 to 26 years old, and there is still no effective way to restrict underage users.

  Many of the best-selling mobile games in China, including the glory of the king, have the function of forcing players to go offline. No matter for minors or adults, when the game is online for 2 hours, it will remind you to rest, and when the game is online for 5 hours, it will force you to go offline to rest.

  How to Realize "Healthy Games"

  In order to upgrade and buy equipment, some students spend thousands of yuan … … It is often reported that teenagers, especially minors, spend a lot of money on mobile games, which makes the parents miserable. In addition, pornography, violence and incorrect historical descriptions have aroused social concern.

  Correspondingly, many post-80s and post-90s netizens said that they also played online games when they were growing up, and they also encountered similar criticisms at that time. Games were just a form of entertainment. Many game teenagers in those years have now made many contributions to the country and society in various posts.

  Aside from these, experts believe that regulators, parents and game development operators should work together to take due responsibility for preventing addiction, especially for minors.

  Feng Gang, a professor of sociology at Zhejiang University, believes that parents must bear the responsibility of family education. "Some parents feel that they have no time to accompany their children and hope that enterprises or society will assume the responsibility of supervision, but in the process of children’s growth, family education is still the most important and irreplaceable part."

  In the Apple App Store, the glory of the king is rated as "17+".According to Apple’s evaluation system, it is recommended that you should be over 17 to play this game.

  In this regard, industry experts suggest that the regulatory authorities should explore the game grading system in China, providing a basis for future supervision and setting boundaries for game developers. Lu Xiaokun, executive director of Guangdong Game Industry Association, said that the game grading system currently implemented in Europe and the United States is mainly based on the entry threshold of application stores such as Apple Store, Android Store or Google Store. When the game enters the application store, it is necessary to declare whether the game involves violence, drugs, gambling and other content. The relevant stores will grade the game according to the content of the questionnaire and set a suitable age range accordingly.

  "This problem should be sparse and not blocked." Zhong Hong, vice president of Guangzhou Baitian Information Technology Co., Ltd., a mobile game company, said that it is necessary for the government, enterprises and society to work together to make teenagers play healthy games.


The story of China people, online celebrity after 80s! How did he get elected to the 19th National Congress?

  China Youth Network, Beijing, October 21st (trainee reporter Zhang Tong) relies on lectures on ideological and political education in colleges and universities instead of shouting wheat or freestyle. He became a "big V" with hundreds of thousands of fans, a veritable "online celebrity".

  There is no charge, no appointment, and WeChat can answer questions online at any time. After answering nearly 100,000 questions in three years, he won the hearts of students with "speech therapy service".

  On October 9th, Xu Chuan, as a representative of young party member from the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the grassroots level, spoke at the meeting of Chinese and foreign journalists organized by the State Council Information Office. source map

  Xu Chuan, born in 1980s, is a teacher of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of the 2280 delegates of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a very young one!

  In May 2016, one of his letters, "Answering a student’s question: Why did I join the Communist Party of China (CPC)", with a reading volume of 100,000+,exploded the circle of WeChat friends.

  Xu Chuanhuo, why? Xu Chuan said that every step of life counts. Ten years ago, Xu Chuan gave up his high salary and chose to be an ordinary counselor in China Southern Airlines. From a daily salary of 1,000 yuan to a monthly salary of 1,000 yuan, such a choice is always confusing.

  Xu Chuan said that if you really like a job, you don’t have to worry about the future. In China Southern Airlines, Xu Chuan’s relationship with students is more like "playing games to upgrade". Teaching and learning learn from each other, getting along with students day and night, so that Xu Chuan is always in a state of charging. "In the information age, students probably know more than I do, and they push me forward," Xu Chuan said.

  Xu Chuan lectures and never plays cards according to common sense. In his class, Marx is a promising young man who belongs to a tiger. Obviously, he is "Gao Fushuai", but he sees through wealth and understands nobility. He always wants to do something "big"!

  Xu Chuan said, to understand a person’s thoughts, you don’t even know him. The basic things have not been solved. Where are the high-level values attached? Xu Chuan’s class has captured a large number of fans by "making meaningful things interesting". In China Southern Airlines, students call him "Brother Chuan".

  The course selection is full first, which is comparable to grabbing concert tickets; In the classroom, the aisles are often full of students. "Value cannot be completely measured by money, and money is only a form of value. Being able to help others out of the predicament is a direct and overwhelming sense of accomplishment. "

  "Be a companion that students will never forget" is Xu Chuan’s motto. In order to help more young people, he started to operate Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account.

  In order to make this accompanying group more powerful, Xu Chuan set up a "continuous ideological and political work team". "What I want to do is to make ‘ I ’ Become ‘ We ’ And bring together more people with firm beliefs. "Xu Chuan’s idea is simple and simple.

  Now, Xu Chuan has a new role-the representative of the 19th National Congress. In addition to performing his duties as a representative, Xu Chuan sees himself more as a bridge between the 19th National Congress and the youth. "The 19th National Congress is related to the formulation of the grand blueprint for the whole country in the next five years and is closely related to young people. I will look at these policies and changes from the perspective of young people. "

  Today, China Youth Network specially selected some wonderful answers from Xu Chuan’s answers to students’ questions. Let’s feel it together!

Hot spots of public opinion emerge one after another, how to stand in line with the reversal drama?

  Finally, I attach "Answering a student’s question: Why did I join the Communist Party of China (CPC)" written by Xu Chuan (excerpt):

  To join an organization, we must understand its past and see its future clearly.

  In fact, many people don’t know much about this organization’s past. They don’t study Party history or party constitution.

  We haven’t experienced hard times, so we can’t build our feelings and deep affection for the party out of thin air.

  Therefore, we should look back, think carefully and walk slowly.

  The history of this party is not far away, and the present of this party is actually not complicated.

  Only when you know where you came from can you know where you are and where you are going.

  This is the simplest logic.

  The future of this political party is also easy to judge. We have witnessed many things in this year or two.

  Everyone can see "beating tigers and swatting flies" and "strictly administering the party";

  Everyone can see the "eight regulations" and "three strictness and three realities";

  Everyone can see the "mass line" and "two studies and one work";

  More and more specific, more and more strict, more and more normal, this is the trend.

  The truth is not complicated. If there is no people in your heart, you will be abandoned by the people.

  The glory of this political party is closely related to the people, and its future glory will inevitably depend on it.

  That’s the only way.

  This is the answer given by history and the choice of the CCP itself.

  I think what I gave today is definitely not the final answer.

  Or, I don’t want to give you a final answer.

  Now, the threshold for joining the party is getting higher and higher, and it is becoming more and more difficult to join the party.

  It is never the quantity of party member that determines the vitality and vigor of a party, but the quality.

  Let the comrades who really want to join this organization face more tests.

  In my opinion, if a student does not have a strong mass base, does not devote himself wholeheartedly to his classmates, and does not put hardship first and pleasure second, he is not qualified to join the party.

  At least, it is such a standard and requirement as far as I can radiate.

  If everyone agrees with this view, it is not just me, but us.

  We come from all corners of the country and come together for a common goal.

  At the same time, we should also bring everyone’s beliefs and stories.