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Hangzhou drag racing case: the victim’s father applied for protest to talk about the "body double" incident.

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News review:The Xihu District Court of Hangzhou responded to body double’s rumor: Hu Bin’s identity is undoubtedly confirmed.

  Zhongxin. com, Hangzhou, July 28th (Reporter Shuang Yuan, Chai Yanfei) The sensational "5.7" traffic accident case in Hangzhou had the first trial result, but the result did not end the incident. Parents of both sides first expressed unfairness to the court’s decision, and many netizens even expressed doubts about whether Hu Bin was body double at the trial. On 24th, Tan Zhuo’s father, Tan Yue, sent a protest application and a complaint to the procuratorate and the court. The Xihu District Procuratorate said today that it has accepted the appl ication for protest, but it still needs to be studied whether it will protest.

  At about 8 pm on May 7th this year, Hu Bin, who was only 20 years old, raced with his friends in the busy streets of Hangzhou, killing Tan Zhuo, a 25-year-old Zhejiang University graduate who was crossing the zebra crossing to go home after watching a movie. Subsequently, the local police in Hangzhou determined that Hu Bin was driving at "70 yards per hour", which caused public outcry. For a time, students from major media, forums and Zhejiang University paid great attention to this traffic accident, which also had a wide impact throughout the country.

  On July 15th, the Xihu District People’s Court held a public hearing on the case. More than 60 people from all walks of life, including relatives of the victim Tan Zhuo, former colleagues, relatives of the defendant Hu Bin, deputies to the National People’s Congress and CPPCC members, attended the trial. On the 20th, the court made a public judgment in the first instance and sentenced the defendant Hu Bin to three years’ imprisonment for traffic accident. In addition, after the incident, Hu Bin’s relatives have compensated and voluntarily compensated the victims’ relatives for economic losses totaling RMB 1,130 100 yuan.

  Although Hu Bin’s parents thought the verdict was unfair, they said they would not appeal for the time being. Tan Zhuo’s father, Tan Yue, sent an application for protest to Xihu District Procuratorate, Hangzhou Procuratorate, Zhejiang Procuratorate and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on the afternoon of the 24th. Letters of complaint were sent to Xihu District Court, Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, Zhejiang High Court and the Supreme People’s Court; In addition, fact sheets were sent to the Hangzhou Municipal People’s Congress, the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress and the National People’s Congress. Tan Yue said that he "expects the superior judicial department to have a legal and fair characterization of Hu Bin’s crimes".

  "Because the procuratorate has not replied whether I will protest, it is not convenient to open the application for protest now." Tan Yue told reporters that the protest application mainly includes two points. One is the issue of the characterization of the charges in the first-instance judgment. Tan Yue said that he never agreed with the charge of "traffic accident " and still insists that Hu Bin committed the crime of "endangering public safety by dangerous means". Second, the issue of Hu Bin’s "body double". Regarding the rumor-dispelling notice issued by the West Lake Court a few days ago, Tan Yue thought that it was "unconvincing and meaningless, even a fake body double would answer the question in this way". He hoped that the higher judicial organs would take this matter seriously and adopt an open, fair and transparent method to identify the true and false Hu Bin in accordance with the law, so as to dispel everyone’s doubts.

  Tan Yue told reporters that the procuratorate has received his protest application today, and it is still under review, but whether to protest needs to be reviewed before making a decision. "If the application for protest fails, I will exercise my second right and apply to a higher court for legal supervision procedures."

  According to Article 182 of China’s Criminal Procedure Law, if the victim and his legal representative refuse to accept the judgment of first instance of the local people’s courts at all levels, they have the right to request the people’s procuratorate to lodge a protest within five days after receiving the judgment. The people’s procuratorate shall, within five days after receiving the request of the victim and his legal representative, make a decision on whether to protest and answer the request. (End)

The incident occurred at 8 pm on May 7.
  Hu Bin raced with friends in a Mitsubishi sports car in Hangzhou, killing Tan Zhuo who was crossing the zebra crossing. [detailed]

"Deceive the real horse" on May 8.
  The Hangzhou police said that the speed was 70 yards, which was inconsistent with the eyewitness’s statement and caused many questions. Netizens invented a new online word "cheat real horses" (70 yards). [detailed]

Criminal detention on May 8
  Hu Bin is suspected.trafficThe crime of causing trouble was detained, but its "trafficThe crime of causing trouble was questioned. [detailed]


Appraisal report on May 14th.
  According to the report, the speed of the accident vehicle ranged from 84 yards to 101 yards, and it was modified or partially modified. [detailed]

Arrest on may 17
  "5.7" submitted by Hangzhou People’s Procuratorate to Hangzhou Public Security Bureau for arrest.trafficHu Bin, the suspect in the accident case, approved the arrest according to law. [detailed]

Compensation on May 20
  The victim’s family and the perpetrator have reached an agreement, and the victim’s parents have received compensation of 1.13 million yuan. [detailed]


First trial on July 20
  Hangzhou Xihu District People’s Court on "5.7"trafficThe accident case was publicly pronounced in the first instance totrafficThe defendant Hu Bin was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment for the crime of causing trouble. [detailed]

Hot spots in today’s society

·The father of Tan Zhuo, the victim of the drag racing case, submitted an application for protest.

·The suspect wounded the police and snatched the gun, which contained several bullets.

·The incident of the black kiln worker in Anhui Province continued: Several suspects were arrested.

·The suspect wounded the police and snatched the gun, which contained several bullets.

·Owners of 10 buildings in Jiangsu said they felt cracks in the shaking wall of the building.

·Tourists can shoot nude models when they apply for permits: human photography is suspended in scenic spots.

·Thousands of neighbors of women receive intimate photos of their extramarital affairs. picture

·Neighbors like to move around the house naked, and the old man is ashamed to open the windowpicture

Today’s entertainment hotspots

·Degang Guo denies lending 400,000 yuan to Hou Yaowen and will not appear in court. |special subject

·Xiaoxue, a fast female judge in Hong Huang, called it "the second time is still called mu"

·Lin Bai wants to visit Yi Zhongtian again: I have to insist on throwing chairs on the spot.

·Hundreds of thousands of "babies" in Liang Luoshi Baby Care Group are hard to serve.

·Yico Zeng worshiped Confucius for promotion and promised to compose music for him.

  Related links:

  • Injuring people by racing, filing a case for endangering public safety 2009-07-25
  • Cao Lin: It is extremely dangerous to expose the "racing supervision" without verification. 2009-07-24
  • Review of the Racing Case in Hangzhou on July 21, 2009
  • Why Hu Bin was sentenced to three years: the presiding judge of Hangzhou drag racing case explained the trial results in detail 2009-07-20.

Editor: Teng Xue


Dancing Black Mamba Aika Tianma Test Drive Zhiji L7 SP Edition

  [Aika car test drive original]

  On October 24th, the news that (|) Snake Performance’s high-performance version reached the top of Zhejiang’s fastest domestically produced mass-produced electric vehicles must have blown up the circle of friends of fans. And this week, I am very honored to be the first lucky person to test drive this high-performance version of the car. As for this newly-made domestic upstart, how much gold does it have? Let’s look down.


  In recent years, the development of domestic new energy vehicles can be said to be very rapid, but everyone’s focus on domestic new energy vehicles is more on intelligence and cruising range, which can be said to be a weak item in performance. This time, the performance of Zhiji L7 Snake Performance in Zhejiang has even surpassed the top high-performance models such as AMG (|), (| |) Turbo S, (|), RS7, RS6, and it can be said that it is proud. Although its Zhejiang performance has just been refreshed by (|), it still ranks in the first echelon.

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba

Black Mamba


Summary of weekend news: the central bank and other three departments have stepped in to support enterprises in this industry to raise funds through reasonable equity in the capital market.

  What major events may affect the capital market over the weekend? The highlights are summarized as follows:

  Macro and market news

  State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission: Accelerate the construction ofA new type of power system with the main body

  According to a report by Cailian on Saturday, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council held a special meeting on the work of central enterprises to keep warm and supply this winter and next spring on November 16th. The meeting demanded that the long-term mechanism should be improved, the construction of peak-shaving power supply should be promoted according to local conditions, investment in technological innovation should be increased, and the construction of a new power system with the main body should be accelerated. It is necessary to strengthen risk investigation, put safety in production in a prominent position, and serve the overall situation of ensuring supply and stability with a good situation of safety in production. Relevant responsible comrades of 17 central energy supply enterprises attended the meeting., State Grid, ChinaFour enterprises, such as Electric Power and National Energy Group, reported the situation of power supply protection on the spot.

  Three departments: lend, withdraw and cut off loans to real estate enterprises in normal operation, and support real estate enterprises to raise funds through reasonable equity in capital market.

  On Friday, the people of ChinaThe General Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly held a forum for financial institutions to study the recent real estate finance,Key tasks such as launching and debt risk resolution of financing platforms.

  The meeting emphasized that in the past, the financial sector actively cooperated with the competent departments of the industry and local governments, made comprehensive policies from both the supply and demand sides of the real estate market, maintained the stability of key financing channels such as credit, bonds and equity, supported the improvement of industry operations, optimized and adjusted individual housing loan policies, and made efforts to stabilize the real estate market, which achieved good results. Recently, financial departments and industry authorities jointly held a symposium on representative real estate enterprises.Understand the main financial needs of industry risk resolution and high-quality development. All financial institutions should thoroughly implement the deployment of the Central Financial Work Conference, adhere to the "two unwavering", meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises of different ownership equally, and spare no expense in lending, drawing loans and cutting off loans to real estate enterprises in normal operation.

  Continue to make good use of the "second arrow" to support private real estate enterprises to issue bonds for financing. Support real estate enterprises to raise funds through reasonable equity in the capital market. It is necessary to continue to cooperate with local governments and relevant departments, adhere to the principle of rule of law and marketization, increase financial support for Baojiaolou, and promote the industry.. It is necessary to actively serve the construction of "three major projects" such as affordable housing, accelerate the reform of the supply side of real estate finance, and promote the construction of a new model of real estate development.

  Three departments: consider the credit supply in the second two months of this year and the beginning of next year as a whole to promote the stable growth of China’s economy with the stability of credit growth

  On Friday, the China Municipal People’s Government, the General Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly held a forum for financial institutions. The meeting held that in the next step, we should strengthen our confidence, continue to exert our strength and make contributions for a long time, continue to increase policy implementation and work promotion, and persistently create a goodFinancial environment. It is necessary to implement the requirements of cross-cycle and counter-cycle adjustment, focus on strengthening the balanced supply of credit, and make overall consideration of the credit supply in the second two months of this year and the beginning of next year to promote the stable growth of China’s economy with the stability of credit growth. It is necessary to optimize the capital supply structure, revitalize the existing financial resources, increase financial support for major strategies, key areas and weak links, and enhance the sustainability of financial support for the real economy.

  Securities and Futures Commission: Improve the regulatory rules and severely crack down on derivatives as a "channel"The behavior of futures market supervision

  On Friday, the CSRC publicly solicited opinions on the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Derivatives Trading (Second Draft for Comment). Among them, it is mentioned that the supervision rules should be improved and the behavior of circumventing the supervision of the futures market with derivatives as a "channel" should be severely cracked down. The CSRC has systematically sorted out this issue and standardized it in these Measures, including prohibiting the circumvention of the position limit system, the letter cover system and the reduction and sale restriction system through derivatives trading, prohibiting short-term trading, insider trading and market manipulation through derivatives trading, and prohibiting derivatives operating institutions from being bigger than listed companies., the actual controller, Dong Jiangao, and the subject of reducing holdings and restricting sales to carry out derivative transactions with the shares of the listed company as the subject matter.

  Industry news

  The third day of national talks: lively atmosphere delivers good newsEnterprises appear in anti-tumor drugs or concentrate on negotiations.

  Today, on the third day of the national talks, according to the on-site observation of the reporters of Cailian Association, the number of enterprise representatives has increased significantly., AstraZeneca,, Deqi Medicine,Representatives of companies such as Novartis and Kelun appeared one after another. According to this, the reporter judged that anti-tumor drugs will be concentrated in negotiations today.

  It is reported that Hengrui and other "PD-1 Four Little Dragons" will all negotiate for renewal or expansion of indications today, as well as cornerstones andCooperative PD-L1 suglimab injection. In addition, AstraZeneca is responsible for the negotiation of destrastuzumab for breast cancer drug DS8201 injection, which has also attracted much attention.

  Directly hit the 2023 medical insurance country to talk about the next day: the pace is accelerating! More than 30 companies have appeared on hypoglycemic drugs or concentrated on negotiating varieties.

  On Saturday, the four-day 2023 national health insurance talks entered the second day of the agenda. According to the reporter of science and technology innovation board Journal, it is estimated that more than 30 enterprises will participate in today’s negotiations, AstraZeneca,, Hunan Kelun, Liaoning, Bayer, Shijiazhuang Four Medicines Group and many other enterprises have made appearances.

  According to the reporter’s statistics, among the enterprises participating in today’s negotiations, there are many products involving diabetes drugs. It is speculated that hypoglycemic agents are one of the key varieties to be negotiated today.

  AI becomes the focus of high-tech fair:All-in-one machine attracts the audience to stop. The release of domestic Chiplet large model reasoning chip

  Cailian reported on November 18th that the 25th China International Hi-Tech Fair (hereinafter referred to as "Hi-Tech Fair") was being held in Shenzhen. At the new generation information technology exhibition in Futian exhibition area, a huge server box with Logo was prominently placed in the center.

  According to the on-site technicians of Luchen Technology introduced to the reporter of science and technology innovation board Daily, this equipment is the original DGX H800 all-in-one machine, and Luchen Technology independently designed and developed the corresponding large-scale model software service to match it, thus forming Luchen Technology’s Colossal-AI extremely fast large-scale model workstation for sale or rental.

  Huawei Xiaomi’s new car is overcharged with fire? 4COn the eve of mass application, listed companies in the industrial chain "prepare for war"

  The reporter of Cailian learned from the industry on Saturday that the 4C overcharge brought by the 800V high-voltage electrical architecture will be applied in batches next year. In addition, the reporter learned from a non-public survey summary that it is estimated that about 25 car companies have launched 800V PRO models at present, and they should make significant contributions to the increment next year.

  At this stage,When the layout 4C is overcharged. In the supply chain of 4C rechargeable battery, the shipments of both electrolyte and anode covering materials are not large. A person from a negative material factory told Cailian that the fast-charging negative electrode shipped by the company in recent years can basically reach 4C. According to its forecast, the shipment of 4C negative electrode is expected to be the same as that of ordinary negative electrode in the next year. And more related industrial chains have their production capacity layout.

  Huawei not only asks the intellectual circles, Yu Chengdong: There are also two "circles", from BAIC and Jianghuai.

  The 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show officially kicked off on Friday. Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG, and chairman of BU, a smart car solution, appeared at the auto show. In an interview with the media, he revealed that there will be two "boundaries" from BAIC and JAC after the world of intelligence.

  This time, Huawei HarmonyOS Zhixing participated in the exhibition as an independent booth for the first time, and its debut models also included Wenjie M5 Urban Huancai suit, Wenjie New M7 and Zhijie S7. In addition, the high-end luxury car M9 also made its first public appearance at the auto show, and it is planned to be officially listed in December this year. Yu Chengdong warmed up the M9, which made its first public appearance. There were many "secrets" and the turning radius was very small, so it "drove like a car".

  Exclusive |Next week, the price of the China market will continue to increase.

  On Friday, Blue Whale reporter learned from close insiders that after three consecutive price increases, the China market price will be raised again next week.

  Company news

  This week, more than 10 listed companies intensively disclosed the business progress related to computing power.The interactive platform said that in the future, the rental price of computing power will be adjusted according to various factors.

  continueTuesdayIt is planned to raise the charge of NVIDIA A100 computing service entrusted for operation by 100%. According to incomplete statistics, as of press time, this week includes parallel technology,、、, cloud from technology,andMore than 10 listed companies have also announced or responded to the progress of computing business on the interactive platform. Among them, the interactive platform said that the first phase of the company’s intelligent computing center will provide about 2500P computing power rental services, and the rental price will be adjusted according to various factors. Parallel science and technology announcement, purchasing 22 A800 AI computing servers from Ziguang Huashan. Announced the signing of a 346 million yuan computing service framework.The unit price is 180,000 yuan /P/ year. Xiaocai Note: In September, it signed a 346 million yuan computing service framework agreement with Qinghai Unicom, and the service fee was calculated according to the tax of 120,000 yuan /P/ year. According to this calculation, the company’s computing lease fee increased by 50%.

  Shenzhen Zhengwei’s largest industrial park stopped production for two months.

  Interface News reported on November 17th that Quanwei (Tongling) Copper Technology Company, a subsidiary of Shenzhen Zhengwei (Group) Co., Ltd., suspended production. "In the first half of this year, the company’s production situation was still good. After entering the second half of the year, it began to decline gradually. A few days ago, the company notified the holiday." A staff member of Quanwei Copper said. A document issued by the human resources department of Quanwei Copper, which the reporter was informed of, shows that all employees of Quanwei Copper temporarily stopped working on November 9, tentatively for two months. During the holiday period, the salary of personnel shall be paid according to the minimum wage standard of Tongling City.

  More than 10 listed companies in Tik Tok responded intensively to the short video of testing water.It is said that the income source of its Tik Tok-certified MCN institutions may be broadened

  Tik Tok started to pay for testing short video content. As of Friday’s close, it has related business cooperation with Tik Tok.20CM daily limit for two consecutive trading days,andAlso harvest two boards. According to the incomplete statistics of Cailian, as of press time, including,,andMore than 10 A-share listed companies, including Tik Tok, responded to the business impact of content payment or related cooperation with Tik Tok on the interactive platform in the past two days.

  Among them, it is said that the income source of Tik Tok Star Map Service Provider and Tik Tok Certified MCN Agency, whose subsidiary Cinema Tianxia continues to export the content of Daren account in the fields of plot and evaluation, may be broadened. It is a local life service provider and live broadcast agent in Tik Tok, and its subsidiary Zhangwei Technology and other companies have also participated in short drama and short video services in Tik Tok.

  Behind the expansion of Huawei’s smart car selection model, 11 listed companies in A-share circle of friends supply two or more cooperative car companies at the same time.

  Yu Chengdong revealed in the latest interview with the media at Guangzhou Auto Show that there will be two "circles" from BAIC and JAC after asking the world and the intellectual world. At the same time, at the auto show, the M9 made its debut for preheating, and the S7 of Zhijie started the big set. Yu Chengdong said at the S7 pre-sale meeting in Zhijie last Thursday that at present,There are four partners in the smart car selection model, including, Chery, Jianghuai, BAIC.

  According to the incomplete arrangement of Cailian, the suppliers, Chery,A-share parts manufacturers with two or more enterprises in BAIC Group includeand. Among them, mainly suppliers such as Jianghuai, Chery and BAIC Group. Supply ordinary wheel hub products for Xiaokang, Chery and Jianghuai passenger cars. To supply bumper products, to supply shock absorption products, and to supply shock absorption and pedal products to Chery. Xiaocai Note: Since the June low, the cumulative maximum increase of the stock price has nearly doubled, and it recorded 17 days and 8 boards in intraday trading on Friday.

  Five-link plate: The company’s smart car management and other services are applied to intelligent driving in driving test training scenarios different from passenger car scenarios.

  After-hours announcement on Friday, the company was concerned that some media listed the company as a smart driving concept stock. In the company’s main business, smart vehicle management and smart driving and training business focus on driver training and examination and the information field of vehicle management office, which is applied in the driver examination and training scene, which is different from intelligent driving in the whole scene of passenger cars.

  The research and development project of brain-computer interface is not expected to affect the company’s production and operation in the short term.

  After-hours announcement on Friday, the company’s brain-computer interface R&D project is a special project of Jiangsu Province’s key R&D plan. As a project participant, the company undertakes the research and development of sub-projects. At present, the project is in the research and development stage, and it is expected that it will not affect the company’s production and operation in the short term, nor will it generate sales revenue. The company uses Beidou technology to develop and produce timing products, and its annual sales revenue in 2022 is about 20 million yuan. It is estimated that the sales scale in 2023 will be the same as that in 2022. The revenue scale of such products accounts for less than 0.5% of the company’s sales revenue in 2022, with a small proportion.

  Overseas news

  SpaceX confirmed that it lost contact with Starship and was forced to trigger its self-destruction system.

  According to CNN’s report on Saturday, SpaceX’s second test flight was better than the first, but unfortunately, it failed to complete all the scheduled plans and eventually exploded again. According to the report, a few minutes after the launch of the "Starship", Space X Company has confirmed that it lost contact with the "Starship" and its self-destruction system has been forced to trigger.

  Investors put pressure on the board of directors to let go.Man or return to OpenAI?

  According to a report by Cailian on Sunday, OpenAI suddenly announced the dismissal of CEO Sam Altman on November 17th, US time. The latest report shows that it is not impossible for Mann to return to OpenAI.

  Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that OpenAI’s investors are putting pressure on OpenAI’s board of directors to revoke the recall decision. The above-mentioned insiders also said thatCEO Satya Nadella has been in contact with altman and promised to support him no matter what measures altman takes next. Under heavy pressure, the tone of OpenAI’s board of directors softened. Brad Lightcap, its chief operating officer, came forward and said in another note sent to employees on Saturday morning (November 18th, US time) that there was no "dereliction of duty" behind altman’s dismissal, but there was a communication barrier between altman and the board. According to The Verge, the board of directors of OpenAI is negotiating with altman, hoping that he will return.

  According to the Wall Street Journal, altman is considering returning, but he has told investors that if he returns, he hopes to have a new board of directors and governance structure. People familiar with the matter said that he had discussed setting up another company to hire former OpenAI employees, including several who resigned in protest against his dismissal. People familiar with the matter said that altman expected to make a decision between the two options as early as this weekend.

  Hundreds of layoffs in Alexa department say they will focus more on production.

  On Friday, local time, the American technology giant announced that it would cut hundreds of jobs in Alexa’s voice assistant business department, on the grounds that the business focus has changed and more resources will be invested in the production field. In addition, some projects are planned to be suspended, but the exact scale of layoffs or which projects are planned to be suspended are not specified.

  The storm of Samsung’s head has started again! South Korean prosecutors accused him of manipulating stock prices and demanded a five-year imprisonment.

  On Friday, South Korean prosecutors accused Lee Jae-yong, the head of Samsung Electronics, of accounting fraud and stock price manipulation in the $8 billion merger of Samsung’s subsidiary in 2015, demanding that he be sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. Lee Jae-yong denied any wrongdoing at the hearing. This hearing is the last hearing of the lower court before the ruling. It is expected that the final ruling of the lower court will be made within a few months, and will be finalized at the latest early next year, thus ending a trial that lasted for three years.

  The three major US stock indexes closed slightly higher, all of which recorded three consecutive weekly gains.

  The three major US stock indexes closed slightly higher on Friday, all of which recorded three consecutive weekly gains. The Dow rose 0.01%, up 1.94% this week; The Nasdaq rose by 0.08%, up 2.37% this week; The S&P 500 index rose by 0.13%, and this week it gained 2.24%. Large technology stocks were mixed, and Google fell more than 1%., NVIDIA,Slight decline; Amazon rose more than 1%, Meta,A slight increase. Energy stocks rose across the board,Up more than 2%,Up more than 1%.


Analyze the difference between live delivery and TV shopping.

TV shopping and live e-commerce, the essence of both is video+buying goods, using emotions for marketing. However, different carriers, scenes and prices make live delivery more popular.

  • In 1992, the Pearl River Channel in Guangdong Province broadcasted the first TV shopping program in Chinese mainland.
  • In 1996, Beijing BTV opened the first professional TV shopping channel in mainland China, and TV shopping has been in Chinese mainland for 24 years.
  • In 2016, Taobao live broadcast was launched, positioning "consumer live broadcast". In 2019, the turnover of Tmall double 11 was 268.4 billion, a record high, and the turnover of Taobao live broadcast was nearly 20 billion, which enabled more than 50% businesses to achieve new growth through live broadcast.
  • On March 15th, 2020, CCTV 315 conducted an investigation, and the live broadcast was chaotic: online celebrity and e-commerce teamed up to cheat fans.

Online celebrity’s new shopping mode-bringing goods, even if you don’t pay attention to it deliberately, keywords such as live selling goods in Li Jiaqi and Luo Yonghao have been passively accepted. The live broadcast of goods has set off a gust of wind, which seems to be the next outlet. This reminds me of TV shopping many years ago. What are the similarities and differences between them? Is there anything worth learning from and avoiding with live broadcast?

In order to solve the doubts in my heart, I made a small survey.

I interviewed colleagues and friends around me about the intuitive impressions of TV shopping and live broadcast, and got a lot of information to form a keyword collection.

Classify, sort out and duplicate the keyword set, and finally get five keywords for TV shopping and live delivery, showing their intuitive impressions in the public’s mind at present.

Needless to say, you also know which group is TV shopping and which group is live broadcast with goods. There has been a one-sided situation, and people are generally optimistic about live broadcast with goods, expressing recognition and encouragement; And TV shopping has become synonymous with "liar", which is negative, disgusting and distrustful. In the interview, many people said that relatives and friends have been subjected to TV shopping routines.

People have a bad impression on TV shopping now, but it can’t be denied that it was also expected when it rose. It was also the birth of such an excellent enterprise as Acorn International and its well-known brands: easy to remember stars, good back and oxygen stand. And so far, TV shopping is still an important channel for consumers to buy goods in the United States, Japan, South Korea, etc. In this way, merchants continue to provide high-quality products and distribution services to consumers in front of TV sets, and the sales of TV shopping on American cable TV networks alone reach tens of billions of dollars a year.

They have a common theoretical basis, the same form, all video+selling goods, the same underlying principle, and all use emotions for marketing.

Psychological emotional law:The law of emotions tells us that people are 100% emotional. Even if some people say that someone is rational, in fact, when this person thinks rationally, it is also influenced by his emotional state at that time. "Thinking rationally" is itself an emotional state. Therefore, people are 100% emotional animals, and decisions at any time are emotional decisions.

By arousing your high arousal emotions such as happiness, anger and disgust, or by negative picture description, you can completely break away from the status quo, or by depicting a bright future, you can make your freshmen yearn for it (remember the washing powder advertisement? A Xiong Haizi is covered in dirt, which may not be so dirty in reality). It can be said that TV shopping and live broadcast with goods are the same gameplay under different traffic carriers.

One happened in the past, and the other happened in the present. The more differences are often caused by the different technical resources and scientific knowledge in different times. How much has the consumer’s cognition changed compared with 20 years ago? There may be great differences, but the most basic human needs and emotions depend on these lowest things. I am afraid that only twenty years will not bring much change, and the psychology textbooks are basically the same. Therefore, the rollover of TV shopping in China is more of a man-made disaster.

TV shopping is on TV, which requires cooperation with TV stations and media centralization. Live broadcast with goods spread by the Internet, pc Internet, mobile Internet, where there is a network, everyone can participate, and the media is decentralized.

Tv shopping is generally an obstacle, and live broadcast with goods is a promotion. Why?

People turn on the TV to either follow the drama or watch entertainment programs, and anyone’s goal is to watch sales promotion. Not the target in people’s scenes, then his appearance will form interference and become an obstacle. The environment where the live broadcast takes the goods is e-commerce. The scene is that users have clear shopping goals or just stroll around. In short, they are all on the same side. The anchors with the goods are often knowledgeable and researched. What you recommend is something you want to buy. You must pay attention to see if there is a discount. If you don’t want to buy it, you won’t be disgusted. After all, I just come to stroll, not to mention that the anchors are either floating or handsome and won’t cause physical discomfort.

Tv shopping is the cooperation between manufacturers and TV stations, and live broadcast with goods is the cooperation between manufacturers and anchors with goods. There is basically no threshold between anchors and platforms, and at most, it is divided into several parts, and the big part is in the anchor.

Manufacturers spend a lot of money to buy the broadcast time of TV stations. In order to return to their own companies, they will use this time to the extreme. Manufacturers have no obligation to maintain the reputation of TV stations. The goal is to sell more goods in a limited time, so it is not surprising that the quality of deceptive marketing products is inferior. At that time, people didn’t have so many kinds of entertainment as they do now, and they could only watch TV to kill time when they were at home. In addition to the top few TV stations, there are a lot of idle broadcast time in other stations. Therefore, TV shopping, which seems to be inaction and criticized by people, has always existed. This is also an inevitable phenomenon in the era when channels are king.

On the contrary, the live broadcast brings goods. The anchor pays more attention to its own reputation and even only its reputation goes to the world. Why? The era of live broadcast with goods is the era of decentralized media. Users’ needs can be met by TV, mobile Internet, pc Internet and even car Internet at the same time. Users have more choices, so a good reputation in e-commerce will increase the differentiated competitive advantage, and selling fakes is tantamount to death. Therefore, the TV shopping manufacturer’s extreme use of radio reputation is completely opposite, and the probability of selling fakes in live video is lower now.

How did the lowest price of the whole network come from? This is the empowerment of the development of the times and the power of modern supply chain integration behind it. The production paradigm of human society has evolved from small-scale peasant economy, handicraft workshop to modern industrialized assembly line production for three generations. With the development of information technology, the fourth generation of production mode has actually appeared in the live broadcast industry, that is, industrialized customized production. The cost reduction brought by information technology will further expand the price competitive advantage, which was not available a few years ago.

The live broadcast with goods uses Internet technology to realize the real-time interaction between the audience and the anchor, and the anchor can immediately perceive the subtle changes of the user and make adjustments, while TV shopping does not have this, so it can only go down step by step according to the previously prepared desktop. The more interactive, the higher the purchase conversion rate will be.

To sum up, let’s look at the problems that need to be solved when TV shopping is close to live broadcast:

  1. The first is the TV station.Change the modeThe advertising broadcast time is close to free opening to the outside world, and the income comes from the anchor’s share of goods. The risk of TV stations has to be diluted by high-flow well-known anchors, and the narrowing of cooperation scope is inevitable. The marginal cost of anchors is extremely low and the cooperation intention is higher.
  2. nextUser group problemThe product ordering process needs to be very streamlined, whether it’s a phone call or a code scan, it needs to be simple enough for parents’ generations to complete, and it needs more efforts at the product level to customize the TV channel.
  3. Word of mouth problemThis feeling is also the most difficult. Over the years, TV shopping has been broken. How to change people’s perception of TV shopping "deceptive marketing" in a short time and at low cost is a bit difficult.
  4. As for the above.Scene problemI think it can be alleviated through program arrangement, such as arranging the live broadcast of outdoor products after the outdoor reality show and arranging clothes and cosmetics after the emotional TV series. Does it also eliminate the "obstacles" brought to users in the scene to some extent?

If TV shopping wants to enter the second spring, it is inevitable to deal with the operation mode, product design, word of mouth and scene problems. No one wants to be cannon fodder, and this comeback will become extremely difficult.

Now is the era of multi-channel decentralized media, and it is no longer the era when TV channels are king. It is definitely impossible to resurrect TV shopping with blood. It is unknown how much money you can get in the torrent and how many cakes you can get. One day, live broadcast will be as old as TV shopping, but we must avoid premature decline into TV shopping in the life cycle of live broadcast.


This article was originally published by @ 亵亵亵亵亵. Everyone is a product manager, and it is forbidden to reprint without the permission of the author.

The title map comes from Unsplash and is based on CC0 protocol.


Geely Xingyue L has reached the "five-star" standard of C-NCAP.

  [car home Crash Results] Recently, Geely Xingyue L 2.0T DCT EVO Zhizun has completed all the evaluation items according to the management rules of C-NCAP(2021 edition), and the evaluation results are now announced after being audited by the Automobile Evaluation Management Center of China Automobile Center. According to the summation results of the scores of each part multiplied by their respective weight coefficients, the comprehensive score rate of this model is 85.7%, reaching the "five-star" of C-NCAP.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  With strict and comprehensive requirements, C-NCAP conducted an all-round safety performance test on Geely Xingyue L, including occupant protection, pedestrian protection and active safety. The specific evaluation is as follows:

project score scoring average Member protection evaluation 76.964 89.49% Pedestrian protection evaluation 11.521 76.81% Active safety evaluation 54.613 82.01%

★ Occupant protection

  In terms of occupant protection, Geely Xingyue scored 76.964 points, with a scoring rate of 89.49%.

  Frontal 100% overlapping rigid barrier collision test (score: 20.587/24)

  (Note: If the automatic locking function is not released after the frontal collision test, 1 point will be punished; MPDB collision compatibility evaluation, with a penalty of 0.861. )

Home of the car

  Frontal 50% overlapping moving progressive deformation barrier (MPDB) collision test (score: 20.427/24)

Home of the car

  Side impact test of deformable moving barrier (score: 20.000/20)

Home of the car

  Neck protection test after low-speed collision (whipping test) (score: 5.450/7)

Home of the car

★ Pedestrian protection

  In terms of pedestrian protection, Geely Xingyue scored 11.521 points, with a scoring rate of 76.81%.

  To evaluate the protective effect of vehicle front structure (front bumper, hood, windshield, etc.) on external vulnerable traffic participants (pedestrians, two-wheeled cyclists) in collision accidents.

Home of the car

★ Active safety

  In terms of active safety, Geely Xingyue scored 54.613 points with a scoring rate of 82.01%.

  Functional design to evaluate the vehicle’s initiative to avoid collision accidents or reduce the severity of collision accidents.

Home of the car

  To sum up, the performance portrait of Geely Xingyue L safety crash test is as follows:

Home of the car

  In the test of C-NCAP, the weight of the vehicle’s occupant protection, pedestrian protection and active safety are 60%, 15% and 25% respectively, while the scores of Geely Xingyue L in these three items are 89.49%, 76.81% and 82.01% respectively. Therefore, the vehicle has reached the "five-star" standard of C-NCAP and performed well on the whole. (Text/car home graduated)


Geely Galaxy E5 will be unveiled at Beijing Auto Show, the first pure electric SUV of Galaxy.

A few days ago, Geely Galaxy officially released the official spy photos of its first pure electric SUV, and the new car will be officially named "Geely Galaxy E5". It is reported that the new car is expected to be launched at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, which opened in April, and the estimated price is 150,000-200,000 yuan. It is worth mentioning that Geely Galaxy E5 is the first heavy new product of Geely Galaxy to anchor the global market. The left and right rudder vehicles are developed and tested at the same time, and will be sold to users around the world in the future.

In terms of appearance, although the new car is attached with camouflage, the outline of the car body line can be clearly distinguished. The new car adopts a closed front grille design, and the headlights on both sides adopt a long and narrow shape, which looks very sharp; On both sides of the front enclosure, there are C-shaped LED daytime running lights, and in the middle, there is a trapezoidal cooling opening, which makes the overall collocation more scientific and technological.

On the side of the car body, it can be seen that the overall size of the new car is not large, and it is expected that the compact SUV will be positioned. In terms of details, the new car is equipped with a hidden door handle. At the same time, the tail adopts the popular through taillight group, which has a strong sense of movement with the large spoiler above.

In terms of power, the rear-drive model adopts 400V architecture, with a maximum power of 200kW and a maximum torque of 343N·m;; The version adopts 800V architecture and is equipped with high-efficiency SiC electric drive. The maximum power of the front motor is 165kW, the maximum power of the rear motor is 310kW and the maximum torque is 710 N m. In terms of batteries, Galaxy E8 is equipped with 62kWh and 76kWh battery packs, with corresponding battery life of 550km, 665km and 620km respectively.


Online celebrity’s product problems teach you how to identify the "pit" in marketing.

  □ Our reporter Zhou Xiaopeng

  Online celebrity products have become a unique phenomenon in residents’ life, from scenic spots and amusement parks that are wildly spread in friends circle to cosmetics and delicacies mentioned in various topics, to restaurants and stores that are crowded and lined up forever offline. People are dazzled by various online celebrities, online explosions and popular products.

  According to the 2018 Insight Report on Economic Development in online celebrity, China jointly released by iResearch and Sina Weibo, as of May 2018, the total number of fans in online celebrity, China has reached 588 million, and the economic scale of online celebrity will exceed 2 trillion yuan.

  However, with the deepening of online celebrity products in life, a lot of problems about these products, such as exaggerated publicity, uneven quality, trademark infringement and volume fraud, have also emerged, and the "pit" in the "online celebrity economy" has begun to be hard to prevent.

  Online celebrity store, likui jy and Gui Li are difficult to distinguish.

  Since the first half of 2017, Xicha has set off a wave of beverage shops in online celebrity, which has become the object of many young people’s pursuit. In the first half of this year, a drink shop named "Xishe Xicha" in Beijing claimed to have spent a lot of money to buy the formula from "Xicha" and jointly operated with Xicha, which attracted many consumers.

  The fact, however, is that online celebrity’s drink shops have encountered shanzhai. Hi tea quickly voiced that the above-mentioned stores did not have any form of cooperation with them. This situation is not uncommon. For example, after Master Bao, a pastry shop in Wuhan, became popular on the Internet, stores such as Master Jin Dian Bao, Master Jing Bao and Master Supreme Bao blossomed everywhere in Beijing. Because the cottage shops are imitating the signs and products of "Zun Zun", even the names are very close, which is difficult for ordinary consumers to distinguish.

  One of the reasons for the popularity of Master Bao’s pastry shop is that there are always tens of meters of "long queues" in front of it, and the enthusiasm of fans is amazing. Some media have gone deep into QQ groups, forums and WeChat groups to find out that there are "foremen" who post filling tasks online and organize a large number of part-time workers to queue up as "trustees" on the spot.

  After the media exposed that this online celebrity store paid people to queue up to create a hot sales scene, the headquarters of this "Master Bao" online celebrity store also responded quickly and apologized, saying that the behavior of one store did not represent the whole brand. However, Beijing Bao Caisheng Catering Company then directly bombarded the "Master Bao" who hired people to queue up as a cottage infringement shop, and both parties went to court for this, and related cases are under further investigation.

  In another online celebrity drink shop in Beijing, a media reporter "undercover" in the store and was shocked to find the fresh juice that became popular on the Internet. According to the report, the clerk in the drink shop directly squeezed the juice in the tea bag with his hands, and even the clerk himself said it was "disgusting"; The fruit was thrown into the juicer without cleaning, and the operator never wore gloves; There are fresh and attractive fruits on the counter, but the mango … …

  Confirm whether trendy products are harmful first.

  Nowadays, as long as the word "online celebrity" is added, and it is fueled by the Internet, people’s enthusiasm for consumption can often be ignited. However, some online celebrity products really can’t stand scrutiny, with high prices and amazing sales, but there are security risks, and even some products are "three noes".

  In some city bars, luminous drinks are popular. These luminous drinks are packed in cups of various shapes and flash every three or four seconds. Merchants have also given many unique names to the drinks. In fact, it is the ice in the drink that glows, and there are small light bulbs in the ice.

  According to the investigation by the reporter of Legal Daily, all the luminous ice cubes are made of button cell, which will not cause electric shock due to the low power. However, because the price of this lamp is relatively low, it is likely that the plastic material of the shell is of poor quality, and some toxic substances may be produced after being soaked in corrosive liquid for a long time. In the market, many of these online celebrity products do not have the qualified marks of quality supervision departments.

  The recently popular "smoking ice cream" also has certain security risks. Food-grade liquid nitrogen refrigeration is added to this online celebrity food. Liquid nitrogen which is atomized quickly is generally safe, but some children may suffer oral injuries after eating it.

  For these trendy online celebrity products, experts advise consumers to be optimistic about the composition of the products, identify whether the products have qualified instructions and safety labels, see clearly the ingredients such as raw materials of food and drinks, and consider the safety factor when eating. If online celebrity products belong to "three noes" products, they must not be bought and eaten.

  In addition, some online celebrity products boast various functions, such as "Bigu Meal" in online celebrity, which advocates "detoxification and weight loss", but in fact, it often leads to serious energy intake deficiency, which may lead to muscle decomposition, basal metabolism decline, multiple organ damage, and even increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Don’t believe these fabricated online celebrity statements.

  The routines behind online celebrity marketing should be clearly understood.

  Or a "functional artifact" that can lose weight, sunscreen and whiten; Or it is an "honorary winner" who has won some domestic and international awards and has been endorsed by various authoritative organizations for its quality; Or a "grandiose product" … … Online celebrity products with these unique "temperament" often require consumers to be vigilant.

  In addition to some online celebrity stores hiring people to queue up to create illusion, there are many routines for online celebrity products. Online celebrity products usually show a lot of praise and experiential promotion on the Internet, and offline stores are often in short supply and business is booming, but in fact they are usually routine.

  A online celebrity store promoter revealed that most consumer evaluations can be faked, and this fake business has formed a considerable scale. There is a clear charging standard for the evaluation of consumption experience on various e-commerce platforms. Generally, the evaluation of "full number of people" is only a few yuan, but the evaluation of consumption evaluation, detailed experience and great appeal will receive each 120 yuan at the highest.

  Some media joined the group that acted as the "queue head" and found that there was a special person who posted information about the time, place, number of people and hourly wage of hiring people to queue up. Generally, a person hired 100 people to 150 yuan within 3 hours.

  Some online celebrity products have many honor "platforms", but these honors are usually unreliable. It has been exposed by the media that the honor of online celebrity Mazibao brand, the so-called "3.15 Anti-counterfeiting and Fidelity Honor Mark" and "Anti-counterfeiting and Fidelity Consumer Alliance Unit", has not been authorized, and its business model has not been certified at all. It is purely a fictional honor and self-promotion.

  In addition, there are a large number of protagonists who advertise "get rich quickly", often lacking names and surnames, and there is no way to search. Online celebrity products under this marketing model are simply nonsense, and even some of them have violated the law. Consumers must spend rationally and distinguish between authenticity and falsehood.


[Looking back at 2019] Comprehensive layout of artificial intelligence: from cooking jiaozi to cloud chips

       CCTV News:"Artificial intelligence" is the strategic direction for countries to lay out a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. In 2019, the state issued guidance documents to encourage the development of artificial intelligence industry. Looking back on the past 2019, let’s take a look at the story of artificial intelligence practitioners in this year.

       When I met Wu Xindong, he was doing research in a dumpling restaurant in Beijing. This store introduced the artificial intelligence dining system developed by Professor Wu’s team this year, which is "face recognition" for jiaozi.

       Wu Xindong, Chief Scientist of Mingluo Technology:Jiaozi’s quality inspection, when a set of jiaozi is released, we can see how much jiaozi in this jiaozi is completely qualified through our inspection technology.


       Under each food outlet, there is such real-time monitoring equipment, which captures the final state of jiaozi in one second, one is to see the fullness of jiaozi, the other is to see the color, and all the data is transmitted to the background to help the store manager monitor the quality of each jiaozi.

       Wu Xindong, Chief Scientist of Mingluo Technology:What makes me feel very excited is the domestic artificial intelligence business community. We have done a lot of things and made many applications, which are being implemented in thousands of households.


       In 2019, the state issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Deep Integration of Artificial Intelligence and the Real Economy", in which the phrase "Promoting the Deep Integration of Artificial Intelligence and the Real Economy with Industrial Application as the Target" excited the whole artificial intelligence industry. Wu Xindong, who made a name for himself in the eyes of outsiders, also left the foreign university laboratory where he worked for 27 years last year and returned to China to join a private enterprise as the chief scientist.

       In this year, Wu Xindong’s enterprise became a national new generation artificial intelligence open innovation platform guided by the Ministry of Science and Technology. On this national platform, more technical resources, industrial chain resources and financial resources are gathered and shared.

       Wu Xindong, Chief Scientist of Mingluo Technology:(2019) two keywords, one is busy and the other is happy. Catch up with this excellent situation, because the country is now vigorously promoting the deep integration of artificial intelligence and economic entities.


       If Dr. Wu’s jiaozi Shop found a landing scene in the upsurge of artificial intelligence in 2019, then Dr. Leo Zhu has made a breakthrough in the infrastructure of artificial intelligence.

       Leo Zhu, co-founder of Yitu Technology:The chip is probably in a place as big as the fingernail, so that a complete operating system, including AI algorithms and models, runs into it.

       In 2019, Leo Zhu team developed the first domestic artificial intelligence cloud chip — — "seeking". In order to prove the real strength of the chip, Dr. Leo Zhu simply turned the conference into an examination room, demonstrated the computing power of the chip on the spot, let the chip "run" on the spot, capture the facial features of hundreds of guests in real time, and then directly screen and compare them on the big screen.


       Leo Zhu, co-founder of Yitu Technology:(On-site) Six or seven hundred people enter 200 cameras and then analyze them in real time. That’s right or wrong, and all of them can be seen on the big screen.


       Leo Zhu said that in recent years, the talent, technology and production capacity accumulated by the country in the semiconductor industry have laid a solid foundation for innovation, providing opportunities and conditions for overtaking in corners in the field of artificial intelligence chips, and the "Soso" chip was successfully introduced. It is this small chip that has gained the confidence not to be "stuck in the neck" by others, and also fulfilled his dream of making world-class innovation.


       Leo Zhu, co-founder of Yitu Technology:Science and technology has never played such an important role in China’s economy or society as it is today, not only in 2019, but I think the next decade is really called an unparalleled era.


Hot search! Netizen: No wonder I am so sleepy.

Nehe city Rong media center

"I’m so sleepy recently.

I want to sleep when I have a little time. "

"Am I the only one who can’t sleep these two days?"

"Not only drowsiness but also eating, is this normal?"


these two days

Netizens frequently discuss their abnormal state.

Sleepiness, insomnia

Oversleeping at work and not wanting to go to school.

Everyone found out that it was always like this!

This is all because of geomagnetic storms?

↓↓↓ Click to review related reports ↓↓↓

Aurora appeared in Qiqihar, like "blush". "Does the magnetic storm have an impact on the human body?"

"Will magnetic storms affect sleep?"

It has become a topic of concern to many people.

The topic # geomagnetic storm sleepiness # was once boarded.

Weibo ranks first in the hot search list.

According to the China Meteorological Bureau

Bulletin of National Space Weather Monitoring and Early Warning Center

09: 16 Beijing time on March 23rd.

Solar flare activity

X-ray flux reached its maximum at 09: 33.

The peak intensity of flare is X1.1

According to analysis

It is expected that the earth will usher in a medium-to-earth magnetic storm.


Solar monitoring picture of flare explosion SDO satellite

According to the news of China Meteorological Bureau, there will be geomagnetic activity on March 24th, 25th and 26th, among which a moderate geomagnetic storm or even a geomagnetic storm may occur on March 25th, and it is expected that geomagnetic activity will last until March 26th.

Under this influence, the orbital height of the space station may decrease due to atmospheric drag, and the positioning error of satellite navigation equipment will increase, and aviation flight will face the dual risks of poor communication environment and trans-polar radiation. For the public, especially homing pigeon players and aurora lovers, we should always pay attention to space weather information in the next few days.

Source/CCTV News

Geomagnetic monitoring data show that from 23: 00 Beijing time on March 24th to 23: 00 on March 25th, there were 3-hour extra-large geomagnetic storms, 6-hour moderate geomagnetic storms and 3-hour small geomagnetic storms.

This is the same as that released on March 24.

The early warning results of geomagnetic storms are basically the same.

Under the strong bombardment of this energy from the sun, the earth’s magnetic field has undergone drastic short-term changes, accompanied by numerous collisions between the earth’s atmosphere and the high-energy particles of the sun, and the result is the formation of aurora.

Wu Rui, chief service officer of Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, told reporters that high-energy particles interfere with geomagnetic storms generated by the earth’s magnetic field, which has little impact on human health, but will have an impact on mobile phone signals, navigation, satellite TV and aviation. Huang Yu, a researcher at the Purple Mountain Observatory’s solar high-energy and related physical processes research group, also said that magnetic storms have little impact on human health.

What is geomagnetic storm?

What impact will it have on our lives?

↓↓↓ Click the roller to see the details ↓↓↓

it is reported (that)

Geomagnetic storms are not harmful to human health.

exert an influence

Nor will it affect human life.

Have too much influence

At present, there is no scientific research to show that

Geomagnetic storms can cause

Symptoms such as drowsiness and insomnia.

Original title: "Hot Search! Netizen: No wonder I’m so sleepy.

Read the original text


Focus on guiding the transformation of Fujian hot springs from entertainment to health care

  As the temperature drops day by day, taking a dip in the steamy hot springs to completely relax the body and mind has become an important choice for many urbanites to travel in winter. Wi th the coming of winter, the number of tourists who soak in hot springs has increased greatly and they have begun to enter the peak season of the year.

  On the afternoon of December 21st, 2017, the reporter who participated in the large-scale interview of the 6th National Online Media "Fresh Fujian Jintang Tour" came to Xiamen Riyuegu Hot Spr ing Resort. On Thursday, off-weekends, the reporter saw in Xiamen Riyuegu Hot Spring Resort that there were many guests in the hot spring pool of the resort, mostly young couples or elderly people walking together.

  Sun Moon Valley Hot Spring Resort is located at the foot of Tianzhu Mountain in Xiamen, surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery. It is a hot spring resort with national 4A-level tourist attractions, five-star tourist hotels and five-star hot springs at the same time. The overall style of the resort presents a strong tropical style in Southeast Asi a, with unique hot spring resources, beautiful natural environment and perfect leisure facilities, making it a "Xanadu" far from the hustle and bustle of the city.

  After the visit, the reporter interviewed Chen Guanyu, vice president of china tourism association Hot Spring Tourism Branch and president of Fujian Tourism Association Hot Spring Branch.

  Chen Guanyu: How high-quality hot spring resources are in our province?

  Hot springs in Japan, Guangdong, Yunnan and other places are well-known. Although they are far away from Xiamen, there are still many people who like to soak in hot springs to those places. In fact, we have rich hot spring resources at our doorstep, so we don’t have to go far.

  Our province is rich in hot spring resources, with 215 hot spring water outlets, ranking fifth in the country, mainly distributed in the east of Minqing-Yongding line, showing a gradual decrease in density from the eastern coastal areas to the western mountainous areas. Among them, Zhangzhou and Xiamen have the highest density.

  There are many ways to classify hot springs, and the common ones are chemical composition, physical properties, temperature, environment and PH value. If classified by chemical composition, there are mainly twelve types: carbonate springs, metasilicic acid springs, metaboric acid springs, fluorine springs, bromine springs, iodine springs, strontium springs, lithium springs, barium springs, iron springs, sulfur springs and radon springs. Almost every category in our province is covered, and many of them have reached the naming index of medical hot mineral water.

  Present situation: the prospect of late development can be expected

  According to incomplete statistics, at present, there are more than 100 hot spring enterprises with a certain scale in our province, and there are dozens of hot spring enterprises under development. Generally speaking, the development of hot spring tourism in our province started late, but the development prospect and trend are very rapid.

  The landscape of hot springs in our province is diverse and diverse, including coastal hot springs, valley hot springs, valley hot springs, Tulou hot springs, urban hot springs, garden hot springs and other types. It is particularly rare that there are urban hot springs, such as Zhangzhou and Fuzhou.

  Under the guidance of national and provincial tourism departments and local governments, the hot spring health care industry is entering the fast lane of development. For example, two years ago, the National Tourism Administration began to promote the star evaluation of hot springs. Last year, the Provincial Tourism Commission issued and implemented the "Construction and Service Specification for Health-preserving Tourism and Leisure Bases in Fujian Province", and identified a number of health-preserving demonstration construction bases, including hot spring health-preserving tourism and leisure bases. Some local governments have also increased their efforts to guide, support and develop the hot spring industry. For example, the Fuzhou government has built a hot spring museum. At the same time, some places are also promoting hot spring courses into campuses and communities.

  Therefore, although compared with other cities in China, the hot spring industry in our province started late, but the resources are rich and diverse, and the prospect of developing hot spring health tourism can be expected.

  Development: from entertainment to health care

  According to insiders, before, because people’s understanding of hot springs was still in the primary stage, many hot spring enterprises had to increase entertainment facilities, parent-child interaction and other entertainment elements to attract tourists, or take Chinese herbal medicine, herb tea, milk and red wine as gimmicks to attract consumers.

  Nowadays, with the deepening of people’s understanding of the health-care function of hot springs, the entertainment color of hot springs is fading, and the health-care flavor is getting stronger and stronger. The hot spring industry has intensified its in-depth excavation of the health-care functi on of hot springs and vigorously developed "Hot Springs Plus". Previously, many hot spring enterprises have introduced physical therapy, health care, diet and other health preservation methods of Chinese medicine.

  Chen Guanyu said that hot springs+medical beauty, hot springs+sports are new development models that the hot spring industry in our province is actively exploring at present. For example, Riyuegu Hot Springs are in contact with the medical beauty industry in Europe, considering introducing its medical beauty management system from Italy, and some hot spring enterprises are introducing their management systems in hot spring medical treatment and rehabilitation from Japan, where the hot spring development is relatively mature.

  Hot springs also have advantages and disadvantages, and people in the industry teach you — — Look at the license and star plaque

  Core Tip: The soaked water is hot, is it a hot spring? At present, there are all kinds of hot springs in the market, and the propaganda points are also varied. What is their effect? Are they all as magical as advertised? According to industry insiders, hot springs are also divided into true and false, legal and illegal. Consumers should keep their eyes open and pay attention to discrimination.

  How to make fake hot springs: well water and tap water are heated to pretend.

  Why are hot springs also true and false? First of all, we should know what a hot spring is. According to the definition of hot spring in China, hot spring refers to natural gushing from underground or artificial drilling with water temperature ≥ 25℃, and contains trace elements beneficial to human health. In other words, to meet the above necessary conditions, it can be called a hot spring.

  "Some merchants artificially create hot springs in order to set up selling points and gimmicks for business districts or real estate." Chen Guanyu said that some businesses will heat tap water and then add various hot spring powders to pretend to be hot springs.

  Chen Guanyu also said that, of course, it does not mean that all the hot springs that have been heated are fake hot springs. Some hot springs have low temperatures. In order to make consume rs experience more comfortable, some enterprises will choose to heat them. "But some low-temperature hot spring enterprises will also recycle hot springs to save costs. According to the relevant requirements of hot spring industry standards, in order to filter, disinfect and heat the used hot spring water for reuse, it is necessary to ensure that the composition and content of hot springs cannot be changed. In this process, hot spring enterprises will greatly increase their costs in order to meet the national industry standards.

  What to see in a good hot spring: water quantity, temperature and spring quality

  Studies have shown that soaking in hot springs can not only relax nerves and relieve stress, but also eliminate toxins and enhance physical fitness. So, what kind of hot springs are better?

  "Hot springs, like human fingerprints, are unique. The quality of each hot spring is different, and there is no such thing as good or bad."

  Chen Guanyu said that from the perspective of the industry, the quality of hot springs depends on three aspects: water quantity, temperature and spring quality. Generally speaking, a hot spring with large water volume, high temperature and good spring quality is a good hot spring.

  As for the quality of spring, it can be selected according to its own situation and the desired curative effect. For example, carbonate springs are rich in a large number of trace elements beneficial to human body, such as metasilicic acid, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron, and are suitable for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. And sodium bicarbonate spring, the water contains rare element hydrogen, which has moisturizing function to the skin.

  Identification standard of authenticity: whether the license is complete.

  Hot springs are "deep in routines". For ordinary consumers, how to choose real hot springs and good hot springs? According to industry insiders, it depends on whether the relevant licenses of hot spring enterprises are complete. In addition, in recent years, the National Tourism Administration has carried out the star rating of hot springs, and the star rating of hot springs is also an important choice for consumers.

  "In order to protect mineral resources and ecological environment, the threshold for the exploitation and use of hot springs in China is very high." Chen Guanyu said that in order to exploit hot spring resources, it is necessary to complete the mining license and water intake license in accordance with the procedures stipulated by relevant national laws and reg ulations. Before handling the above two certificates, the related geological exploration and water resources evaluation work will take at least one year’s long-term observation as the basis, and it is impossible to obtain legal hot spring resources without the approval of relevant departments or the acquisition of qualified third-party wat er supply departments. Therefore, a complete license means that it is a real hot spring, a natural hot spring and a legal hot spring, so you can choose it with confidence.

  Chen Guanyu said that in 2011, China promulgated and implemented the first hot spring industry standard, and in 2015, the National Tourism Administration began to carry out the star rating of hot springs. Hot spring enterprises are divided into five levels. The higher the star rating, the higher the enterprise level. It is reported that at present, the five-star hot spring enterprises in our province are Xiamen Riyuegu Hot Spring, Liancheng Tianyi Hot Spring and Fuzhou Xishan Hot Spring, and the four-star hot spring enterprises are Fuzhou Gui ‘an Hot Spring, Fuzhou Yuanmai Hot Spring and Fuzhou Qidie Hot Spring. Just like choosing a star-rated hotel, a hot spring with a higher star rating means that the better, consumers can rest assured.

  Medical experts say that although hot springs are good, some people should be careful to soak.

  How to soak in hot springs is scientific?

  Core Tip: Is summer suitable for hot springs? Can children soak in hot springs? I don’t smell rotten eggs. Is it a fake hot spring? ”… … Many people still don’t know much about hot springs, and there are even many misunderstandings. The reporter asked the doctor to answer and popularize some questions that the citizens are more concerned about. Of course, the most important thing is to tell the public how to soak in hot springs is better and more scientific.

  Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should be cautious.

  Hot spring bathing in autumn and winter has existed since ancient times, because the human body likes heat and is afraid of cold, which is the natural trend of the human body after the weather turns cold. The efficacy of hot springs is mainly reflected in two aspects, one is that temperature regulates human metabolism, and the other is that the mineral elements contained in them can be absorbed through the skin to achieve the effect of adjuvant therapy.

  Although the health benefits of hot springs have been recognized by the public, not everyone is suitable for soaking in hot springs. Hot spring temperature is high, the human body is easy to sweat a lot, the heartbeat is accelerated, the oxygen consumption of the heart is increased, and the blood supply of the heart, brain and kidney is easy to be insufficient, resulting in dizziness, chest tightness, dehydration and other symptoms. Therefore, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension and heart disease, or people with weak constitution should be extra cautious when soaking in hot springs.

  Chen Guanyu reminded that when soaking in hot springs, the temperature should be from low to high, so that the body has a gradual adaptation process; The temperature should not be too high, so as not to burn, and the water should not pass through the chest, so as not to cause oppression; To control the time, each soaking time should not exceed 20 minutes. After soaking, get up, walk and rest for about 15 minutes, and replenish water. In addition, even in hot springs, you should not only dry up after soaking, but also rub your body red and let the water vapor out of your body to avoid moisture retention.

  Can children soak in hot springs? There is no saying that children are not suitable for soaking in hot springs, but children have weak adaptability and mediation ability to temperature. When soaking, pay attention to the temperature not to be too high to avoid being burned. Generally speaking, hot springs are suitable for cold constitution, but not for hot constitution. Many people think that summer is too hot to soak in hot springs. In fact, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, the sun’s spirit should rise in spring and summer. Now everyone is soaking in air-conditioned rooms in summer, but it is suitable for soaking in hot springs. Therefore, spring and summer are actually more suitable for soaking in hot springs.

  Step-by-step soaking and water washing

  In addition to the points reminded by Chen Guanyu, Zhang Tiehuang, secretary general of the Hot Springs Branch of Fujian Tourism Association, also summarized several hot springs "tips" for the public.

  Bathing and cleansing: Before soaking in hot springs, you should bathe and remove makeup, which is beneficial to absorb minerals in hot springs and make your skin healthier.

  Warm-up before bathing: Take a "warm-up bath" with hot spring water beside the pool, starting from the feet and slowly ascending. It is very important to take a warm-up bath before bathing in winter, which can prevent cerebral anemia.

  Breathing evenly: Breathing and inhaling can relax with the help of steam temperature and mineral emission.

  Replenish water: moderately replenish water when soaking in hot springs to regulate metabolism in the body.

  Get up slowly: sit up slowly when you come out of the bath, then get up and leave the bath gradually. Don’t stand up suddenly.

  Wash your body with clear water: after soaking in hot springs, you can wash your body with clear water, and use shampoo and bath lotion as little as possible to facilitate the absorption of minerals.

  Persistence is the most important thing: it is unrealistic to achieve the purpose of health preservation or beauty only by soaking in hot springs once or twice on holiday, and it must be adhered to for a long time to have an effect.