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Analysis of the second season of "Qing Yu Nian": Fan Xian’s suspended animation breaks the game, the emotional line is greatly changed, and the true identity of Emperor Qing may be revealed

  Recently, the fire drama "Celebration of More Than Years" has finally come to an end, and the ending reversal has caused heated discussion among netizens. Fans who have seen the original book know that the plot here has been adapted. In this regard, screenwriter Wang Tie also posted the relevant content of the finale on his personal social account. Regarding Yan Bingyun’s assassination of Fan Xian, Wang Tie clearly pointed out the relevant foreshadowing. This suspense is undoubtedly to gain enough popularity for the second season of go LIVE, so how will the next plot go? The editor will do some analysis in combination with the original book.

  Fan Xian suspended animation to break the game? Reverse the passive situation

  The end of the first season in the frozen frame of Yan Bingyun stabbed Fan Xian from behind, Fan Xian was injured and fell to the ground. Life and death are unknown. The plot here is actually written by Wang Tie, who has given hints that Fan Xian will not really die. Yan Bingyun has a great possibility that he has reached a consensus with Fan Xian and feigned death to break the game.

  It is worth noting that when Fan Xian was assassinated, Wang Qinian did not show up. It is speculated that Wang Qinian fled overnight to seek help, on the one hand to ensure the safety of everyone in the mission, and on the other hand to release the news of Fan Xian’s death to Chen Pingping and Emperor Qing. Although Chen Pingping used Fan Xian in the first season and Emperor Qing also set various tests, the two still attached great importance to Fan Xian, and the news of Fan Xian’s death would undoubtedly shock Chen Pingping and Emperor Qing. This not only broke the situation of the second prince, pulling the second prince from the dark into the light, but also turned Fan Xian from Chen Pingping’s chessboard to the active. The next plot will revolve around Fan Xian’s death, and various forces will gradually surface.

  A brand new four-person team is formed

  Screenwriter Wang Tie mentioned in the news release that Wang Qinian, Gundam, Yan Bingyun and Fan Xian will become a new four-person team to carry out the next tasks. Everyone should remember that Yan Bingyun was the opposite of Fan Xian when he appeared in the first season. If Fan Xian went north to save Yan Bingyun was the beginning of their relationship breaking the ice, then Yan Bingyun’s assassination of Fan Xian was a turning point.

  According to the speculation of the previous editor, if Yan Bingyun’s assassination of Fan Xian was really negotiated in advance, he would be able to pick up the relationship between the characters in the original work, and the fates of the two would be tightly tied together from then on. In a scheme, Fan Xian made a low-key plan in the second season. As Yan Bingyun, who betrayed Fan Xian on the surface, he would be able to better contact the second prince, so as to find out the news inside the enemy and help Fan Xian. In addition, Yan Bingyun’s foreshadowing as Sean’s grandson may also directly change his understanding of Dean Chen Pingping. Yan Bingyun will then come out of Chen Pingping’s chess game like Fan Xian.

  The relationship between the prince and the eldest princess is exposed

  This part of the plot is actually reflected in the drama version. Fan Ruoruo sees a portrait of a lady without a human face in the prince’s mansion, which seems to pave the way for the relationship between the prince and the eldest princess. However, according to speculation, this relationship line may be changed to the prince’s secret love for his aunt. But as the eldest princess of the prince’s aunt, she should continue the setting in the original book. It seems that the relationship between the second prince and the second prince has been made clear, but the real support is still the prince, which is more consistent with the prince’s simple and honest surface and actually tolerates the dark character in the play.

  Fan Xian’s emotional line continues to change dramatically

  In the original book, Fan Xian had five women. Lin Waner had a son with Fan Xian as his wife, and had two children with his maid Sisi and the Northern Qi Emperor Zhan Doudou respectively. However, from the plot of the first season, Fan Xian’s emotional support has been cut, Sisi has been directly laid off, the manager has been rejected, and without the manager as a cover, it is more difficult for Zhan Doudou to catch up with Fan Xian, and only the main relationship with Lin Waner is left. Due to the plot of Fan Xian being assassinated in the first season, the wedding of the two people who originally got married after returning from Northern Qi may be postponed.

  It is worth noting that in addition to Lin Waner in the drama version, Begonia Blossom has a great influence on Fan Xian. In the novel, the plot of going down to Jiangnan to recover the right to the inner warehouse is also accompanied by Blossom. If the plot of going down to the south in the drama version continues, Begonia Blossom may become an important role in Fan Xian’s emotional line in the second season.

  All the masters are online, and the battle between them is intense

  In the first season, none of the great masters showed up, which would become an important point of interest in the plot of the second season. In the original book, the conflicts between all parties intensified when the "Dadongshan Incident" broke out, and Emperor Qing went to worship the Qing Temple located in Dadongshan. Beiqi, Dongyi City, Prince Qing, Second Prince, Eldest Princess and others all felt that this was an opportunity to kill Emperor Qing.

  This can be said to be the climax of the whole drama. Emperor Qing revealed his identity as the great master, and seriously injured Kuhe and Sigujian here, and Dongyi City, which had lost the protection of the great master, belonged to Qing. At the same time, the rebellion between the eldest princess and the second prince was still going on, but little did he know that the Ye family temporarily rebelled against the water, and Fan Xian and the eldest prince defeated the rebels, so the branch line of the eldest princess was completely ended. The editor boldly predicted that this part of the plot would be transferred into the drama version, and it would also be emphasized as the main line of the second season.


Added bicycle navigation mode, new version of Google Maps released

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500 million investment in heavy upgrades, the essence of the new world M7 is still safe and reliable

On July 13, the new Q & A M7 was officially announced at MIIT. All-round upgrades, lidar on-board, new five-seat versions, etc., have attracted much attention from the market and consumers. At the same time, at the internal briefing, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, CEO of end point BG, and CEO of smart car solutions, emphasized: "The new Q & A M7 has increased more than 500 million investment in the overall improvement of vehicles, just to bring stronger product power!" "Of these 500 million, only a small part of the surface effort has been spent, and most of it has been spent on parts that users cannot see or touch." Behind the large-scale comprehensive upgrade, the essence and focus of the new Q & A M7 convey a great emphasis on safety and reliability.

A lot of information about the new Q & A M7 has been interpreted by the media, focusing on the lidar car, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-end intelligent driving landing, new appearance design, large five-seat version and other product points that attract attention. But the quality and safety behind the product are the most influential word-of-mouth foundations for the brand in the market. In the automotive industry, few car brands will make a big deal on the annual new model and carry out such a large-scale upgrade. There is a saying inside Huawei that quality is life infra. This is evidenced by AITO’s winning the top ranking of new energy brand new car quality in the "2022 Passenger Car New Car Quality Report". According to data from third-party media, the quality level of AITO Q & A far exceeds the industry average and surpasses many luxury brands such as BBA.

Yu Chengdong stressed: "This time on the new Wenjie M7 model, we have made a very big determination, not only developed new technologies, re-opened the mold of the body structure parts, but even rebuilt the welding production line for this purpose. Some of the body structures use the industry’s strongest submarine-grade high-strength steel, which can withstand 17 tons per square centimeter, which is equivalent to the weight of a heavy truck! At the same time, more CBS (Composite Body Solutions) composite body materials are used to effectively improve the fatigue durability of the car, body stiffness and collision safety performance."

AITO Q & A is far ahead in terms of quality. Thanks to Huawei’s ICT technology empowered manufacturing, it has built a solid quality system for products. The outstanding quality assurance system is a major guarantee for the reliability of AITO Q & A products. AITO Q & A has perfect R & D management, which has consolidated the quality control and quality foundation of products. Advanced intelligent manufacturing has constructed quality assurance, factory devil testing, and strengthened quality assurance quality control; Huawei has innovatively introduced beta testing, which intercepts quality control problems in advance, and closes the loop without "factory" problems, further ensuring the reliability of products. From R & D to production, and then to quality control, AITO Q & A has shown a very high level in the industry.

Judging from the public diagram exposed by MIIT, the new Q & A M7 is equipped with an overhead lidar, which proves that the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-level intelligent driving system is bound to get on the bus. With the blessing of this high-level intelligent driving system that is far ahead of friends, the new Q & A M7 has achieved the same level of leading active safety. In this briefing, it also confirmed Yu Chengdong’s view that active and passive safety is the real safety: "The greatest safety is not to make amends, but to prevent problems before they happen. With the support of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 and passive safety, the new Q & A M7 does not cause trouble and will avoid trouble, but it is not afraid of trouble! With the active and passive safety capabilities of the first echelon in the industry, both active and passive are safe, which is the real safety!"

Five hundred million yuan investment is fully upgraded, and safety and reliability are further advanced. With the publicity of the new Q & A M7, in the fiercely competitive new energy vehicle market, in addition to winning the trust of consumers with its excellent large space and intelligent experience, reliable quality and safety quality will be the "ballast stone" of the new Q & A M7. With the further development of the new energy vehicle market, the new Q & A M7 will play its advantages of safety, reliability and quality in the future market competition, bringing long-lasting and strong high-quality car experience to more consumers.


1.6T or 2.0T, how to choose Tiggo 8 Kunpeng Edition?

Relying on high cost performance and differentiated positioning, it has achieved good results since listing, and monthly sales of over 10,000 have become the norm. However, I am not satisfied with this. I have previously expressed my hope to hit the goal of selling 30,000 vehicles a month through the strategy of "big single product", which can be described as ambitious.

The ambitious goal naturally needs products as support, so, following the new generation, the Kunpeng version was recently launched.

From the product point of view, the biggest highlight of Kunpeng Edition is the addition of 2.0T power system. This power system and the previously equipped 1.6T+7DCT belong to the newly released "Kunpeng Power", with advanced technology and excellent actual performance. Then, for the vast number of consumers, how should Kun Peng’s two power systems be chosen?

The difference is 10 thousand, is the 2.0T model worth it?

According to the official news, the price range of Kunpeng version 1.6T model is 121,900-134,900 yuan, and the price range of 2.0T model is 131,900-144,900 yuan. The price difference between the two power models is 10,000 yuan, and the configuration is basically the same. In other words, the difference of 10,000 yuan between the 1.6T model and the 2.0T model mainly comes from the power system.

What can consumers get if they spend ten thousand yuan more? This 2.0T engine is actually developed on the basis of the 1.6T engine. Besides the displacement increase, the combustion system, thermal management system and NHV system of the engine have been upgraded, so its power, fuel economy and running quality are all better.

In terms of parameters, the maximum power of the 2.0T engine is 187kW, the peak torque is 390N·m, and the official acceleration time is 7.5 seconds, which is much faster than that of the 1.6T model in about 9 seconds. From the actual experience, the acceleration in the middle and rear sections of the 2.0T model is obviously more leisurely, which can bring more carefree power experience to drivers and better ensure the safety when overtaking. At the same time, because the base displacement is larger and the peak torque comes earlier, the 2.0T model does not need to increase the speed frequently to squeeze power, and the driving quality is better.

Of course, the power of the 1.6T model is not weak. The maximum power of 145kW and the peak torque of 290N·m are already in the leading position of small displacement engines, which can fully meet the power demand of daily vehicles. However, in front of the more powerful 2.0T model, the 1.6T model is slightly inferior.

Compared with the 2.0T model, the main advantage of the 1.6T model is fuel economy. The comprehensive fuel consumption of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is 6.9L/100km, while that of the 2.0T model is 7L/100km. This is mainly the difference caused by the different kerb quality-the ——1.6T model is 43kg lighter than the 2.0T model. However, from the advanced level of technology, the 2.0T engine is actually more dominant, and its thermal efficiency is higher, reaching 38% (the thermal efficiency of the 1.6T model is 37.1%). Moreover, the fuel consumption of 2.0T engine is only 0.1L more than 100 kilometers under the condition of stronger power and heavier kerb quality, which has already demonstrated its advanced nature.

To sum up, the author thinks it is worthwhile to spend an extra 10,000 yuan to buy a 2.0T model. After all, the fuel consumption performance gap between the two engines is very small, but the 2.0T engine has brought better driving quality and high cost performance.

Three configurations, which one is more cost-effective?

Kunpeng version 1.6T and 2.0T Power have launched three models: Winging version, Ride-by-Wind version and Boom-by-Boom version. As mentioned above, the configurations of the two power models are basically the same. The only difference is that 2.0T Ride-by-Wind version and Boom-by-Boom version have more front sound insulation glass than 1.6T Ride-by-Wind version and Boom-by-Boom version, and NVH performs better.

First, let’s look at the low-profile Winging Edition. Its basic configuration is quite rich. There are many practical configurations such as reversing image/radar, panoramic sunroof, LCD instrument, leather seat, main driving electric adjustment, 12.3-inch central control panel, automatic air conditioner and rear air outlet. However, it is a pity that the low-profile model lacks a very important side air curtain, and it is impossible to choose seven seats, which has compromised safety and practicality. As long as the budget is not particularly tight, the author does not recommend buying the Youth Pre-employment Edition.

The cost performance ratio of the Chinese version is the highest. Under the condition that the price is only increased by 5,000 yuan, it has increased the safety configuration such as side air curtain, panoramic image, LED headlights, rearview mirror heating, intelligent configuration such as remote start, voice system, car networking, electric adjustment of co-pilot, heating of front seats, and comfortable configuration such as indoor atmosphere lights. It is very sincere. Moreover, most of these configurations have a high frequency of use, which can bring a more convenient and comfortable car experience.

On the basis of the wind-by-wind version, the high-powered version further strengthens the intelligent configuration and comfortable configuration of vehicles, adding L2 driver assistance system, wireless charging, inductive tailgate, adaptive far and near light and other functions, and at the same time increasing the price by 8,000 yuan. In all fairness, it is not expensive to buy an L2 driver assistance system for 8,000 yuan, not to mention the improvement of other configurations. However, the current driver assistance system has no obvious effect in the city. If you are not running at a high speed for a long time, the significance of the whirlwind version is not great.

In short, Kunpeng version 1.6T and 2.0T models have good product strength, and the author recommends the latter with superior driving quality. Among the three configurations, the wind-driven version is undoubtedly the most cost-effective.


Representatives of the Sichuan delegation discussed the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and planned and implemented measures in combination with their own work

  On the afternoon of October 18, the Sichuan Provincial delegation attending the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held a plenary meeting to focus on the report made by the Supreme Leader General Secretary on behalf of the 18th Central Committee. "The report holds high the banner, the theme is clear, and the thought is profound." "The report is cohesive and inspiring. It is a good report that is people-oriented, full of pride, and inspiring." "The report summarizes the results and seeks truth from facts, studies and judges the situation objectively and accurately, and plans for the future."… The report caused heated discussions in the Sichuan Provincial delegation. In light of their own work realities, the delegates actively considered how to focus on goals and tasks, refine work measures, and implement the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China according to local conditions.


  Open to the outside world

  The original sound of the report: Openness brings progress, but closure necessarily lags behind. China’s door to opening up will not be closed, but will only open wider and wider. We must focus on the construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative", adhere to the equal emphasis on bringing in and going out, follow the principle of extensive consultation, joint construction and sharing, strengthen the opening up and cooperation of innovation capabilities, and form an open pattern of linkage between land and sea, and mutual assistance between East and West.

  Luo Qiang, representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China:

  Better build a national opening-up hub

  At noon on October 18, Luo Qiang, a representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deputy secretary of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee, and mayor, walked out of the Great Hall of the People, unable to hide his excitement. "Don’t forget the original intention to compose a new chapter, and look forward to the grand plans." After listening to the report, he said he was inspired, excited, and confident.

  In the report, Luo Qiang paid particular attention to one word: openness. In his opinion, the Party Central Committee with the supreme leader as the core actively promotes "grand diplomacy", and has never entered the center of the international stage with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style. "In particular, the construction of the’Belt and Road Initiative ‘has reshaped the global economic map, cultural geography and political pattern in the new century, and created new historical opportunities for the country’s economic and social development, including the development of the western region," Luo Qiang said.

  The construction of the "Belt and Road Initiative", Sichuan is both a practitioner and a beneficiary, which is Luo Qiang’s intuitive feeling. Take the China-Europe Express (Rong-Europe Express) as an example, the express train from Chengdu goes directly to Nuremberg, Lodz, Moscow, Istanbul and other 20 cities along the "Belt and Road Initiative".

  In recent years, the construction of "water, land and air" external channels in Sichuan has been accelerated. Only Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport has 102 international (regional) routes, and the annual passenger throughput reached 46 million passengers and cargo throughput exceeded 600,000 tons last year.

  The "big channel" to connect the world has gradually taken shape, and the pace of building a "big platform" for two-way opening up in Sichuan has been accelerating. Tianfu New Area has been upgraded to a national-level new area, and has been successfully approved as a free trade pilot zone. 159 unique ** pilot tasks in investment, trade, financial innovation and other fields have been smoothly advanced. The construction of China-Germany, China-France, China-Italy and other country-specific cooperation parks has been accelerated. The "China-Europe Center" was officially launched in May this year… In the first half of this year, the province’s total import and export trade increased by as much as 5 ****. The total number of international sister cities and friendly cooperative relations in Sichuan has increased to 238

  Luo Qiang said that the report clearly insists on opening the door to the country for construction, actively promotes the "Belt and Road Initiative" international cooperation; at the same time, optimize the layout of regional opening up, increase the opening up of the west, and grant greater reform autonomy to the free trade pilot area, which points out the way for us to accelerate the construction of a pan-European and pan-Asian gateway hub.


  Agriculture rural farmers

  The report’s original voice: The issue of agriculture and rural farmers is a fundamental issue related to the national economy and people’s livelihood, and we must always take solving the "three rural" issue as the top priority of the whole party’s work. We must adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, and in accordance with the general requirements of prosperous industries, ecological livability, civilized rural customs, effective governance, and prosperous life, establish and improve the system, mechanism, and policy system for integrated development of urban and rural areas, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

  Yao Qingying, representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China:

  Promoting rural revitalization has a "navigation map"

  The five years since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have been an extraordinary five years in the development process of the party and the country. As a rural grassroots cadre, Yao Qingying, the representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the party branch secretary of Lianghe Village, Xilai Town, Pujiang County, feels deeply. According to the "small group micro-living" standard, Lianghe Village has built a new residence for farmers in "Lianghe Yiyuan" and remodeled the "Lianghekou" scattered courtyard. Oil sands roads, tap water, natural gas, and optical networks are connected to every household. Villagers have built small villas and renovated them like houses in the city.

  In addition to "visible" changes, there are also "invisible changes". By organizing villagers to independently formulate village rules and regulations, the problems such as burning straw, building indiscriminately, and the environment being dirty and messy that used to be solved by nine bulls and two tigers have now been easily solved. Through the promotion and education of the Chinese Dream, the "Farmers’ Night School" has been well run, and the villagers have been mobilized to bask in the family style and family rules, and the selection of "good children", "good neighbors", "good husband and wife", "good cadres" and "good party members" has made the whole village a happy and harmonious family.

  The report proposes to implement the rural revitalization strategy. It is necessary to adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, and establish and improve the system, mechanism and policy system of integrated urban and rural development in accordance with the general requirements of prosperous industries, ecological livability, civilized rural style, effective governance and prosperous life, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

  "The report of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader has allowed us to further clarify how we see, how to do, and how to do rural work. It is the’navigation map ‘for us to build a happy and beautiful new village." What to do next? Yao Qingying already has a plan:

  Continue to do a good job in the normalization and institutionalization of "two learning and one doing" learning and education, and further strengthen the branch team and manage the party members. "To implement the rural revitalization strategy, grassroots party organizations must give full play to the role of fighting fortresses and lead the masses to work hard."

  To plant more green organic fruits, soil improvement and efficient water-saving irrigation will be carried out on more than 4,800 mu of orchards in the village, efforts will be made to build modern orchards, and farmers will be encouraged to develop leisure tourism.

  It is also necessary to vigorously develop rural e-commerce, build an "e-commerce talent station" in Murakami, attract professional e-commerce sales teams to settle in Lianghe Village, focus on marketing services, and build a 1,600-ton fruit centralized distribution center.


  Poverty reduction

  Report original sound: We must mobilize the whole party and the whole society, adhere to precision poverty alleviation, precision poverty reduction, adhere to the central overall responsibility of the province and the county to grasp the implementation of the working mechanism, strengthen the responsibility system of the party and government leaders to take overall responsibility, adhere to the pattern of large-scale poverty alleviation, pay attention to the combination of poverty alleviation with support and wisdom, in-depth implementation of poverty alleviation cooperation between the east and the west, focusing on the task of poverty reduction in deep poverty-stricken areas, to ensure that by 2020 under the current standards of our country under the rural poor population to achieve poverty reduction, poverty counties are all capped, to solve the regional overall poverty, to get rid of real poverty, real poverty reduction.

  Wang Liangcheng, representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China:

  Only by building strong grassroots party organizations and poverty reduction can we have the backbone

  "After listening to the report of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, I am deeply encouraged and very excited." Wang Liangcheng, a representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deputy director of the Price Supervision and Inspection Bureau of Pingchang County, and first secretary of the Party Branch of Limin Village, Shuanglu Township, Pingchang County, was overjoyed. As a front-line cadre in poverty reduction, he has a deep understanding of the "decisive progress in the fight against poverty reduction" pointed out by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader in the report.

  "Poverty reduction is fast, and the villagers’ days are getting more and more prosperous; the party’s policies are good, and the old areas are full of motivation to catch up and surpass; the party is strictly managed and the party is governed, and the entrepreneurial atmosphere of cadres and officers is good." In 2014, Wang Liangcheng and nearly 200,000 party members in government organs across the country were selected to serve as the first secretary of the village. In the past three years, the provincial party committee has established "four major funds" for education for poverty alleviation, medical assistance for poverty alleviation, poverty alleviation and micro-credit insurance, and industrial support for poor villages, providing them with "sewing kits" for "embroidery" on the front line of poverty reduction; 22 incentive and care measures in 5 aspects have been issued to encourage them to take root in grassroots officers and start businesses. " The concern and love of the organization makes us deeply feel that only by taking the lead and leading the masses to work together can we be worthy of the organization and live up to our mission. "Wang Liangcheng said.

  How to make the villagers’ pockets bulge is the question that Wang Liangcheng thinks the most. The lessons of previous failures in industrial development have made the villagers worried. Wang Liangcheng invited experts to the village to guide and work door-to-door. He called the successful migrant workers in the village one by one, and carried preferential policy brochures to Guangzhou, Chongqing and other places to persuade them to return to the village to start a business with sincerity. Today, the village has established five professional cooperatives, with 1,500 mu of land in circulation, covering 156 households. The villagers have achieved various incomes through land circulation, park work, and industrial development.

  Wang Liangcheng said that combined with the experience and study report of the first secretary of the three years, he deeply realized that only by helping to build and strengthen grass-roots party organizations can poverty reduction be the backbone; only by helping to find the road to prosperity in the industry can poverty reduction be effective; only by integrating into the masses to help, poverty reduction can have cohesion.


  Comprehensive and strict governance of the party

  The original sound of the report: The courage to self-revolution and strictly manage the party is the most distinct character of our party. We must deeply understand the long-term and complexity of the party’s governance test, reform and opening up test, market economy test, and external environment test, and deeply understand the danger of spiritual slack, lack of ability, separation from the masses, and negative corruption. Adhere to the problem orientation, maintain strategic resolve, and promote comprehensive and strict party governance to in-depth development.

  Song Chaohua, representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China:

  The great victory of comprehensively and strictly governing the party is inspiring

  Song Chaohua, representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Nanchong Municipal Party Committee, believes that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with the Supreme Leader Comrade as the core has taken strong medicine to eliminate diseases, treat chaos, pay close attention to the construction of work style, forcefully punish corruption and corruption, highlight clear rules and regulations, and promote strict party governance to achieve an unprecedented great victory. The people are all rejoicing, applauding, and wholeheartedly supporting.

  Song Chaohua said that in 2014, the central and provincial party committees thoroughly investigated and strictly punished the case of Nanchong soliciting votes and bribing elections. Over the past two years, Nanchong has thoroughly implemented the spirit of the series of important speeches by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader. Under the strong leadership of the central and provincial party committees, it has deeply learned the lessons of the case, made every effort to purify the political ecology, resolutely eliminated the residual poison of bribery and election, and promoted the formation of a good political ecology in a relatively short period of time.

  Song Chaohua said that practice has fully proved that the central and provincial party committees have thoroughly investigated and strictly dealt with the Nanchong vote-soliciting bribery case, which is very correct. This is a move by strong men to break their wrists, scrape their bones and treat drugs, and comprehensively strictly manage the party’s officials. Not only did it not affect the stability and development of Nanchong, but it also brought unprecedented positive incentives, positive energy and positive effects to Nanchong. At present, Nanchong’s economy and society are developing rapidly and healthily. GDP reached 165.10 billion yuan in 2016, an increase of 7.8%. In the first half of this year, GDP grew by 8.7% year-on-year, ranking fifth in the province in total. The growth rate is higher than that of the whole country, faster than the province, and better than expected

  Song Chaohua said that in the next step, Nanchong will study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as a top political task, especially continue to maintain "comprehensive and strict governance of the party, purification of the political ecology is always on the way", resolutely win the "three protracted battles" of governing party officials, righteousness and discipline, and punishing corruption and corruption. Thoroughly eliminate the lingering poison of canvassing and bribery, and never let bribery and election resurface, never let problems happen again, and never let tragedies repeat themselves. (Reporters, Dong Shimei, Zhang Shoushuai, Li Xinyi, Zhang Lidong, Lin Ling)



Hengchi 5 is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, are you still hesitating?

Nowadays, young people are already at the forefront of the torrent of the times, and they are also the main force of consumption in society. In addition to cost performance, it also depends on whether this car looks good or not, and whether its performance is strong or not. What I bring to you today is that it has many highlights. Come and see it now.

Take a look at the appearance of the Hengchi 5 first. The front design of the Hengchi 5 is very simple and looks very sporty. With the fashionable and sporty headlights, it looks very visual. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, automatic opening and closing, delayed closing, etc. Come to the side of the car, the body size of the car is 4725MM*1925MM*1676MM, the car adopts soft lines, the side looks very sharp, with large-sized thick-walled tires, the shape is eye-catching. In terms of the rear, the rear line of the Hengchi 5 is cool, and the taillights give people a very personalized feeling, creating a good atmosphere.

Sitting in the car, the interior of Hengchi 5 looks very eye-catching, and the overall recognition is very high. The steering wheel of the car is very in line with the interior style, equipped with functions such as manual up and down + front and rear adjustment of the steering wheel, which shows the atmosphere. From the central control point of view, the car is decorated with an eye-catching touch LCD central control screen, which impresses the interior style and has a certain sense of technology. The dashboard and seats also feel good. Let’s take a look. The dashboard design is remarkable, and the shape has taken a sporty route. The car adopts imitation leather seats, and the seats are wrapped in place, which is basically enough for daily use.

Hengchi 5 is equipped with an electric motor with a total power of 150KW and a total torque of 345N.m. It has good acceleration, excellent cruising range, and good power performance.

Equipped with driving mode selection, remote control key, Bluetooth key, rear wiper, interior ambient light, traction control (ASR/TCS, etc.) and other configurations, it is rich in functions and greatly enhances its ease of use.

The Hengchi 5 introduced today is not only eye-catching in space, but also has reached the mainstream level in various configurations. The driving experience and space experience are not picky. If you like it, you can pay more attention!


Q1 earnings observation: Meituan, which was hit hard by the epidemic, why is the stock price still soaring?

New Game Original

By Camellia

Editor: Lei Yunting

Yesterday, Meituan Dianping released the 2020 Quarter 1 performance report. The data shows that Meituan’s total revenue in the first quarter was 16.76 billion yuan, a simultaneous decrease of 12.6%. The operating loss was 1.72 billion yuan, an increase of 31.6% from the 1.30 billion in the same period in 2019, and the adjusted net loss was 216 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of more than 40%.

Among them, the food and beverage takeaway business achieved revenue of 9.49 billion yuan, down 11.4% year-on-year; the revenue of the store, hotel and tourism business 3.09 billion, down 31.1% year-on-year; new business and other income 4.117 billion yuan, up 4.9% against the trend.

Although Meituan’s two strong businesses, catering takeaway and in-store, hotel business, have been hit hard by the epidemic, the sharp narrowing of net losses and the stories to be told in the future still make the market full of confidence in Meituan. After yesterday’s financial report was released, Meituan’s share price closed at HK $125.8, an increase of more than 6%.

Today, Meituan’s share price closed at HK $138.9, an increase of 10.41%, and the current total market value is about HK $804.706 billion.

Wuliangye has been listed for nearly 22 years, and its market value is 573.70 billion RMB, equivalent to 623.70 billion Hong Kong dollars; Meituan has been listed for less than two years, and its market value has exceeded Wuliangye (000858). The great charm of the new economy is evident.


"Campaign": Reduced commission, withdrawal price

The platform and merchants are originally a community of interests. During the epidemic, Meituan Takeaway launched the "Merchant Partner Commission Refund Program" to provide merchants with free rebates, subsidies and free traffic support to help them tide over difficult times. Hundreds of thousands of merchants across the country participated. In Wuhan, the amount of free commission has exceeded 30 million yuan.

In addition to alleviating the pressure on merchants in terms of free commission, Meituan has also upgraded the "Spring Breeze Action" to the Million Small Stores Program, by providing online operations and other measures to help merchants recover digitally. Newly launched merchants who originally relied mainly on dine-in and needed to develop online channels can enjoy Meituan’s 7-14 days of "new merchant support traffic."

Although the latest financial report shows that Meituan’s commission income in the first quarter was 8.564 billion yuan, and the commission rate was 11.98%, a decrease of 1.5% year-on-year, in the long run, these two measures have accumulated merchants for the Meituan platform. In addition to commissions, the marketing advertising expenses of merchants are also one of the profit channels for the platform, and merchants provide the possibility for Meituan to increase advertising revenue.

Another profit margin for Meituan comes from the cultivation of user consumption behavior.

"Operation Spring Breeze" has enabled many high-quality merchants to achieve a contrarian growth in orders during the epidemic, which has promoted the increase in the unit price of takeaway consumers. According to the financial report, Meituan’s first-quarter catering takeaway revenue decreased by 11.4% year-on-year, the average daily takeaway order volume fell by 18.2%, and the total order volume fell by 46% year-on-year. However, the average price of each order rose by 14.4% to 52 yuan, and the unit price of customers increased significantly.

In addition, since Meituan Distribution was officially established as an independent brand on May 6 last year, as of now, Meituan Distribution has covered 6.20 million multi-product merchants such as catering, fresh food, supermarkets, bookstores, flowers, etc. These categories have become vertical products ordered by users online, and users’ brand awareness of Meituan’s "everything can be home" is deepening.


Future: Food + Platform, Diversity

When Meituan listed in Hong Kong two years ago, Meituan’s co-founder Wang Huiwen repeatedly mentioned Meituan’s Food + Platform grand strategy in the face of the media, that is, starting from takeaway, horizontally covering multiple life service areas such as store delivery, home delivery, and travel.

The core of this strategy is to strengthen a single center of gravity, from the most high-frequency catering consumption to other low-frequency areas, to tap the traffic value of other areas, and to better conduct cross-selling.

Meituan’s current new businesses mainly include food and beverage management systems and B2B food and beverage supply chain services, shared bicycles and online car-hailing, and food retail services.

According to the financial report, in Quarter 1, 2020, Meituan Dianping’s revenue from new business and other divisions was 4.20 billion yuan, an increase of 4.9% year-on-year. This was mainly due to the increase in Meituan’s flash sale and micro-loan business revenue, which was partially offset by the decrease in ride-hailing and B2B catering supply chain service revenue (affected by the epidemic).

The growth of new business is conducive to the overall pull of Meituan.

Meituan’s important fresh food retail business – Meituan market and Meituan flash sale are a major highlight of the earnings report. During the earnings call, Meituan CEO Wang Xing mentioned for the first time that the grocery shopping business will be a very key business sector for Meituan. He said that with the increasing demand of consumers to buy food online, this sector will bring more opportunities and imagination to Meituan in the future, so he will continue to invest in this field.

New businesses including Meituan bicycles and online car-hailing lost 1.40 billion yuan in the first quarter, and the operating profit margin narrowed to -33%. However, the cost of shared bicycles decreased by nearly 1 billion yuan, and depreciation also decreased significantly. Meituan has achieved expenditure control on the bicycle business. These all provide imagination for Meituan’s future development, which is conducive to Meituan’s search for a more perfect growth curve.


Competing against each other: the new economy, the new battlefield

Wang Xing said Meituan has no boundaries. However, conducting multiple businesses also means facing multiple competitors.

Ele.me, Meituan’s main competitor, has significantly outpaced Meituan’s 28.3% growth in revenue performance with a 41% growth in the past 12 months (April 2019-March 2020).

Ele.me’s ability to widen the gap with Meituan in terms of growth rate is mainly due to Alibaba’s integration of resources. From the Double 11 promotion at the end of 2019 to the reduction of commission for catering merchants during the epidemic, and a large number of merchants coming to Ele.me to open stores, Alibaba has used the so-called "synergistic advantages of the digital ecological economy" to attract a large number of merchants to settle in Ele.me, and even non-takeaway merchants such as Marriott Hotel, Decathlon, major museums, and Xinhua Bookstore. This places new requirements on Meituan’s resource integration capabilities and technological upgrading.

As a giant in China’s express delivery industry, SF Express’s entry into the takeaway market has also brought challenges to Meituan. Recently, SF Express launched the "Fengshi" platform, focusing on food delivery services for the corporate employee market. At present, many well-known brands such as Xibei, Yoshinojia, Ajisen Ramen, and Dicos have settled in.

Although SF Express said that the "Fengshi" WeChat Mini Program is still in the incubation stage and is currently only implemented within SF Express, it does not mean to fight against Meituan and Ele.me. But "Fengshi", which focuses on low-draw points, may use the B-end business to develop the C-end, which cannot help Meituan, a colleague, feel anxious.

In March, Didi announced that it had launched errands in 21 cities, including Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Chongqing. Users could summon errands to buy goods they needed and enjoy door-to-door delivery services. The function of picking up and delivering goods in the same city would also be opened. At that time, Didi introduced that the first batch of Didi errands were served by Didi drivers, who rode electric vehicles to receive orders every day. Eligible drivers could provide errands as soon as possible after training.

Just today, Hello’s logistics business "Hello Express" has been launched for testing. Hello Travel said that Hello Express is an "errand running" project currently being explored by Hello Travel’s Pratt & Whitney Vehicle Division. It focuses on the delivery of small items and has not been officially launched. It is currently under test operation in Dongguan and Foshan.


Multiple rivals also mean that the market is vast. As of this afternoon, according to Forbes real-time data, Wang Xing’s personal wealth is 11 billion US dollars (about 77 billion yuan), making him the 20th richest person in China. "We believe that business growth in 2025 is to increase our daily orders to 50 million, and the current data is still a long way off, so we need to further invest in technology in the future." With the strong wind of emerging economies, Meituan is still running.

This article was first published on WeChat official account: New Game. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of Hexun.com. Investors operate accordingly, and please bear the risk.

(Editor in charge: Jillia HN003)

Wu Mengda said that Zhou Xingchi needs to be denied, and he was rejected for borrowing money from Zhou Yunfa

Feature: Picture Channel

Wu Mengda

  The Chinese-Korean romantic comedy "Love Art of War" stars Taiwan diva Xu Ruo?, Hong Kong veteran actor Wu Mengda and others, who appeared in Changsha yesterday to meet fans.

  Wu Mengda came to "The Story Behind" and reviewed the years when he was "hurt by women, drinking, and gambling", and exposed the unbearable past that he almost committed suicide when he went bankrupt because of 300,000’s debts. Xu Ruo?, on the other hand, generously talked about the experience of many years of love, laughing that she likes to use "hard to get" in "36 tricks of love".

  Wu Mengda is a guest on "The Story Behind"

  pinnacle of career

  "Hu Tiehua" lost herself

  [Star City collides with stars]

  He has been in the film industry for 37 years, but he has never starred in a real movie. From an unscrupulous father to a decadent and incompetent police officer, he has almost played the joys and sorrows of the common people in the market. Wu Mengda, who is firmly in the No. 2 position of "Funny Man" in Hong Kong. In 1971, Wu Mengda, a young man under the age of 20, went to TVB’s artist training class. After performing a mime, he became classmates with Chow Yun-fat and Chow Xingchi. "When I was a walk-on, I only had 8 lines a day at most." At that time, it was the golden age of Hong Kong movies, and with my little cleverness, Wu Mengda established a firm foothold. The follow-up performance of Hu Tiehua in "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" made his career soar to the peak, earning $1,500 for one appearance on the stage. " Many people around me took me to the sky, and I completely lost myself. I drank, played cards, etc. every day. I didn’t have the heart to work, so I looked forward to finishing work early. "

  Ruan Jingtian and Chen Qiaoen "don’t call"

  Fortunately, the four-year slump did not completely sink Wu Mengda. After reflection, he began to gain the trust of the circle again. In 1988, he started his first collaboration with Stephen Chow on "He Comes from the Jianghu", and since then the "Stephen Chow + Wu Mengda" model has become a sign of nonsense style. However, the close cooperation between each other has a crack in "Kung Fu". "When I met SARS, my schedule was up, and I couldn’t shoot" Kung Fu ". He didn’t think I was friends enough." Regarding the relationship between the two people, Wu Mengda bluntly said that Zhou Xingchi is not the same as before. "He has raised himself to a high level, and now no one dares to deny him, but I think he needs to be denied, because everyone is wrong at times." Wu Mengda also said that Zhou Xingchi is full of talent, "like’Journey to the West ‘, he just thought about how to make it look good and fun, and he didn’t consider it a classic at all."

  In 1980, Wu Mengda suddenly found that the unemployment crisis was approaching, and he not only could not make ends meet, but also owed 300,000 Hong Kong dollars in gambling debts. What was even more uncomfortable was that there was no drama to play. And in this situation, he was suddenly notified by the Hong Kong government to declare him bankrupt in the media. In order to get through the difficulties, the first thing he thought of was his best friend Chow Yun-fat. "I didn’t expect him to say to me, ‘You solve it yourself!’ I hated him so much at the time, I couldn’t understand that sentence, what was 300,000 to him? I thought about it at home for three days. I remembered a reservoir I went to play in when I was a child, and everything was solved by jumping down. I wanted to commit suicide." Speaking of these unbearable memories, Uncle Da couldn’t help but wipe his tears when he saw his compromised role in "Shaolin Football" on the screen.

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Editor in charge: Li Erqing


My wife gave 210,000 stars to cross L and drive 3,564 kilometers to share six advantages and disadvantages.

What is the experience of having a "local tyrant" wife? Let me tell you something. You can buy a car at will in buy buy, provided that you can satisfy your wife. You see, I raised the L in full, without blinking an eye. Not much nonsense. Now the new car has driven 3564 kilometers. Let me share the three advantages and three disadvantages of Xingyue L.

My wife pays, I contribute, and I buy a car to match the top. Anyway, it doesn’t cost me money. What are you afraid of if the meat doesn’t hurt? The version I bought is a 2021 2.0TD high-power automatic four-wheel drive flagship (top-equipped model), which is a top-equipped version with all configurations.

The new car guide price is 185,200 yuan, the purchase tax is 16,000 yuan, the commercial insurance plus compulsory insurance is 7,200 yuan, the licensing fee is charged to 800 yuan, and the new car decoration is charged to 3,000 yuan, which is 212,200 yuan.

At that time, the reason for considering the purchase of Star Yue L was very simple, that is, at first glance, it was very attractive, and my eyes were fascinated, just like seeing a beautiful woman, and my eyes were sucked away. Not only did men like it, but actually my wife thought it looked good when she saw the Star Yue L, and then she looked at the interior workmanship, and the configuration was all satisfactory to her, and finally she decided to choose the Star Yue L.

For example, the electric seat is made of two-color leather, which is very luxurious and fashionable, and the touch of the car is very comfortable; There is also the A-pillar with a fur-turning design, which has a high-grade sense ratio and is not bad. The most important thing is the 12.3-inch LCD instrument and the double 12.3-inch central control display screen. The whole central control looks very scientific and classy. You can’t find one of the 200,000 joint venture cars, can you?

My wife likes the function configuration mentioned above very much, and thinks it is almost the same as a tablet, and it is simple and easy for young people to get started. And the visual perception is very good, concise and atmospheric.

In terms of power, let’s say that the car I bought is equipped with a 2.0T high-power engine with a maximum power of 175kW(238 HP). The peak torque is 350N·m, and the gearbox is matched with an 8-speed automatic manual transmission.

What level is this motivation? To tell you the truth, I haven’t actually tried extreme driving. I mostly use it to commute to work in cities, and I rarely run at high speed. Therefore, the 2.0T+8 automatic manual transmission powertrain equipped by Xingyue L is very strong in daily use, and the power burst is strong, so you will hardly touch its limit.

Let’s talk briefly about the space of Xingyue L. Its wheelbase is 2845mm, which is actually not lost compared with Highlander. Officially, Xingyue L is positioned as a compact SUV. I think it is a medium-sized SUV with five seats. Its rear row space is not as good as that, but it is also very spacious for daily use, which is much larger than the ordinary five-seat SUV.

I’ve talked with you so much. Now my new car has driven 3564 kilometers. I’d like to share some advantages and disadvantages with you. I hope it will be helpful for you to buy a car. Let’s talk about the disadvantages first and then talk about the advantages.

Disadvantage 1: At present, the fuel consumption is 11L, and the fuel consumption feels high.

Now the new car has run more than 3,500 kilometers, and it should be past the running-in period, but I feel that the fuel consumption has not been reduced, and now the fuel consumption is about 11L. Personally, I feel that the fuel consumption is still slightly high, and I hope that the fuel consumption can be reduced in the later period. If it can be reduced to 8-9L, so much the better.

Disadvantage 2: the central control display screen is easy to leave fingerprints and is not resistant to dirt.

The central control panel is also a point that can’t be ignored. After half a year of use, the central control panel is not resistant to dirt, and it is easy to leave fingerprints, and it feels dirty after light reflection. I suggest you pay attention to it during use and wipe your hands as clean as possible.

Disadvantage 3: the engine is not easy to start and stop, and there is obvious vibration when starting.

The engine start-stop function of Xingyue L is not easy to use, and sometimes it vibrates at the moment of starting. In fact, the 3 Angkor Serra I used to drive also has this kind of vibration feeling. It may not be the problem of the car, but the function itself. I suggest that you can turn off the startup function, and your daily experience will be better.

Advantage 1: the interior is luxurious, and the central control big screen is very scientific and technological.

What I am most satisfied with is that the interior is luxurious, and there are dual 12.3-inch displays in the central control. I feel that the luxurious atmosphere in the car is very good. Although this car has landed more than 210,000 yuan, this kind of workmanship and configuration feel no worse than that of a 500,000-class joint venture car.

Advantage 2: The power is particularly strong.

The 2.0T power of Xingyue L is very powerful. Officially, the acceleration is 7.7 seconds. In fact, it is particularly powerful to drive. You don’t have to be afraid of lack of power. As long as you are willing to step on the accelerator, the power will come out, giving you a good sense of pushing back.

Advantages 3: Small steering virtual position and high steering accuracy.

The question that makes me feel incredible is that although the Xingyue L is an SUV, it is very easy to drive, the steering accuracy of the steering wheel is very high, and the steering position is very small. When the star flies over L, you can hit it wherever you point and drive it with ease.

At the end of the writing, someone may ask me, do you regret spending more than 210 thousand to buy Star Yue L? I want to say, no regrets. Xingyue L is the best workmanship and materials of 200,000 class in all aspects. You can’t find one in the joint venture car. You can go and have a look at the cars such as,, etc. Which one has the sincerity to surpass L?


iFLYTEK brings Spark cognitive model and industry application to the 2023 world artificial intelligence conference

  From July 6th to 8th, the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference was held in Shanghai. The theme of this conference was "Intelligent Connection World Generates the Future", focusing on the development of general artificial intelligence and creating a good innovation ecosystem. iFLYTEK brought the Spark Cognition Big Model and Industry Applications to this conference, showcasing the core capabilities of the big model and the latest application results in education, medical care, office, industry and other fields, and discussing the opportunities and challenges of general artificial intelligence.

  During the event, the digital human press officer created by iFLYTEK for the conference made a wonderful appearance at the service desk of the Shanghai World Expo Center and the World Expo Exhibition and Exhibition Hall. With the blessing of the Spark Model, the audience can interact with it more naturally in real time to understand the dynamics and hot topics of the artificial intelligence conference. iFLYTEK provided technical support for the opening ceremony and main forum of the conference, helping the participants from home and abroad to achieve barrier-free communication. iFLYTEK provided technical support for the opening ceremony and main forum of the conference, helping the participants from home and abroad to achieve barrier-free communication.

  In addition, the Spark model based on domestic software and hardware was also exhibited simultaneously in the AI model technology area and Huawei’s ecological exhibition area, demonstrating that the Spark cognitive model empowers the diverse ecology of all walks of life, allowing more attendees to experience the charm of domestic models.

  Wu Xiaoru, President of iFLYTEK, Hu Guoping, Senior Vice President of iFLYTEK, Liu Cong, Dean of iFLYTEK Research Institute, and other leaders attended the conference to share the cutting-edge technology of artificial intelligence, industrial ecology, finance, medical care and other fields, and promote the construction of large-scale model related standards and large-scale model applications.

  AI "Smart Emergence" iFLYTEK Spark Cognitive Big Model Triggers Interaction Craze

  "What are the highlights of the 2023 world artificial intelligence conference worth paying attention to?"

  "Please write a poem to describe the future world of artificial intelligence?"

  "Can cooking in an iron pan supplement iron?"

  At the iFLYTEK booth, the iFLYTEK Spark Cognitive Model attracted many attendees to stop. Everyone gathered around the big model to ask it questions, and the big model quickly and accurately gave the answer, becoming the hottest "clock in the exhibition".

  On May 6 this year, iFLYTEK released the Spark Cognition Big Model, demonstrating seven core capabilities such as text generation, language understanding, knowledge answering, logical reasoning, and mathematical knowledge. Since the release, the core capabilities have continued to iterate. On June 9, it upgraded again and released the Spark Cognition Big Model V1.5. Not only did various capabilities continue to improve, but also three major upgrades were achieved in general capabilities: a breakthrough in open knowledge answering, multiple rounds of dialogue, and further upgrades in logic and mathematics.

  iFLYTEK has also launched the Spark APP, Mini Program and H5, which users can use through different entrances. Recently, the iFLYTEK Spark APP has been successfully listed in AppStore, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo, Tencent App Treasure and other app stores, and has become the first domestic large model to fully cover the Android and iOS mainstream app stores.

  The Spark Assistant Center, which covers 1000 + intelligent assistants, triggered an interactive experience boom at the iFLYTEK booth. Click to enter the assistant center to quickly issue instructions, and the big model immediately transforms into a portable intelligent assistant to meet the needs of users including workplace, marketing, creation, life, comments, recruitment, learning, customer service, fun, travel, official documents, emotions, brain storms and other scenarios.

  AI deeply empowers the latest application achievements in the industry

  During the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, a variety of latest industry application achievements equipped with the Spark Cognitive Model entered the audience’s field of vision at the iFLYTEK booth. In addition to experiencing the core capabilities of the Spark Model, users can also learn about the application results of the Spark Model in education, medical care, office, digital employees, automobiles, finance, industry and other scenarios. In front of iFLYTEK AI learning machine, hearing smart screen, smart office book and other products, the audience scrambled to queue up to experience, and the applause on the spot continued.

  Previously, among the excellent application cases of the large model released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the three application cases of iFLYTEK AI learning machine, intelligent office book and intelligent RPA were rated as excellent application cases of the large model.

  In the field of education, the iFLYTEK AI learning machine under the blessing of the Spark model allows AI to correct compositions like a teacher and have real-life conversations like a speaking teacher. At the conference, the audience can also experience the newly released Spark Language Partner APP, which can conduct open dialogue and situational communication, practice like a speaking teacher, and perform real-time speaking error correction.

  In the office scene, the intelligent end point of the conference room equipped with a large model – iFLYTEK Hear Smart Screen Enjoy Edition was exhibited for the first time. It can automatically organize and output dynamic meeting records and meeting content, generate various types of meeting copywriting with one click, and help users work efficiently. In addition, the audience can also experience iFLYTEK Hear Writing, which can automatically convert audio & video files into text while performing in-depth analysis of the content to achieve fast output of text such as product promotion copywriting and meeting notes.

  In the medical scenario, based on the iterative optimization of the large model technology, iFLYTEK Medical has comprehensively upgraded the medical post-consultation rehabilitation management platform, extending professional post-consultation management and rehabilitation guidance to outside the hospital. It generates personalized rehabilitation plans for patients, and uses intelligent voice and Mini Program to urge patients to execute and collect patient conditions in a timely manner, and automatically adjusts the patient’s rehabilitation plan. At the same time, it provides consulting services combined with patient medical record data to improve the efficiency of doctors in managing patients and serve more patients under the premise of ensuring patient safety.

  In the field of financial technology, a new generation of intelligent customer service product iFLYTEK Spark Intelligent Customer Service was unveiled, and its application on the financial service APP was displayed at the meeting. Taking commercial insurance recommendation as an example, in the face of users’ voice questions, iFLYTEK Spark Intelligent Customer Service quickly understood the customer’s purchase appeal, and simultaneously displayed relevant business pages, directly recommending a variety of insurance products for customers to choose from. iFLYTEK Spark Intelligent Customer Service products have achieved comprehensive improvement in four levels: intention understanding ability, professional knowledge application ability, dialogue design and interaction ability, and personalized expression ability. On the basis of ensuring the security and control of service information, it helps Financial Institution Group improve the efficiency and quality of Client Server and improve user experience.

  In the industrial scene, the Antelope Industrial Internet Platform is based on the cognitive understanding ability of the large model and combines the professional knowledge of the industrial field with massive resources to create a one-stop industrial Enterprise Services assistant – "Antelope Machine Move", which clarifies the needs of enterprises through multiple rounds of dialogue, provides answers and professional suggestions for various questions raised by enterprises, and can also achieve accurate matching of massive resources to help enterprises find solutions and industry experts that match their needs.

  In the car scene, iFLYTEK demonstrated the interactive experience of the intelligent cockpit based on the Spark Cognitive Big Model. The intervention of the big model makes the conversation between people and cars more free, and multi-modal integration helps vehicles better perceive and express. In addition, in addition to the general knowledge base, iFLYTEK also customized the automotive professional knowledge base to help users solve problems related to car use.

  In addition, the audience can also experience the virtual human intelligent interaction machine up close, which is aimed at government, enterprises, finance, cultural tourism and other fields, providing AI virtual people to conduct "face-to-face" interactive communication with users, business consultation, intelligent Q & A and service guidance and other interactive services, improving the efficiency of Client Server, innovating service experience, and reducing the comprehensive cost of service.

  At present, the cognitive big model has become the dawn of general artificial intelligence. As one of the artificial intelligence national teams, iFLYTEK relies on its long-term solid accumulation in the field of cognitive intelligence, scientific evaluation system and innovation system to promote the continuous evolution of the Spark big model, empower the big model to do everything and lead the industrial transformation.