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Analysis of the second season of "Qing Yu Nian": Fan Xian’s suspended animation breaks the game, the emotional line is greatly changed, and the true identity of Emperor Qing may be revealed

  Recently, the fire drama "Celebration of More Than Years" has finally come to an end, and the ending reversal has caused heated discussion among netizens. Fans who have seen the original book know that the plot here has been adapted. In this regard, screenwriter Wang Tie also posted the relevant content of the finale on his personal social account. Regarding Yan Bingyun’s assassination of Fan Xian, Wang Tie clearly pointed out the relevant foreshadowing. This suspense is undoubtedly to gain enough popularity for the second season of go LIVE, so how will the next plot go? The editor will do some analysis in combination with the original book.

  Fan Xian suspended animation to break the game? Reverse the passive situation

  The end of the first season in the frozen frame of Yan Bingyun stabbed Fan Xian from behind, Fan Xian was injured and fell to the ground. Life and death are unknown. The plot here is actually written by Wang Tie, who has given hints that Fan Xian will not really die. Yan Bingyun has a great possibility that he has reached a consensus with Fan Xian and feigned death to break the game.

  It is worth noting that when Fan Xian was assassinated, Wang Qinian did not show up. It is speculated that Wang Qinian fled overnight to seek help, on the one hand to ensure the safety of everyone in the mission, and on the other hand to release the news of Fan Xian’s death to Chen Pingping and Emperor Qing. Although Chen Pingping used Fan Xian in the first season and Emperor Qing also set various tests, the two still attached great importance to Fan Xian, and the news of Fan Xian’s death would undoubtedly shock Chen Pingping and Emperor Qing. This not only broke the situation of the second prince, pulling the second prince from the dark into the light, but also turned Fan Xian from Chen Pingping’s chessboard to the active. The next plot will revolve around Fan Xian’s death, and various forces will gradually surface.

  A brand new four-person team is formed

  Screenwriter Wang Tie mentioned in the news release that Wang Qinian, Gundam, Yan Bingyun and Fan Xian will become a new four-person team to carry out the next tasks. Everyone should remember that Yan Bingyun was the opposite of Fan Xian when he appeared in the first season. If Fan Xian went north to save Yan Bingyun was the beginning of their relationship breaking the ice, then Yan Bingyun’s assassination of Fan Xian was a turning point.

  According to the speculation of the previous editor, if Yan Bingyun’s assassination of Fan Xian was really negotiated in advance, he would be able to pick up the relationship between the characters in the original work, and the fates of the two would be tightly tied together from then on. In a scheme, Fan Xian made a low-key plan in the second season. As Yan Bingyun, who betrayed Fan Xian on the surface, he would be able to better contact the second prince, so as to find out the news inside the enemy and help Fan Xian. In addition, Yan Bingyun’s foreshadowing as Sean’s grandson may also directly change his understanding of Dean Chen Pingping. Yan Bingyun will then come out of Chen Pingping’s chess game like Fan Xian.

  The relationship between the prince and the eldest princess is exposed

  This part of the plot is actually reflected in the drama version. Fan Ruoruo sees a portrait of a lady without a human face in the prince’s mansion, which seems to pave the way for the relationship between the prince and the eldest princess. However, according to speculation, this relationship line may be changed to the prince’s secret love for his aunt. But as the eldest princess of the prince’s aunt, she should continue the setting in the original book. It seems that the relationship between the second prince and the second prince has been made clear, but the real support is still the prince, which is more consistent with the prince’s simple and honest surface and actually tolerates the dark character in the play.

  Fan Xian’s emotional line continues to change dramatically

  In the original book, Fan Xian had five women. Lin Waner had a son with Fan Xian as his wife, and had two children with his maid Sisi and the Northern Qi Emperor Zhan Doudou respectively. However, from the plot of the first season, Fan Xian’s emotional support has been cut, Sisi has been directly laid off, the manager has been rejected, and without the manager as a cover, it is more difficult for Zhan Doudou to catch up with Fan Xian, and only the main relationship with Lin Waner is left. Due to the plot of Fan Xian being assassinated in the first season, the wedding of the two people who originally got married after returning from Northern Qi may be postponed.

  It is worth noting that in addition to Lin Waner in the drama version, Begonia Blossom has a great influence on Fan Xian. In the novel, the plot of going down to Jiangnan to recover the right to the inner warehouse is also accompanied by Blossom. If the plot of going down to the south in the drama version continues, Begonia Blossom may become an important role in Fan Xian’s emotional line in the second season.

  All the masters are online, and the battle between them is intense

  In the first season, none of the great masters showed up, which would become an important point of interest in the plot of the second season. In the original book, the conflicts between all parties intensified when the "Dadongshan Incident" broke out, and Emperor Qing went to worship the Qing Temple located in Dadongshan. Beiqi, Dongyi City, Prince Qing, Second Prince, Eldest Princess and others all felt that this was an opportunity to kill Emperor Qing.

  This can be said to be the climax of the whole drama. Emperor Qing revealed his identity as the great master, and seriously injured Kuhe and Sigujian here, and Dongyi City, which had lost the protection of the great master, belonged to Qing. At the same time, the rebellion between the eldest princess and the second prince was still going on, but little did he know that the Ye family temporarily rebelled against the water, and Fan Xian and the eldest prince defeated the rebels, so the branch line of the eldest princess was completely ended. The editor boldly predicted that this part of the plot would be transferred into the drama version, and it would also be emphasized as the main line of the second season.


9 billion is the magic car circled? "Water turns to oil" 35 years of reincarnation

  There are no shortcuts on the road to technological innovation, but how many people are still seriously investing in research and development? How many people are making money with PPT?

  Article | Financial Gossip Female Author: Lin sir

  · · ·

  No refueling, no charging, only water, the battery life is more than 500 kilometers…

  This is not an international joke!

  The Nanyang Daily report "Hydrogen engines are offline in Nanyang, and the party secretary likes it!" said:

  The so-called water hydrogen engine allows "the vehicle to run only by adding water".

  Seeing it, the NIOs are estimated to be very confused: I advertise everywhere, saying that the battery life is more than 300 as 500, you are good, you don’t need electricity directly.

  This has to be reminiscent of a past event from the 1990s.

  Two historical photographs: a group of people concentrating on a man who’s conducting an experiment.

  This experiment sounds ridiculous now, but it was a sensation in the early 1990s, that is, turning water into oil.

  The protagonist of the experiment was named Wang Hongcheng. At that time, his reputation was no less than that of any small fresh meat now. There were similar promotions all over the country to promote his water-to-oil technology.

  As a result, Wang Hong caused the country to lose 400 million yuan and was sentenced to 10 years, which was the 400 million of the 1990s.

  At that time, water-to-oil was touted as "China’s fifth greatest invention", and many academicians such as He Zuoxiu repeatedly went to battle to refute it with little success.

  Chinese Journal of Science, 2nd Edition, May 12, 1995

  However, from the current point of view, after a day and night of public attention and doubts, the experiment of the Nanyang water hydrogen engine seems to have made new "progress".

  The current official response is that the reporter misstated.

  However, a single "misstatement" is not enough to explain the wonderful story behind it.


  /"Li Shufu is second" or "Wang Hongcheng is second"/

  Imagine a world where you can drive with water. Imagine that it is all ten Nobel Prize-level inventions, and the Middle East oil bosses are estimated to be crying.

  The protagonist of all this story is not Ma Yun Ma, but the creator of the so-called water hydrogen engine is Pang Qingnian, chairperson of Jinhua Youth Automobile.

  Pang Qingnian seemed unconvinced, saying, "The facts are here, not made up."

  Is the truth he said the following?

  On August 21, 2017, Pang Youth announced the production of the world’s first water hydrogen fuel vehicle in a high-profile manner.

  ▲ Picture source: Bus Information Network

  This car did indeed appear, a white truck that looked just like an ordinary truck.

  ▲ Picture source: Bus Information Network

  The true face of the water hydrogen engine shows that it is unlike an ordinary truck.

  ▲ Panorama of water hydrogen fuel vehicle system, picture source: Bus Information Network

  ▲ The miniature water pump on board, picture source: Bus Information Network

  ▲ Water filter, picture source: Bus Information Network

  The gas filter on the roof, image source: Bus Information Network

  "As long as you have a bottle of water in your hand, the car can run." Pang Qingnian said very excitedly that day.

  I really envy the audience that day, witnessing an important moment in human history.

  At that time, his subordinates connected the water pipe to the faucet and filled the two cylindrical boxes on the roof with water. After the water was filled, the driver started the car.

  The following is the most crucial, the truck has a special conversion device that generates a special catalyst that converts water into hydrogen gas, thus driving the car.

  Pang Qingnian did not disclose the so-called conversion device or the so-called catalyst, but it sounded very mysterious.

  Even now, he is quite confident in his technology, saying: "The technology of water hydrogen fuel vehicles is mature and will not delay the progress of the Nanyang project."

  However, in stark contrast: almost two years ago, not a single existing car has been delivered.

  And he has leveraged Everbright Financial Holdings is said to have reached the 5 billion fund support, Nanyang Municipal Government 4 billion capital investment, a total of 9 billion capital.

  Tianyancha shows that Everbright Financial Holdings is wholly-owned by Everbright Group. The latest news is that Everbright Financial Holdings responded to an interview with Securities Times e-company and said:

  Everbright Group will reply uniformly. Securities Times e Company

  Coincidentally, Li Shaoping, the statutory chairperson of Everbright Holdings, is also a director of Youth Automobile, and Everbright Financial Holdings (Tianjin) Venture Capital Co., Ltd. is the second largest shareholder of Youth Automobile, which has a deep relationship.

  (As an aside, the background of Everbright Financial Holdings (Tianjin) Venture Capital Co., Ltd. is also very good, among which there is a steel tycoon Du Shuanghua after the equity penetration.)

  I wonder if Jia Yueting will be filled with emotion when he sees this scene. With this level, he still runs abroad?


  /Wonderful family:

  9-Year-old 30 million "entrepreneurship",

  15-Year-old new third board buying shell…/

  Have you heard of post-00s entrepreneurs?

  The following mentioned Dongan Hydraulic of the New Third Board Company has the actual controller of the post-00 generation, Pang Boyin, a girl born in 2001.

  Dongfang Hydraulic was listed in 2014. In February 2016, a company named Jinhua Lotus acquired the company for 13.57 million yuan, holding a 61% stake.

  Jinhua Lotus’s controlling party, Jinhua Youth, registered in 2010 with a registered capital of 100 million, of which Pang Caiping, Pang Haoliang and Pang Boyin invested 32 million yuan, 31.50 million yuan and 31.50 million yuan respectively.

  At that time, Pang Boyin was only 9 years old, and when he acquired a listed company at the age of 15, the experience of this post-00s generation was simply cooler than Wang Sicong.

  Pang Caiping, Pang Haoliang and Pang Boyin are also his three children.

  Apparently, Pang Qingnian wants to leave his children a career where money makes money.

  However, among the three people, the eldest sister Pang Caiping, who invested 500,000 higher than the younger siblings, was included in the list of dishonest people to be executed because of 260 million debts. A typical pit woman.

  ▲ Picture source: Pang Caiping Weibo

  But what’s even more bizarre is that as of the end of 2017, the company’s book balance of fixed assets was 0.

  According to the company’s response, because the company has disposed of all fixed assets, the new business model does not require large-scale investment in fixed assets.

  The truth is not so simple, in October 2016 to December, Jinhua Lotus accumulated Dongan hydraulic capital of 21 million yuan, accounting for 90.26% of the net assets of Dongan hydraulic at the end of 2015.

  In fact, the young man at that time was already on the verge of bankruptcy.

  In 2008, Pang Youth made a fortune, but suffered a major defeat in the field of automobiles. Its brand Youth Lotus basically disappeared, and it went overseas to acquire Saab Automobile, a subsidiary of General Motors, but ultimately failed.

  In 2017, Zhejiang Youth Lotus, with 2.30 billion assets and 3 billion liabilities, and Youth Automobile Group Co., Ltd. were both bankrupted and liquidated.

  The so-called water hydrogen fuel vehicle is obviously his life-saving straw.


  /Subsidies for Pang Youth/

  It is worth noting that Pang Youth, who is suspected of trading 9 billion capital, seems to be short of money.

  On May 12, 2018, the new energy subsidy announcement showed that the number of applications for Jinhua Youth Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in 2017 was 343 vehicles, and the application for subsidy funds was 74.17 million yuan.

  Behind the bankruptcy and liquidation of the two companies is such a large subsidy, which seems to have explained the situation of Pang Youth: living by subsidies!

  In February 2017, in MIIT’s new energy vehicle fraud list, Jinhua Automobile was on the list, and the battery capacity of 245 new energy vehicles sold in 2014 was smaller than the announced capacity.

  It is worth noting that today’s subsidies for new energy vehicles are decreasing, and hydrogen energy is gaining more and more attention. On March 26, 2019, the subsidy policy changed:

  In the future, subsidies will no longer be given to new energy vehicles (except for new energy buses and fuel cell vehicles), and will be used to support the construction of "short boards" of charging (hydrogen refueling) infrastructure and supporting operation services.

  The report "Hydrogen engine rolled off the assembly line in Nanyang, and the party secretary praised it!" The timing of this report is intriguing…



  In addition to getting 4 billion from the Nanyang government, Pang Qingnian also reportedly used the unsuccessful "acquisition of Saab Automobile" project to 1.30 billion tons of coal resources from the "empty glove white wolf" in the city of Ordos (600295), and realized 3.10 billion yuan.

  In October 2010, with a grand blueprint of a total investment of 26.709 billion yuan, Pang Youth came to Shizuishan City, Ningxia, which was trying to transform from a resource city at that time. With a small investment, he exchanged a large amount of land and many coal mine resources, swept away at least 800 million funds, and left a sighing chicken feather. Interested readers can search and view by themselves.

  The absurdity behind repeated successes lies in the fact that the flaws in Pang Qingnian are too obvious.

  Except for the so-called first hydrogen fuel vehicle, there is no other evidence to support all this in the past two years. On the other hand, from the perspective of grandiose propaganda and capital chain, Pang Youth’s dream of building a car is unreliable.

  Is all this ignored?

  A paradoxical fact is that Wang Hongcheng was imprisoned for ten years for the crime of producing and selling counterfeit goods, which ended this farce that lasted for 12 years and involved a large number of participants. Why can’t even the academicians go through the flaws in these 12 years?

  Ordos, Shizuishan, Nanyang… The same third- and fourth-tier cities, the familiar taste of Ponzi, and everything seems to follow. According to a report from Surging News:

  The Nanyang municipal government in Henan Province purchased 72 hydrogen buses from Nanyang Lotus New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd. in March this year for a total price of 80 million yuan.

  Nanyang Lotus Company is a bus manufacturer jointly invested 8 billion yuan by the Nanyang Municipal Government and Zhejiang Jinhua Youth Automobile Group. The company’s legal representative, He Yaqi, is the daughter-in-law of Pang Qingnian, the chairperson of the Youth Automobile Group, which developed the "water hydrogen engine".

  Surging News – "Nanyang spends 80 million yuan to purchase 72 hydrogen energy buses, the person in charge of the company is Pang’s young daughter-in-law"

  After understanding this, it seems that it is not difficult to understand all this: no one cares whether the emperor has new clothes, as long as he can make money.

  But Ren Zhengfei’s 521 interview still rings in my ears.

  Chip research and development depends on spending money alone, but also on mathematicians, physicists, etc. But how many people are still studying seriously? Ren Zhengfei answered a reporter’s question on May 21

  There are no shortcuts on the road to technological innovation, but how many people are still seriously investing in research and development? How many people are making money with PPT?

  Today’s interactive topic: What do you think of water hydrogen fuel vehicles?

  We will give cash rewards to the top three for the message, 30 yuan for the first place, 20 yuan for the second place, and 10 yuan for the third place.

  Deadline: May 25, 2019 18:00

This article was first published on WeChat official account: Financial Gossip Girl Channel. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of Hexun.com. Investors operate accordingly, please bear the risk.

(Editor in charge: HN666)

Hengchi 5 is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, are you still hesitating?

Nowadays, young people are already at the forefront of the torrent of the times, and they are also the main force of consumption in society. In addition to cost performance, it also depends on whether this car looks good or not, and whether its performance is strong or not. What I bring to you today is that it has many highlights. Come and see it now.

Take a look at the appearance of the Hengchi 5 first. The front design of the Hengchi 5 is very simple and looks very sporty. With the fashionable and sporty headlights, it looks very visual. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, automatic opening and closing, delayed closing, etc. Come to the side of the car, the body size of the car is 4725MM*1925MM*1676MM, the car adopts soft lines, the side looks very sharp, with large-sized thick-walled tires, the shape is eye-catching. In terms of the rear, the rear line of the Hengchi 5 is cool, and the taillights give people a very personalized feeling, creating a good atmosphere.

Sitting in the car, the interior of Hengchi 5 looks very eye-catching, and the overall recognition is very high. The steering wheel of the car is very in line with the interior style, equipped with functions such as manual up and down + front and rear adjustment of the steering wheel, which shows the atmosphere. From the central control point of view, the car is decorated with an eye-catching touch LCD central control screen, which impresses the interior style and has a certain sense of technology. The dashboard and seats also feel good. Let’s take a look. The dashboard design is remarkable, and the shape has taken a sporty route. The car adopts imitation leather seats, and the seats are wrapped in place, which is basically enough for daily use.

Hengchi 5 is equipped with an electric motor with a total power of 150KW and a total torque of 345N.m. It has good acceleration, excellent cruising range, and good power performance.

Equipped with driving mode selection, remote control key, Bluetooth key, rear wiper, interior ambient light, traction control (ASR/TCS, etc.) and other configurations, it is rich in functions and greatly enhances its ease of use.

The Hengchi 5 introduced today is not only eye-catching in space, but also has reached the mainstream level in various configurations. The driving experience and space experience are not picky. If you like it, you can pay more attention!


Dana Education’s Blockbuster Inventory at the Beginning of 2024: A Comprehensive Summary of Events and Curriculum Upgrades

Dane’s January 2024 event

01 AI C++/IoT Full Link Engineer Course Released

On January 1, 2024, Dane IT College released the AI C++/Internet of Things full-link engineer course, which is based on the original C++ course and embedded course and merged into the C++/Internet of Things unified course.

And closely fit the AI large model technology, a large number of AI automatic speech recognition, AI hardcoding assistance, AI project architecture design, AI hardware selection and other technologies.

With the strong blessing of the AI model, students can become C++/IoT full-link engineers in line with the needs of the times.

Note: CSD (C++) and ESD (Embedded) are officially merged into C++/IoT (Course Code: ESD), and the CSD course code has been cancelled.

At present, the ESD courses include a full set of C++ courses and a full set of embedded courses.

02 Released Cloud Computing + Automated Testing Full Stack Engineering Course

In January 2024, Dane Institute of IT launched a new industry course benchmark: Cloud Computing Full Stack Engineer.

The course is based on the original cloud computing infrastructure, keeping up with the new trend of AI and operation and maintenance development integration, and adding AI automation tools and automated testing technologies to enable students to systematically cloud computing, software testing, and Python automated testing from zero to one. With the strong support of AI, students can become competent for cross-disciplinary comprehensive IT skills positions in the future, achieving career breakthroughs and promotions.


03 Released "Intelligent Workplace Office" – data analytics course

January 11, "Smart Workplace Office" – data analytics course at Dane IT College.

The course covers 6 major industries, including 8 methods of data analytics, 10 classic business cases, and 2 must-have popular software, allowing students to learn data analytics courses systematically from zero to one. The data analytics skills and tools in the course are currently needed and commonly used by enterprises, helping students better adapt to the needs of the workplace and achieve career breakthroughs and promotions.




Dane’s February 2024 event

01 Released Pure Blood Hongmeng Native Development Famous Enterprise Customized Course

After Huawei released the HarmonyOS NEXT version on January 18, the IT industry ushered in a long-awaited job recruitment outbreak.

After the Spring Festival, Zhaopin.com statistics show that the Hongmeng application/recruitment market ushered in a year-on-year growth of 2.6 times/4.5 times, and Hongmeng programmers were "robbed";

Dana’s important partners plan to recruit 2,000 Hongmeng native development engineers in 2024.

As a strategic partner of Huawei, Danai immediately obtained the latest version of Hongmeng System developer rights and engineering equipment, and redesigned the existing Hongmeng course to fully integrate the latest features of "Hongmeng NEXT Edition" – immediately launched the "Hongmeng Native Application Development Famous Customized Class" course.

02 Released AGI Business Design Monetization Course

On February 27th, Dane School of Design released the AGI Business Design Realization Course. The course is based on the original UID full-link design, follows the new trend of AI design, and adds a large number of AIGC Text-to-Image and Graphic technologies, allowing students to systematically learn MJ and SD technologies from zero to one.

With the strong support of AI, students can complete unimaginable business design solutions in future design positions, achieving career breakthroughs and promotions.


Dane’s March 2024 event

01 Released AI Big Model Full Stack Engineer Course

What is a big model? A big model usually refers to neural networks models with hundreds of trillions to trillions of parameters. These models are commonly used in natural language processing, image recognition and intelligent driving, processing large-scale data, etc. For example, chatgpt, Tencent’s PCAM.

At present, it is difficult to find talents for large-scale model-related positions, and salaries continue to rise. The average salary of AI operations is about 18,457 yuan, the average salary of AI engineers is about 37,336 yuan, and the average salary of large-scale model algorithms is about 39,607 yuan.

And according to Zhaopin.com, the total demand for jobs related to big models rose by 169% this month. Many people exclaimed: "The future belongs to AI". AI big models – become a must-have skill for Internet practitioners.

In March 2024, Danai Education IT College released the AI Big Model Full Stack Engineer Course in light of the current market talent needs. The course is based on the development of AI applications based on big models and enterprise data, and realizes the theory of big models, mastering GPU computing power, hardware, LangChain development framework and projects and other practical skills.

Danai cooperates with Tencent, and the excellent teaching methods are combined with Tencent’s first-line industrial experience, which not only allows him to master solid skills, but also to gain the latest practices of the first-line manufacturers in the industry.

Courses tailor learning content and solutions for different groups of people, enabling them to solve practical business problems.

Give away a Python basic course worth 10,000 yuan, you can learn it with zero basics, and provide a free value of 298 yuan to use the graphics card of the standard A100 and the experimental platform of Tencent Cloud.

02 ACP World Series Dana Division Auditions

On March 4th, the audition for the ACP World Series "Danai Division" officially ended. 24 students from the graphic group of this audition were shortlisted for the finals of the Chinese region. They will compete on behalf of the outstanding designers from Danai and the whole country. 30 students from the video group were shortlisted for the finals, and the winners will be directly selected.

The ACP World Competition started in 2013 and is known as the "heavyweight world skills competition in the global digital media field". In 2020, Yan Zi of Danai Education won the runner-up in the China Finals.



Under the trend of film cross-border integration, the industry needs a "new force" like Sunac culture.

Is the ceiling of the movie market still far away? Besides box office income, how can the value of movie content find an incremental market?

Reading entertainment | yiqiduyu

Wen | Zero One

The 4th China Film and Television Capital Summit held on June 11th looks a bit "mixed". Combining "finance and economics+film and television+cross-border+integration", the summit also held two special round-table dialogues, among which the round-table dialogue with the theme of "New Consumption, New Cross-border Scenes of China Films" brought together a group of "cross-border people" who are far or near to the film.

Participants in this round-table dialogue include Wang Jianer, Party Secretary and Chairman of Shanghai Film Group; Sun Zheyi, President of Sunac Culture Group and Executive Director of Sunac China; Chen Sicheng, a famous director, screenwriter and actor; Zhang Yu, investment partner of sequoia capital china; Wang Ran, founder and CEO of Yikai Capital; Zhang lei, CEO of Yuanjing Technology Group; Executive Director of POP MART; Chief Operating Officer of the Group; Side, President of China District, etc. They are from various fields, including film and television, investment, environmental protection and new consumption.

This is the first time that Sunac Culture participated in the China Film and Television Capital Summit. As a film "new force" established just over two years ago, Sunac Culture has successively participated in the joint production of mainstream blockbusters such as My People,My Country and A Writer’s Odyssey, and at the same time, it has actively deployed and launched works such as Luo Xiaohei’s War and Wish Dragon in the animation field. At the strategic conference held last month, Sunac Culture showed the panoramic layout of the Group’s business to the outside world for the first time, and launched two major content brands, namely "Sunac Film and Television" and "Sunac Animation", and at the same time revealed a new positioning centered on "IP+ Content+New Consumption Scenes", and its strategic objectives are in line with the theme of this forum.

Since the outbreak, the film industry has experienced a period of ups and downs. From shutdown to recovery, the international market has not yet returned to normal. Although the film market in China has recovered rapidly, the market income source is still relatively single, and the industry is still exploring more stable business models. The topic involved in this "new consumption, new cross-border scenes of China movies" is more related to the future of the film industry, or the development node it faces-Is the ceiling of the movie market still far away? Besides box office income, how can the value of movie content find an incremental market?


The future of the film industry lies in "more than box office"

In the keynote speeches and forums of this film and television capital summit, many guests mentioned the same phenomenon:There is a huge difference between the income composition of China film market and the international market.

Yan Yan, the founding managing partner of Safran Asia Investment Fund, pointed out in his keynote speech that the box office revenue in China film market accounts for almost more than 90%, but the box office revenue in the US film market only accounts for 30% of the total, and two-thirds of the revenue comes from the "back market", such as DVD, pay TV, derivatives, etc. "For example, the famous movie Titanic has a box office of more than 2 billion US dollars, but its back income has reached nearly two billion US dollars.

Director Chen Sicheng mentioned that the film industry is now "empty and influential", and nearly 100 million viewers in Detective Chinatown 3 bought tickets to go to the cinema during the Spring Festival. "But now we.Except for the consumption behavior of watching movies and the consumption scene of cinemas, everything else is almost zero.. Chen Sicheng also mentioned that all domestic cultural film companies together have a market value of less than 16% of Disney’s. In this regard, Chen Sicheng believes: "Disney is not just a logic of selling movie tickets. It sells its own movie tickets around the world, sells its own ideology, and sells its own goods around the world."

Sun Zheyi, president of Sunac Culture Group and executive director of Sunac China, also mentioned the great energy of Disney model and the value of its original IP. "We look at Disney, which is the IP of Star Wars. Their $10 billion box office has a revenue of $40 billion. This piece is the value of real IP. And if this piece pulls the value of global derivatives, the top 50 does not have an IP of China. "

The box office revenue of China film market is absolutely mainstream, but this should not be the "final form" of the film industry.This may also be the reason why new entrants such as Sunac Culture and state-owned film giants such as Shangying attach importance to "IP operation"-Sunac Culture just released a new strategic positioning of "IP+ content+new consumption new scene" last month; Wang Jianer, Party Secretary and Chairman of Shanghai Film Group, also said in the forum that "big IP development" is one of the company’s three core strategies: "From the beginning of creative theme, we should establish the concept of big IP and consider how to combine the investment and new consumption of this film. At the extension end, we should consider the whole chain operation mode and cross-border content operation mode."

From 2010, the box office just broke 10 billion, and the number of national screens just broke 6,200, to 2019, the box office income of 64.266 billion yuan and 69,000 screens. The box office income of the film market has developed rapidly in recent years and slowed down in the past two years, but this does not mean that the ceiling of the film industry has arrived.The diversified business model of high-quality IP still has great potential. The potential beyond box office income-consumption, tourism and technology, the next peak of the development of China film industry needs China film content to try more cross-border forms and create greater value in the vast world of derivative markets.


There are n ways to realize the cross-border integration of movies.

How can the industry do better?

Among the cross-border objects of China film market, "new consumption" is perhaps the most important one. In Mr. Reading Entertainment’s view, this is determined by the background of the great economic development era. In 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission said that China will soon surpass the United States and become the largest consumer market in the world. With the outbreak of strong market scale and active consumption power, a large number of "new consumption" subdivisions have experienced explosive growth: for example, POP MART, with a market value of over 100 billion due to the "blind box economy", the rapidly rising Hanfu market, offline script killing, werewolf killing and other new forms of entertainment consumption.

The mushrooming "new consumption" not only reflects consumers’ enthusiasm for emerging consumer goods, but also reflects the vitality and scale effect of the whole China consumer market.

In this summit forum, Wang Ran, founder and CEO of Yikai Capital, thinks thatThe consumer market has created opportunities for the film industry. ": "Because of the uniqueness of China’s consumer market, its volume and growth have led to so many new consumer brands in China, and new consumer companies like Bubble Matt can break ground and have a large number of them.Capital comes together. Therefore, the capital’s enthusiasm for the consumer industry will indirectly provide a positive for the film and television industry, and integrate with them to grow together with them.Wang Ran believes that in this sense, some unfavorable factors will just force the industry to make a faster breakthrough in the model.

At present, some companies in the industry have actually considered and practiced the possibility of film cross-border integration in many aspects.

Using the existing resources of cinemas combined with new consumption, Wang Ran thinks it is a very important topic, especially for the projection industry. In the cinema space, it can be combined with new brands, new retail, new entertainment and new catering. Reading Entertainment Jun also believes that many of the existing cinema income models actually come from selling goods and advertisements, and the future development may be in the direction of greater integration with commercial real estate and more subdivided new consumption combination.

The derivatives market is a very wide field. Among them, some manufacturers combine IP to produce new consumer products, such as POP MART and Marvel Comics, Harry Potter, Mickey’s co-branded gift box, etc. The tide play based on IP production is a proven and mature mode in IP development mode, and the new upsurge is driven by new gameplay such as IP itself and blind box. In addition to hand-playing, co-branded makeup, co-branded skin of games, and co-branded beverage packaging have all become the gameplay of movie IP derivatives, realizing the influence of movie IP in a large number of consumption scenarios.

There have also been many attempts at the real-life entertainment mode of the movie IP+ Wenlv. In this field, there are both Huayi Brothers’ film town business with light asset model and Sunac culture, a new film force with great advantages in the real estate industry.

It is not difficult to find that there are many ways to realize the cross-border integration of movie IP and new consumption scenes.So, how does the China film industry need to strengthen the cross-border prospect at this stage? Reading Entertainment Jun synthesized some opinions of this forum.

First, most forum guests emphasized the value of head IP. Indeed, whether it is Disney or the Japanese animation market, the cornerstone of cross-border is that the content itself is most widely recognized and thus forms a strong IP influence, so that the subsequent cross-border integration and industrial chain can be opened.

Second, we should jump out of self-limiting thinking. Zhang Yu, a sequoia capital china investment partner from the fashion industry to the investment circle, believes that the change of concept is very important: "Film is a very important link in the overall business planning, just like what we call traditional media, but it is not the only one." 

Third, we should attach importance to localization. China people have the cultural soil of China, so we should combine it with contemporary cultural scenes. This can be seen from the top movie themes in the box office of Chinese movies in recent years. Movies related to local cultural context often occupy the mainstream, and the China market needs localized IP cross-border forms.

Fourth, we must make long-term preparations, and both content creation and cross-border integration need to build long-term value. To form a plan, all kinds of derivative development of IP should be advanced to the content creation stage or even before. In this regard, Sun Zheyi said in the forum, "Whether it is a derivative team or a real-life team, we will focus on content development, including the choice of our theme. We like animated film products and science fiction products, because this kind of product is the easiest to be derived and made real."


Taking the IP "integration" route, Sunac culture is well prepared.

At the brand strategy conference held by Sunac Culture in May this year, Sun Zheyi said that IP building will be the core starting point of Sunac Culture:"IP is the foundation, content is the amplifier, and new consumption and new scenes are the expansion paths of commercial value."

The strategic direction of Sunac Culture coincides with the overall views of the guests in this round-table dialogue. Then, for the cross-border integration of movies, what "big name" does Sunac Culture, which focuses on the strategic positioning of "IP+ content+new consumption and new scenes", hold?

Head concentration is a major trend in China film market, and in the context of cross-border integration, head IP is also the basis of everything. Sun Zheyi also mentioned in the round-table dialogue: "Only the head IP can get through this model, and the waist IP can’t adapt to an industrial chain."

Therefore, after more than two years of hard work, Sunac Culture has established an advantageous IP content layout in both the present and the future. At present, Sunac Culture has mastered the well-known secondary IP such as Ali and Luo Xiaohei, and the films A Writer’s Odyssey and Wish Dragon have also been successful in various schedules.

What’s more worth mentioning is that the influence of these IPS is also very impressive in overseas broadcasting. The first animated work "The Battle of Luo Xiaohei", the IP "Luo Xiaohei" of Sunac Culture, landed in the Japanese market last November, creating a box office record for domestic animated films in Japan; Wish Dragon, the first animated film originally developed, produced and jointly produced by Animation, an animation studio under Sunac Culture, was launched on Netflix on June 11th. On the first weekend of its launch, it won the first place in Netflix’s North American animated film hit list, the second place in the global IP content hit list, and the first place in more than 19 countries such as the United States, Canada and France. Overseas media, including Variety The New York Times, published positive comments, and also gained 77% freshness of rotten tomatoes and 83% audience praise of popcorn index. The recently released Top10 list of Netflix movies in the 24th week of 2021, Wish Dragon once again swept the world to the top with a super high score of 5,118, and the domestic animated films made gratifying achievements in going to sea.

Not only that, Sunac Culture has reached in-depth strategic cooperation with well-known directors and producers such as Frant Gwo, Rao Xiaozhi and Chen Guohui, and at the same time, seven animation studios have been set up in the animation field. A number of animation directors, including Legend of Deification directors Cheng Teng and Li Xia, have formed a "dream team" of Sunac Animation, focusing on the development of "animation+science fiction", two fields that are most suitable for IP cross-border integration.

In addition to content layout, the long-chain operation mode of Sunac culture is bound to become another weapon to boost IP value amplification.

Based on Sunac Group’s dominant position in the real estate industry, Sunac Culture has a large number of cultural tourism hotel resources, cultural tourism cities, theme parks, Qingdao Cinema Film and Television Comprehensive Base, etc. These rich offline resources give Sunac Culture enough foundation to operate movie IP and connect fans to create a large number of new consumption scenes. According to Sun Zhe’s introduction, Sunac Culture has also increased its weight in the field of live e-commerce, locking in the characteristic track of IP live e-commerce. With Sunac Culture’s patient advance layout and long-term strategy blessing, these superior resources can provide diversified power sources for the future cross-border integration and development of movies.

Generally speaking, Sunac Culture has defined itself as an IP commercial operation company from the very beginning, and has taken the lead in the general trend. For the whole film industry, it has become a top priority to find the value amplification of film IP in the vast consumer market outside the box office revenue. In this process, Sunac culture is not only an intruder in the new film market, but also a pioneer in exploring the future of the industry.


Byd Han understands the big space.

The progress of China brand cars in recent years is obvious to all, and some excellent achievements have been made in both internal and external design and comprehensive performance. As a medium and large car, Han has many bright spots. Next, let’s take a look with Xiaobian.

First look at the appearance of Han. The front of Han’s car looks very clean and sporty. Coupled with the angular headlights, it looks quite dynamic and lively. The car is equipped with LED daytime running lights, automatic opening and closing, adaptive far and near light, delayed closing and so on. Coming to the side of the car body, the size of the car body is 4975MM*1910MM*1495MM, and the car body looks very capable with large-sized thick-walled tires, which looks full of sports. In the design of the rear of the car, the lines at the rear of the car are cold, and the taillights look very capable. Overall, they are still relatively tough.

When I came to the Han car, the interior of Han adopted a sharp shape, which made people feel very young and fashionable. The steering wheel design of this car is very dignified, and it is made of genuine leather, which gives people an impulse to control it. Let’s take a look at the central control, with a 15.6-inch central control screen, which makes the interior design quite layered and meets the aesthetic standards of most consumers. Let Xiaobian introduce the dashboard and seats. The dashboard design is remarkable and the sports atmosphere is in place. The car uses a leather/suede mix seat, which is wide and thick and has good overall comfort.

The car is equipped with car networking, driving mode selection, remote control key, Bluetooth key, NFC/RFID key, UWB digital key, indoor atmosphere light, traction control (ASR/TCS, etc.) and other configurations, and the configuration has reached the mainstream level of the same level.

The car introduced today is not only eye-catching in space, but also has reached the mainstream level in various configurations, and there is nothing to be picky about driving experience and space experience. If you like, you can pay more attention to it!


BYD Tang real car appearance map exposure 7-seat layout

Spy photos Recently, the domestic media exposed a set of pictures of a brand-new BYD Tang real car. Before that, we have exposed the interior part. The new car has been greatly upgraded both inside and outside, and it is expected to be released and listed in 2018.

If you take a spy photo of a new car, please submit it to spyphotos@bitauto.com. If it is adopted, we will provide remuneration. Everyone can be the media, looking forward to your exclusive spy photos, welcome to join the big family.

The appearance of the new car adopts the "Dragon Face" design, and the overall look is more refined. The large mouth air intake grille is very family-recognizable, and the air inlets on both sides are increased.Transverse width, giving the front impact. The headlight design of the new car is sharper. The interior of the lamp group or the matrix shape of three LEDs is adopted, and the Chinese character "Tang" LOGO is hung in the center of the net.

The "Build Your Dreams" logo was adopted at the rear of the new car for the first time, and the penetrating rear taillights also catered to the current design trend. At the ends of the taillights, symmetrical winding design is adopted, which makes the rear of the taillights look more exquisite. In terms of dimensions, the new width and height are 4870×1940×1720mm and 2820mm respectively, and the layout of 7 seats is standard. In addition, the high-profile models will also be equipped with high performance from the Brebo brand.

In the power part, the new Tang will continue to be equipped with a 2.0T plug-in hybrid system, and the system integration will exceed 368kW, and the 0-100km/h of high-profile models is expected to be shortened to 4.5 seconds. In addition, the new Tang also has a single-drive model and a pure electric version, of which the pure fuel version will be equipped with a 2.0T, 151kW.


BYD Qin L interior official map released: "landscape painting" cockpit, positioning "intermediate car"

On April 19th, the IT House reported that BYD announced the official picture of the interior of the Qin L model today, showing the interior details of the new car.

As can be seen from the picture, BYD Qin L is equipped with a full LCD instrument panel and a large-size central control screen. Officially, it is called "landscape painting, spacious cockpit, elegant style and elegant atmosphere" and positioned as "intermediate car".

As can be seen from the figure, Qin L retains a number of physical buttons on the steering wheel, and the seat adopts line texture, which is relatively simple as a whole.

As can be seen in another picture, there are two wireless charging panels under the central control panel in the car.

In terms of appearance, the design of the new car is significantly different from that of Qin Plus. The front grille is wider, and the logo design is similar to that of Song L, which improves the recognition. The tail adopts the "Chinese knot" style with penetrating taillights and the same Chinese style, which has a higher value. The body size of Qin L is 4830mm x 1900mm x 1495mm, and the wheelbase is 2790mm.

Qin L is expected to be equipped with the 5th-generation DM-i hybrid system, with a brand-new hybrid chassis code-named "P5" and a front McPherson rear four-bar independent suspension. As a plug-in hybrid vehicle, the new car offers two battery capacities of 10.08kWh and 15.87kWh, with a pure electric cruising range of 60 km and 90 km respectively. IT House will follow up the subsequent sale information.


Huawei ADS 2.0 Smart Drive High-end Package launched a limited-time discount with a one-time purchase price of 26,000 yuan.

Yichexun On December 23rd, AITO Automobile announced in WeChat official account that the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 smart driving premium package will usher in a major upgrade, supporting many major new functions of smart driving pilot NCA, such as "it can be opened all over the country, and the more it is opened, the better it is opened". In addition, it is also announced that HUAWEI ADS 2.0 Smart Drive Premium Package will launch a limited-time discount, with a one-time purchase price of 26,000 yuan, and the discount period is from January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024.

AITO Automobile said that the HUAWEI ADS intelligent driving system carried by HarmonyOS Zhixing series products has been well received by consumers since it came out. On the occasion of the end of this year and the beginning of this year, HUAWEI ADS is about to upgrade to users and support many major new functions such as intelligent driving and piloting NCA "the whole country can open, the more it opens, the better it opens" and parking and driving. At the same time, relying on Huawei’s strong investment in cloud computing power and AI cluster training, we can realize the rapid evolution of intelligent driving ability and experience, and continue to bring users a better, safer and smarter intelligent driving experience.

In addition, in order to thank consumers for their support to HarmonyOS Zhixing, we continue to offer a limited-time discount on ADS 2.0 premium package, with a one-time purchase price of 26,000 yuan, and the discount period is from January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024.


Do you really understand the advantages and disadvantages of Qin PLUS EV? What is BYD’s confidence in hitting the high end?

Careful, you can easily find that BYD’s EV models are generally more expensive than the DM-i of the same model. The reason is that, first of all, the cost of EV models is higher, especially the power battery cost of pure electric models. Besides, what are the highlights and shortcomings of BYD’s EV models?

Teacher Bang also borrowed one recently to see if he could see some clues in it.

There are many small flaws in big advantages.

When I sat in the driver’s seat, what caught my eye was this instrument embedded in the center console. This is also one of the few small and exquisite instruments that Mr. Bang has seen in his many years of experience in reading cars. In terms of functionality alone, the information displayed by the instrument is rich enough, but in terms of grade sense, there is indeed room for improvement.

Coming to the back row of Qin PLUS EV, the longitudinal space performance of the legs is acceptable. The head space is really big, and the teacher Bang, with a net height of 170cm, is slightly unhappy. Coupled with the short cushion, the comfort of riding in the back row for a long time is really poor.

In addition, many state friends think that BYD’s EV models are on the high side, and the price of the flagship model of 145,800 yuan can only buy the 500KM endurance version of Qin PLUS EV. In fact, in addition to the price difference at the battery level, Mr. Bang also found the difference in chassis design between the two cars.

Qin PLUS EV rear suspension adopts multi-link form, while DM-i adopts torsion beam. Of course, it does not mean that the multi-link independent suspension is necessarily better than the non-independent suspension torsion beam, which has a great relationship with the adjustment of the whole chassis. However, in terms of comfort and cost, independent suspension is generally more advantageous.

At this point, Qin PLUS EV has more advantages than competing products such as Aion S and geometric A Pro.

During the actual experience, Qin PLUS EV chassis has a strong sense of weight and excellent vibration filtering performance, and the chassis can filter out the fine bumps on the road very well. When passing through the speed bump, the car’s shock absorption rebound is also very crisp, there is no unnecessary vibration, and it is also very resilient.

We also tried to drive the Qin PLUS EV for emergency merging. At this time, the car still has a certain roll range. After all, as a family car, the overall suspension setting is also biased towards a comfortable orientation.

Qin PLUS EV equipped with BYD’s latest Ferrous lithium phosphate blade battery makes up for the short battery life of lithium iron phosphate batteries in the past, and at the same time gives consideration to safety. The battery capacity of Qin PLUS EV 71.7 degrees, and the battery life reaches 600km. With the control strategy and energy recovery technology, the power consumption per 100 kilometers can be as low as 12.9 kWh.

During these two days’ experience, my driving conditions include high speed and urban congestion. Personally, I think there is not much difference between the actual mileage of Qin PLUS EV and the remaining cruising range of the watch when the air conditioner and music are turned on all the time.

Of course, in order to ensure the rigor, the electric state also made an objective EVRI endurance test for this car. What is the real endurance performance of Qin PLUS EV? Please pay attention to the subsequent test content of Qin PLUS EV of the electric state.

Another point that Mr. Bang agrees with is the design of Qin PLUS EV. BYD’s latest design language was well received when it was launched in Han. And this car follows the design of BYD Han, just like a small version of "Han EV".

Highlights of detail design include arrow-feather-shaped LED headlights, coupe-type sliding back design, through LED taillights, and 18-inch wheels at the top. The interior shape is very simple, and most functions are integrated on the central control panel.

Whether the design level is good or not is a matter of different opinions, but as far as the shape of BYD’s new car is concerned, I believe it is in line with the aesthetics of most Chinese people.

The 12.8-inch suspended central control panel in Qin PLUS EV car is very playable. First of all, the performance of this screen is excellent enough in clarity and fluency, and the rotatable design is also its highlight. The central control panel is equipped with DiLink 3.0 Zhilian system, which supports voice interaction, and third-party applications are also very rich.

What are the reasons for the excellent sales?

Having experienced Qin PLUS EV, this car does have some shortcomings, but overall, the advantages are obvious. Let’s discuss BYD’s sales performance again. It can be said that no matter what new car is launched, BYD now seems to have no shortage of fans and attention.

Recently, BYD announced its sales in May, and its new energy passenger car sales reached 31,681, up 198.8% year-on-year. Among them, BYD’s pure electric vehicle sales accounted for 18,711 vehicles, up 126% year-on-year, and plug-in hybrid vehicles accounted for 12,970 vehicles, up 458.3% year-on-year.

Super hybrid products such as Qin PLUS DM-i and Song PLUS DM-i just launched this year have also brought over 10,000 sales to BYD, and even the demand exceeds supply.

Since 2021, BYD has made frequent moves. First, the super hybrid DM-i products were launched one by one, and all its pure electric models also completed the "sabre" (equipped with brand-new blade batteries). On May 19, with a Han EV slowly driving off the production line, BYD also became the first member of the "Million Clubs" of new energy. Recently, it has been reported that BYD will release high-end brands in the fourth quarter, and the price range of the first model is 500,000-800,000 yuan.

BYD in 2021 is destined to be extraordinary!

In May, BYD Han sold 8,214 vehicles, and the cumulative sales volume also exceeded 80,000 vehicles, which is already a very good sales level. BYD’s flagship SUV, Tang, sold 2,301 vehicles in May. Among them, Tang EV increased by 80.1% and Tang DM increased by 66.1%.

BYD’s DM-i model can be said to be popular with its product strength. BYD Qin PLUS DM-i has a power loss of 3.8L per 100 kilometers and a long battery life of more than 1,000 kilometers, which is hot in the market. Qin Plus DM-I sold 10,566 vehicles in May, up 53.8% from the previous month. Song PLUS DM-i received a total of more than 30,000 orders in four months.

At the same time, BYD’s EV model has not only improved its cruising range, but also performed better in battery safety after the "Sabre", and these are exactly the issues that users care about. Today’s BYD, regardless of DM-i or EV, has been recognized by the majority of users.

What do you think of BYD’s brand-new high-end brand?

Let’s take a look at BYD’s brand new brand. Recently, it is reported that BYD will release a brand new high-end brand in the fourth quarter, including a brand new brand logo. The brand will also be an independent brand, an independent team and an independent sales channel. It is reported that the first model will be released later, and the model has a high-end positioning, and the price range is expected to be 500,000-800,000 yuan.

In fact, it is nothing new for China brands to constantly improve their brand positioning and brand image, which is also what most brands are doing. Nowadays, we can no longer measure China brand with the eyes of "domestic cars" many years ago, especially in the field of new energy. We are familiar with Weilai, Ideality, Gaohe, Extremely Fox and Lantu, which all have good reputation and products.

For example, the average selling price of Weilai has exceeded 400,000, and the price is not lower than that of BBA models of the same level. Of course, it does not mean that selling more than BBA is a high-end brand. High-end brands often mean reliable quality, advanced technology, luxurious design and excellent service, which is a very comprehensive thing.


BYD’s mainstream new energy products are mainly concentrated inIn the range of 100,000-300,000 yuan, its products also have stable sales and high recognition. And if BYD will build high-end brands and models of 500,000-800,000 yuan, its greatest strength naturally comes from the stable sales volume and strong technical strength at this stage.